☁️i love him?

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"Hey y/n, do you like anyone?" Mina asked. Denki, Kirishima, Mina, Izuku, and Ochaco huddled around her desk. Y/n looked up from her drawing and smiled.

"Like? I like everyone in our class. They're all kind in their own ways." She replied

"I mean do LIKE like anyone? As in LOVE?" Y/n cocked her head a little, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't get it. I like everyone." Denki chuckled.

"Okay. Well, have you ever kissed a boy before?" Mina asked, confident that there might be someone she kissed.

"Hmm." Y/n rested her chin on the palm of her hand.

"I've kissed my Dad before. Does that c-"

"You're so innocent, Y/n!" Kirishima laughed. Everyone around her desk nodded in agreement. Y/n went back to drawing, adding the features of its face. She drew round eyes, then adding the nose. Ochaco leaned over y/n's while she was drawing the smile.

"That looks like Deku, y/n!" She looked up and smiled.

"It is!" Everyone looked at her drawing and complimented her.

"Your drawing is so good, y/n!" Denki said.

"You out so much detail in it. It looks exactly like Izuku!" Kirishima exclaimed. Izuku stared at her drawing. It did indeed look exactly like him. Izuku blushed as everyone around her desk turned to him.

"I...I-I love it."

"Thanks you guys!" An idea popped into Mina's head. She walked over to Ochaco, a big smile plastered over her face.

"This might be a sign that she likes Izuku!" Mina whispered to her. Ochaco smirked and agreed.

"Y/n, do you want to sit with me and Mina at lunch?"

"Sure!" Ochaco and Mina looked at each other and smiled, knowing what they were both thinking.

"Alright class. Get to your seats." Mr. Aizawa said as he shuffled in.

"Today, we will be doing a test for unit 5." The entire class sighed.

~Time Skip

"So, y/n." Ochaco smirked.

"CAN WE SEE YOUR SKETCHBOOK?!" Mina blurted out. Y/n flinched.

"Sorry!" Mina apologized.

"Sure!" She smiled. She took out her bag and dug through it, finding her black leather sketchbook. She handed it to Mina. Ochaco leaned over her shoulder as Mina scanned through the pages with drawings. Mina smirked. Most of the drawings were of Izuku. Ochaco snatched the book from Mina's hands to get a better look at the drawings.

"Please be careful with my sketchbook!" Y/n said. They both looked at her and nodded. Ochaco skipped to the very last page of the book. It was titled 'Izuku Midoriya' and beneath it was a paragraph in neat writing. After reading it, their expressions softened. Y/n, you really are innocent.

"Y/n, can we show Izuku your sketchbook? He'll love to see the rest of your sketches!"

"O-okay! I'll be here if you need me." Mina and Ochaco ran across the lunchroom to where Izuku.

"Izuku, I think you would like to read this!"

"H-huh? O-oh! Y/n's sketchbook." Mina handed him the book which was opened to the last page. His eyes widened as he read the title.

Izuku Midoriya
When I first came to UA, Izuku was the first friend I made. He showed me around the school and got me caught up with the latest lessons they were learning. Me and him always like to hang out after school. At the cafe or the library. If you're in need of help or in pain, he will always be there for you, doing what he can to help out. Izuku may be plain looking, but I believe this boy is a great person. I will always have faith in him and hope that he will have great things in the future.

After reading the paragraph, he clenched the spot where his heart was. Everything she wrote was true. Izuku gave the sketchbook to Mina and Ochaco and thanked them for letting him read it. They scurried across the lunchroom back to their seats where y/n was.

"Y/n?" She looked up from a book she was reading.

"Oh hey. You're back!"

"This," Ochaco held the sketchbook and pointed to the writing. "...you explained him very well in this."

"This explains your feeling for him. You love hanging around him a lot, you love being his friend, and you believe in him. That's showing a lot of love for him."

"S-so I love him?" Y/n asked innocently.

"Yes!" Mina and Ochaco exclaimed.

"I...love Izuku." She's so cute.

"I'll go tell him!"

"WAIT. N-NO!" Too late. Y/n was already at the other table, telling him she love him. Ochaco and Mina watched from their table.

"I love you, Izuku!" Izuku blushed, smiling warmly and pulled her into a hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Izuku?" She stiffened up, arms at her side's.

"I-I love you t-too, y/n." The bell rang and they had to get back to class. Y/n ran back to Ochaco and Mina and grabbed her stuff.

"He loves me back!"

"Heh. We saw!" Y/n smiled to herself until a question popped into her head.

"Mina, Ochaco, since we both love each other, what do we do next?" They both smiled and face palmed.

"Don't worry. We'll tell you later."

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