Chapter 20: Saving Millions

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(Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Ty Lee are seen preparing to fight Ermac.)

(Meanwhile at the Sky Temple, Zuko and Mirio Togata are seen in their way to the coliseum)

Mirio: I hope that woman is worth the trouble…

(Zuko is silent. Then Overhaul and Kollector come in)

Overhaul: Shao Kahn warned us about some possible interference with his plans.

Kollector: Nobody opposes Shao Kahn and lives!

Zuko: I’ll handle this six armed guy!

Mirio: You and me, Overhaul!

Overhaul: You will die, hero!

(Overhaul tries to hit Mirio, but the hero blows his belly, then hits him with a million of punches, knocking him out. As for Zuko, he uses his firebending abilities against Kollector, who deflects the fireballs with his knives, then tries to hit Zuko, but then Mirio comes in and grabs his wrists before starting to hit him with another millions of combos and defeats Kollector)

Mirio: Your emperor is the reason why millions in Outworld suffer. But I’ll save them!

(Then Goro comes in)

Goro: Where is that bastard who took what was mine?

Mirio: You’ll have to go through me first!

Goro: Think you can’t stop me? Don’t make me laugh!

Mirio: If someone will get the last laugh, that’s me!

(Goro attacks, but Mirio evades, then hits the shokan’s belly and just like he did to Overhaul and Kollector, he hits him with millions of combos before getting to bring him down. Then Sheeva comes in)

Sheeva: Follow me. I’ll guide you there!

(Zuko and Mirio nod in agreement.)

(Back to the coliseum, Ermac levitates Liu Kang before slamming him down, shoves Johnny Cage off, then hits Ty Lee in the back by teleporting before making a victory pose)

Shao Kahn: Ermac wins!

(Then Zuko, Mirio and Sheeva come in as Zuko sees Mai tied up)

Zuko: Over there!

Mirio: It’s her. And Kitana is trapped too.

Sheeva: We gotta free them.

(Then Mirio steps in the arena with determination)

Sindel: What’s this? Another challenger?

Shao Kahn: Interesting…

(Then Shang Tsung and Ozai come in)

Shao Kahn: You will fight Shang Tsung and the Phoenix King Ozai!

Ozai: You will not win, Mirio Togata. For each live you save, we kill other millions. Our Deadly Alliance cannot be stopped!

Shang Tsung: (chuckles) I agree with you in this!

(Ozai charges at Mirio, who avoids the attack, only to be hit by Shang Tsung’s flaming skulls, and then punched hard in the face by the Phoenix King. As both are about to finish him, Mirio gets up and as Ozai charges at him again, he grabs his wrist and throws him at Shang Tsung, who transforms into Raiden, then teleports before coming in and hitting him with a thunder bolt)

Shang Tsung: Nice try, Mirio!

Mirio: I can’t… give up… millions depend on me…

(Then Mirio gets up. Shang Tsung transforms into Katsuki Bakugo and tries to hit him, only to be hit in the belly by the hero, then knocked out)

Mirio: Is this the best you can do?

(Then Kintaro comes in)

Mirio: Another enemy, huh?

(Kintaro steps in the arena)

Kintaro: I’ll eat your heart!

Mirio: A cannibal villain, huh? Bring it on!

(Kintaro shoots a fireball, but Mirio avoids it. Then Kintaro jumps off and tries to stomp him, but Mirio avoids the shokan’s attack again. Enraged, Kintaro tries to grab Mirio’s neck, only to be hit by the hero and after being combed with millions of hits, the shokan is knocked out.)

(Zuko and Sheeva break Mai and Kitana free)

Zuko: Are you okay?

Mai: Zuko…

(Mai kisses Zuko while Mirio is cheered up by the outworlders)

Mirio: (raises his arms in victory) YEAH!

(Sindel gets enraged by seeing Mirio win and being cheered up, then she tries to choke him with her hair, only to be pierced by tarantula, who comes in)

Shao Kahn: SINDEL!!!

Mileena: How could you…

(Mileena tries to devour Izuku, only to be grabbed in the neck, then he cuts her head off)

Shao Kahn: MILEENA!!!

Tarantula: (points at Shao Kahn) You’re next, Shao Kahn! Your vendetta ends here!

Shao Kahn: Nobody interferes with my plans and lives to tell. For I am Shao Kahn!

Tarantula: Prepare to pay for your crimes!

(Tarantula fights Shao Kahn. The former emperor of Outworld shoots some energy blasts, but Izuku uses his firebending abilities to create a shield which defends him from each attack. Seeing that his blasts aren’t working, he uses his shoulder charge, breaking the fire shield, leaving Izuku wide open, then he hits his belly with his hammer, knocking him down at the ground. But Izuku manages to get up and throws a spear on Shao Kahn’s leg before pulling him, then uses a burning punch to hit Shao Kahn’s face, then his chest, causing the villain to spill blood by the mouth before falling down. Then Izuku is cheered by the outworlders as Kitana approaches him)

Kitana: Congratulations, Izuku Hasashi. Once again you’re the champion of Mortal Kombat!

(Then Ty Lee approaches Izuku)

Ty Lee: Izuku, my darling. I knew you could do it.

(Then the couple has a passionate kiss as the outworlders keep celebrating the end of Shao Kahn.)

(Meanwhile in a dark place, three figures watch Izuku)

????: So this is the one who killed Quan Chi!

????: Yes, brother.

????: He will pay for this, sister. I assure you.

????: It looks like Raiden is not the only one we should be worried about, right?

????: Great mother…

????: It’s your turn to remove the potential obstacles for the creation of a new era, my son.

????: I won’t fail you, mother.

(Some days later, Kitana and Raiden handshake, this symbolizes the peace between Earthrealm and Outworld)

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