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Y/n slunk to the back of her rolling chair, stretching and yawning from the long hours of sitting and writing.  A long, weary groan escaped from her throat as she flipped open her agenda. Her sore muscles added on to the tension she felt. She still had a few more things to read and write, plus the missing assignments that were due last week. Her head pounded, sharp and heavy as she searched up the recourses she needed on her computer. A migraine threatened at the back of her head. Ectoplasm was a great math teacher and all but, y/n was unable to keep up with the different lessons. Sometimes, it feels like he's teaching a new unit everyday. One day he's teaching trigonometric ratios of complementary angles, and another day he's teaching factoring techniques for trinomials. 

Whatever that means.

"Gotta keep working..." As she gathered her work together, she took the hours old bowl of rice and scooped a few bites, eating with more relish than the food warranted. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she remembered who gave it to her.

"I brought you this! I didn't see you eating lunch in the cafeteria or classroom so, I thought you might be hungry."

What a nice boy. I'll thank him later. She rested her head on the palm of her hand to think for a moment, but was then interrupted by a soft knock on her door. A faint call for her name was heard at her side. Y/n was too tired to look out and see who it was.

"Come in." She figured she could just get whoever it was to help her out with her papers.

"Um... it's locked." She flopped back on her chair and let out a loud, aggravated groan. Whoever it was was wasting her precious time that could be spent on her missing assignments. She trudged over to the door and turned the latch.

"Y/n!..You look awful.." Y/n wanted to give Izuku a piece of her mind but when she saw a bag of Chinese food in his grasp, she figured she could let things slide this one time.

"I know...You wanna come in?" He nodded, stepping inside. The first thing that grabbed his attention was her desk. It was crowded with her books, dual monitor, and paperwork. He picked up one of the papers on the floor to take closer look. 

"Y/n, this was due last week on Monday."

"I know."

"And this was supposed to be stapled with this as a packet and turned in together."

"I know."

"This was supposed to be handed to Mr.-"

"I know." She growled. She plodded back over to her desk, pushing Izuku with her shoulder. Izuku sat at the edge of her bed behind her rolling chair and took out his phone. He was surprised by what time it was. 

"Y/n, it's 2:34 in the morning."

"I KN- What?" She turned her head to her open balcony. The night sky was aglow with the blanket of stars. It couldn't be THAT late right? She checked the time at the lower right corner of her computer and sure enough, he was right. "Oh.."

"You should really rest now, y/n." He said, giving her a considerate look, accompanied by a resting, reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"But I-" She took a moment to take in all the work plotted in front of her. "I- Wh- Why are you awake then?"

"I woke up maybe 30 minutes ago? I couldn't go back to sleep though so I thought going out for a jog would clear my mind. But then, I ended up jogging to the nearest restaurant which happened to have Chinese food!"

"Mhm." Y/n nodded, letting him know she was listening.

"When I was coming back, I saw your light coming from your balcony."

"Uhhh how'd you know it was my light?"

I remember bringing you that bowl of rice right there at around...7? And at the time, you told me you were only studying. That reminds me!" Izuku set the bag of Chinese food in her lap. "I bought two trays, but I was only able to finish one. You can have it!" He smiled.

"Oh. Thank you." At first, she was happy about getting a free covered meal, but then she realized how selfish of a thought that was. How embarrassing. Having to be fed and taking freebies from others. She kept her head down low as she continued with her math work. "...Well I can't sleep yet. I'm not finished. Not even close."

"...I can ask Mr. Aizawa to give you a day off tomorrow if you want." Y/n sighed.

"If I get a day off tomorrow, that's means I'll have to make up the work you guys did on that day on Monday." Y/n pulled her hoodie over head, showing that she didn't want to be bothered.

"..." Izuku stood up behind her and snatched the paper and pencil from her grasp.

"What the hell?" He bent over her desk and began doing her work himself. Usually he would be showing someone how to actually do the work and not right away give the answers, but this time was different. He didn't like seeing y/n all worn-out and frustrated. When he finished, he handed it back to her, both front and back answered.

"I showed how I did it on all the problems. You'll be able to learn from my examples."

"If this is supposed to convince me to go to sleep, I'm not buying it." Izuku grabbed an English paper that was due last week and began working on it. "Y/n.." He kept his gaze and attention on the paper. "...I'll treat you to a restaurant tomorrow if you sleep on it." Y/n suddenly choked on air as she was about to speak.

"OH. I see what it is now." She laughed. 

"What?" He turned to her and studied her sudden change in expression.

"You're just using this as an excuse to take me on a date."

"Wh-What!? Of course not! As a classmate to another, I'm trying to explain to yell that you'll be refreshed tomorrow morning and you'll-"

"Oh come on Izuku. Spare me the talk. I didn't say I didn't want to. Besides, I did say that we'd go out soon as soon as I'd finish my things, but I guess that didn't age well." He tried to scowl at her, but all that came through was an embarrassed, wiggled smile. Y/n pinched his cheek and laughed.

"Alright fine. I'll go to sleep. But only because you said you'll take me out tomorrow."

"..." Y/n opened the door for him to leave.

"Night, Izuku."


Izuku scratched his head as he walked back to his dorm. How'd she know!? Was I too obvious??!!

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