☁️she likes you!

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"Mr. Aizawa forgot that there was class today and he came in 10 minutes before the bell!" Izuku said as he continued walking home with y/n. "Sometimes I just think he's really stupid!...oop-" He covered his mouth. "...sorry for my language," he apologized, blushing nervously.

Y/n ruffled his fluffy green hair. "You're so pure, Izu!" He blushed rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-I don't understand wh-what you mean by...pure, but o-okay-"

"Hey, dumbass," Katsuki greeted and started walking besides y/n.

"Hey Katsuki!" She let go of Izuku's hand and stood closer to Katsuki. Izuku sighed, lowering his head. He picked up the pace, walking a bit faster than them, giving them privacy. He took deep breaths, trying to hold his tears in. Y/n...


Izuku ran into his room and slammed the door behind him, jumping into the bed and burrying his face into his pillow. He began thinking of all the fun times that he had with y/n. He smiled and sighed.

He pictured himself holding her soft and hands in his, leaning close and kissing her on the forehead. Nothing could ever seperated them... except... Kacchan. Izuku sat up on his bed and hugged his All Might plushie for comfort. Tears started trailing down his freckled. I don't wanna be rejected again, but... I have to do it. I have to tell her how I feel...


Izuku watched from afar as y/n and Katsuki joked around with each other at a different lunch table. He sadly sighed and started playing with his food.

"...You okay, Izuku?" Kirishima asked. He let out another sad sigh and looked past him towards y/n. "Oh. I see... Don't worry bro." He stood up from his seat and around to Izuku, rubbing his back and smiling. "I know it's hard to see your crush with someone else, but trust me," he looked Izuku straight the eye. "She likes you-"

"Hey, Izu!" He looked up to see his favorite person. Just seeing her smile made him happy. Kirishima went back to his seat and smiled brightly. "I finished part 2 and 3 of our project so we could be ahead of everyone!" She smiled and sat down next to Izuku. A blush spread across Izuku's cheeks. He turned his head embarrassingly

"That's great! I-I did part 4 actually! I-It was pretty easy!" Izuku smiled back.

"Nice!....I-I..." Y/n took off her backpack and dug through it, pulling out a plastic container and a cute white bag. "I cooked these for you! I h-hope you enjot them!" She handed him both the bag and the plastic container, blushing nervously and quickly started walking.

"W-wait y/n!" He ran after her and grabbed her wrist softly. Y/n blushed and stood for a moment before turning around. "Sorry...I just wanted to ask you if you could..a-ah...come to my dorm this afternoon?" Izuku let go of her wrist. She smiled and nodded and Izuku walked back to the table. Kirishima looked at the bag. It was neatly folded and had All Might stickers on it. He smiled. Kirishima giggled.

"So, what'd ya get?" He blushed. He put them away in his yellow back pack and zipped it up.

"I want i-it to suprise!" Kirishima laughed.

"Of course you do."


Izuku sat down on in his dorm bed and smiled, quickly opening his gifts. Inside the white bag was a drawing of him and some macaroons. She drew this!? He blushed and put the drawing to the side. He took a macaroon, biting into it and letting it slowly melt his his mouth. Mmmm these are so good! He took out the plastic container and on it was a small note.

Hey Izu! I hope you enjoy these treats I have you! Only open this when you've warmed it up!

He smiled and walked out his dorm towards Todoroki's. "U-um Todoroki, do you mind warming this up for me?" He silently shook his head and took the container in his hand. He placed his palm under it and started using low heat on it. He gave it back to Izu and smiled.

"Careful. It's hot." Izuku nodded and walked back to his dorm. He sat at his desk and opened up the container. His mouth watered. Inside was his favorite food, pork cutlet bowel. Izuku grabbed the chopsticks that were neatly placed on the side and began eating. THIS IS SO GOOD Y/N. HOW DO YOU COOK SO GOOD-

Knock Knock

"Hey, Izu!" Y/n opened the door a little. she smiled and blushed when she saw Izuku eating her food. "Glad you like my cooking!"

"Mhhmm!" He hummed, mouth full. She sat on the bed next to him, picking up he bit macaroon and eating. "Mm- H-hey! I-I bit that one..." He blushed. Y/n shrugged

"It's okay, Izu! It's not like you have germs or anything. You're so clean pure!..In more ways than one," she giggled. He smiled, continuing to eat. "Anyways, was their something you wanted to tell me?" Izuku stopped and hesitated.

"A-ah! I...just wanted to tell you... you are the bestest friend I've ever had!" Y/n blushed.

"You are too! And I'm sorry for not always being with you. Katsuki likes me and I'm trying to make him think I like him back when I ditch him in the future...huehue..." By this time, she had a devilish grin plastered on her face, her eyes half way opened.

"O-oh! Well,..that's what I wanted to say." Y/n nodded.

"I'm gonna head to my dorm now to finish my homeworl," she got off his bed and headed towards the door. "See ya!"

"B-Bye!.....[INSERT REALLY CUTE IZUKU NOISES]" He blushed madly. Y/n...I like you.

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