No Good Dead Goes Unpunished

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The day had been exhausting for class 2-A, test after test for their last day before summer break. Everyone leaving the school together except for the class cinnamon roll who was getting her permission slip from Aizawa for a trip she was going on for two weeks.

As the class exited the front of the college they noticed a guy sitting sideways and what appeared to be a harley davidson motorcycle. He was the age of about twenty wearing a smooth black leather jacket and holding a black helmet in his hands.

"Who is that hottie?" Mina let a sultry tone out as the whole class migrated toward him out of curiosity.

"I don't know but he's pretty cute." Momo had joined in the conversation as they watched him looking at his phone while he sat.

Once the class was a few yards away the features of this strange man became clear, vibrant forest green hair, freckles ridling his face, and Bakugou realizing who it was.

"DEKU!!!" He charged to the head of the group as the young man looked up at him and an annoyed face appeared.

"Ugh. still an ass like always huh Bakugou." He sat his phone in his pocket and his helmet on the seat of the bike.

"What the hell are you doing here you damn Nerd!" Bakugou walked right up to him and got in his face.

The person now known as Deku to the class simply gave him an unamused stare. "That is none of your business dipshit."

This only enraged the blond and he went to grab the greenettes collar. Only for said person to grab his arm, twist it, and put Bakugou on his knees with his back to him. "You damn Nerd let me go!"

"Yeah thats gonna be a no from me bub." He turned to the rest of the class and scanned them before a frown made its way to his face. "She's not out yet."

"I'm sorry for Bakugous behavior!" Iida had come over and was robotically moving his hands. "My name is tenya Iida, class president of our class. And who might you be?"

Keeping his knee firmly planted in Bakugou's back, Deku spoke. "Names Izuku Midoriya. And trust me, I know just how bad he can get." With that said Izuku twisted harder making Bakugou wince.

"So what are you doing here Midoriya?" Kirishima asked as he walked over and grabbed Bakugou and held him to the side of the group.

"No offense but thats none of your business." Bakugou scoffed at him before retorting.

"Fucking Dropout." This caused a tick mark to appear on Izuku's head as he tried to retain his cool.

The whole class seemed confused before Kaminari asked his question. "So you two know each other?"

Bakugou got a maniacal smirk on his face and spoke before IZuku could. "Yeah, we went to highschool together before the fucking loser failed and was kicked out at the end of our third year." And then he spat at Izuku's feet.

Izuku took a deep breath, trying to keep from an outburst. "SO you failed out before your last year?" Mineta spoke with a snicker which earned Bakugou a deeper smirk.

Once again Izuku tried his hardest to keep his composure. "Yeah, rumor around the school was that he knocked up some bit-"

He was cut off by a sharp punch to his jaw that sent him and Kirishima sprawling to the ground from the impact.

"You... shut... your... fucking... mouth." In an Instant Iida and Kaminari had pulled Izuku away from Bakugou who was now unconscious on the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Kaminari asked in shock. As Midoriya took his seat on his bike and rubbed his hand with a scowl on his face.

"Asshole could never learn to shut his mouth about other people's business." Everyone was gobsmacked that someone managed to knock out Bakugou. And unbeknownst to the group Izuku had looked to the other side of his bike to check on something.

As everyone took a moment to process what just happened the doors opened at the top of the steps and out walked Ochako Uraraka. As she made it down the steps she saw the commotion and then noticed the bike and who was sitting on it."Izuku!" She yelled excited as she jumped down the stairs.

As if on cue everyone looked to her only to see Izuku practically zoom past them to her. After what happened, a few were a small bit worried about what he might do but those worries were knocked away at what happened next.

Izuku picked her up by her sides and spun with her as he smiled like a mad man, basically a complete flip from how he was before.

After a moment he set her down and hugged her with all his might, her giggling in response. "My Mochi, my love, I've missed you so much."

Ochako continued to giggle as she patted his head and hugged him. "I missed you too Izuku. Though it's only been a week since we've seen each other."

"I know, but i was really disappointed when they made you all move on campus. I miss you all the time now."

Izuku was now effectively pouting into her shoulder as he held her close and she giggled. The guy the entire class had just seen lay Bakugou out, was now a pouting puppy dog, puddy in the girls hand. And each of them were gobsmacked.

"Uhm, my dear Ochako," Mina said as she walked over to them. "Excuse my language but what the fuck?"

Ochako looked over at her friends and realized they had been watching. "Oh, I guess i should explain." She separated from Midoriya who grabbed her hand in his. "This is Izuku Midoriya. My husband."

This was the moment Kaminari and Mineta fainted. Most of the girls seemed to be a tad bit upset but did not let it show. "You're married? To him."

Ochako looked up at Izuku with a smile "Yep. for two and a half years."

"Uraraka, how could you have kept such an important detail from us. We are your classmates, and besides that point I do not trust him. He assaulted Bakugou." Iida gave the newcomer a glare from his position.

Ochako's gaze turned to one of worry as she looked up to Izuku who couldn't match her gaze. "He tried to bring up junior year didn't he?"

Izuku didn't respond, instead Mina stepped forward and spoke up. "He said something about junior year, and him having failed."

The man flinched a tiny bit in Ochako's arms. Ochako however had an angry glare at Bakugou. "Then the Asshole got what he deserved."

She pulled IZuku back into a hug as she got on her tiptoes and kissed him. "I'm sorry he had to do that again Izu. He never changes."

He simply hugged her tighter. "Uhm. Is everything ok?" Ochako looked over and glared at Iida before answering Kirishima.

"It will be, Bakugou is an ass who likes to pull at things he shouldn't to win. There's a lot more that happened our junior year then Bakugou ever brings up. And he lies to make things worse." She could see Iida take a step back with an air of shame.

"Well i'm sorry he acted out like that. Hes just a big lump of stupid sometimes." Kirishima nudged his friend as he spoke.

Ochako turned back to Izuku who was lifting his head back up after having hidden it so they wouldn't see the tears. "So, where is she? I figured you would be bringing her with you."

He seemed to brighten up a bit. "She's asleep in the sidecar, we had an early morning this morning."

With that said Izuku and Ochako walked through the class to the bike and she rounded to a sidecar that apparently no one had noticed. "Aww she's so sweet when she's napping, i wanna just shower her in kisses."

Everyone's curiosity got the better of them and they walked around to get a better view of the sidecar. Which had in it a four year old little girl in a pink leather jacket and resting her head on a small pink helmet as she laid across the cushioned seat, a small carseat set on the floor of the small sidecar.

All of the girls melted at the sight of the little napping girl, silver hair tied back in a messy braid and a soft snore coming from her. "She's so adorable!" Mina whisper yelled as to not wake her.

"She's been asleep for about a half hour, I think it's time she wakes up before we get going." Izuku walked over to the side car as he spoke and gently shook the little girl. "Hey Eri, it's time to wake up. Someone's here to see you."

The little girl looked up to see Izuku and smiled as she beckoned to be picked up. "Hey Papa." She yawned into his shoulder before looking at the group so that they could see her crimson red eyes.

As she watched them she felt someone poke her leg and she turned to see Ochako. "Hey Eri."

"Mama!" She jumped from Izuku's arms and into Ochako's as the two giggled and hugged each other.

"So you're the girl he got pregnant? I'm so confused about the story line here." Mina was rubbing her forehead in confusion as she tried to understand.

"No, I didn't get anyone pregnant. It's a long story." Ochako and Eri finished their giggle fest and Ochak turned to Izuku.

"Hey how about i fill them in while i go to the dorms and get my bag? You two can wait here for me." He agreed and Eri was handed over to him. "Mommy will be right back ok sweetie."

Eri simply nodded as she nuzzled into her Papa's shoulder and yawned. "We'll be right here waiting for you my love." Izuku wrapped an arm around her and connected them for a deep kiss.

"I'll try not to take too long." With that said Izuku sat down in the side car with Eri laying against his chest probably about to go back to sleep.

The rest of them walked back to the dorms following Ochako. "So you guys want to know the story."

"Yeah pretty much, this is a crazy little scenario you've got going right here." Toru said as she started leading the others behind Ochako.

"Well, it all started during christmas break of our junior year."

Flash Back

Christmas break had been relatively uneventful for Izuku and Ochako, the couple having enjoyed some time at her house watching christmas movies in front of a fireplace. Though now they had decided for lunch they would go out and get some food at a cafe.

The two had been walking on the way to the cafe, both decked out in their coats and Ochako clinging to Izuku's arm as she shivered from the cold. "I told you that you should have worn a scarf." He said as he removed his own and stopped them so that he could wrap it around her head, effectively stopping her shivers.

"Y-you w-were r-right." She said, still warming up. They continued their walk to the cafe.

However as they made it to the corner before the cafe, was when everything changed. Izuku instinctively put himself between the road and Ochako as he saw a driver barrel through the intersection and t-bone another car. Several people jumped and ran on instinct from the impact.

When Izuku turned he saw the car that had been hit, the driver's side caved in and fire engulfed the engine. Without thinking he bolted out to the car, first trying the drivers side. Though he could tell that the man in the driver seat was already gone.

He examined the car and noticed a woman in the passenger seat who still seemed to be conscious. Izuku rushed over to her side and tried to force the door open, the women bleeding badly from a head injury as the flames got worse.

As the door slowly began to budge Izuku heard the woman say something, "B- back... the b-back... go t-to the b- back... save her... please... save her..."

Izuku looked to the back and saw something that sent his adrenaline into overdrive. "I'll come back and get you." The woman looked at him and smiled as she shook her head.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to get them both. "Please... don't let her... get hurt..."

Izuku then went to the back door and forced it open, shattered glass and metal scattered across the felt seats from the impact. He crawled across the seat toward the infant car seat and tried to get it loose. The fire from the front of the car became more intense.

As the seat wouldn't budge Izuku grabbed a piece of metal, cutting his hand in the process, before leaning over the seat to see a little baby girl with a small gash on her arm. Though thankfully She seemed to be relatively unharmed from the ordeal.

He began cutting the belts away to free her and as soon as he did he carefully removed her from the seat. The whole time he could hear the women repeating thank yous as she lost consciousness. He finally pulled himself and the little girl from the car and tried to rush away, holding her to his chest as he kept his back to the cars.

Though he didn't make it far before the car exploded behind him and sent him flying forward, instinctively putting his now burned and cut up back to the pavement as he skidded to a halt several feet away, the baby in his arms having been shielded from the blast.

Ochako, in a fear induced panik, rushed to him on the pavement. Izuku was somewhat rattled and out of it after the blast as she tried to make sure he was ok. However as Ochako looked him over she gasped as she saw how horribly banged up his back had been.

After only a minute the police and EMS arrived on scene, the latter coming to where Izuku was and getting him into one of the ambulances with the baby and Ochako. They had elected to stay there and bandage him so the other paramedics could help anyone else injured. Though it wasn't long after the fires were put out that everyone could see the two parents who had died in the crash.

The police had searched for the driver of the truck that had run the light and after a few minutes found him passed out around the corner, drunk and completely unharmed.

Ochako was in a frenzy the whole time since Izuku was still dazed from everything, and Izuku refused to let go of the baby. He kept hearing what that mother had said to him, the last words he heard her saying before she died, "Thank you."

Thirty minutes or so after the fire was put out and Izuku had been bandaged the ambulance left to take him to the hospital. Once there they took him to a room to get checked over by a doctor and spend a day or two in the hospital.

At one point the doctor tried to take the baby from him in order to fully check his wounds and Izuku refused, holding the little girl close to his chest.

"Izuku," He turned to Ochako who was standing beside him, "Would it be ok if i held her? So the doctor can check your injuries?"

His response was shaky, but he agreed and carefully handed Ochako the baby who was still out. She had been checked earlier and the doctor said she would be fine, the car seat had absorbed most if not all of the impact.

The doctor began checking his injuries and tending to what he could while Ochako sat next to him with the baby. Izuku was still dazed, so he hardly felt the doctor, his gaze was locked onto the baby in Ochako's arms.

Once the doctor was done Izuku once again took the little girl and held her in his arms as he layed back on the bed. He was sat up by the raised back of the bed, Ochako sat next to him in a seat. The T.V. was on but Izuku didn't pay any attention to it, of course neither did Ochako as she kept watching Izuku. His mother was on her way but she was coming from the next town over due to having been on a court case that day.

As they sat there, Izuku staring ahead of himself, the baby still not having woken up. THough it had only been two hours. He finally spoke, "Ochako..." She stood and made her way to the bed beside him.

Before another word was spoken he reached out and took her hand. "What is it Izuku?" She spoke in a soft tone and had a worried look in her eyes.

"Can... can you lay with me..." She smiled lightly and carefully climbed up next to him, his left arm pulling her close to him as she could feel him shaking lightly.

"It's gonna be ok Izuku. I promise." She scooted against him and laid her head on his shoulder, looking down at the little girl. "She's really cute."

He didn't respond at first, just looked down at the baby. Once he did speak his words broke Ochako's heart. "She told me to leave her, she kept repeating the back, the back. She wanted me to go to the back. Once I did, she kept thanking me. Over and over again while I got the baby out. She asked me to make sure she didn't get hurt. She didn't care that she was about to die. Just as long as i saved the baby..."

Ochako looked up to Izuku as he had some tears in his eyes, "It's ok Izuku, it's ok to be upset." She lifted her hand to his cheek and as she kissed him he began to break.

He started to lightly sob and Ochako moved to hold him and let him cry into her shoulder. Though he was only crying for ten minutes when they heard a small whimper.

The two of them looked down to the baby in his arms and saw her start to wake up, revealing beautiful crimson eyes to go with her silver hair. She looked up at them and whimpered again on the verge of crying as her left hand instinctively whent to her other arm to tug at the bandage that was on her gash.

Ochako hit the nurse call button and she came in to see the baby awake. She had grabbed some formula for the baby and checked her out now that she was awake as Izuku sat to work feeding her. He had calmed down for the most part, well at least his shaking had subsided as he watched the little girl eat.

It wasn't long into her meal that there was a knock on the hospital room door. As it opened the two could see two police men walk in. "Mr. Midoriya?" Izuku simply nodded. "We're here to get your statement about the accident earlier."

And with that Izuku told them everything, what happened that caused it, trying to help the women, the words that she said to him, and trying to get far enough away before the explosion. He made it through for the most part but held Ochako's hand through talking about the mother.

Once he was done the two officers shared a look at each other. "Well thank you for that information. We have the driver in custody, though he's not of much use till he sobers up."

Over the next few hours they sat in the hospital room with the little girl, Ochako staying right next to Izuku curing it all. "Ochako..."

She looked up at him and squeezed his arm with her hand for comfort before speaking. "What is it Izuku?"

He continued to look down at the little girl in his arms, "I... the thing is... i... i don't know how to say it..."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know what you're wanting to say, you want to take her in. so that she isn't alone. I agree. I know how you feel about this stuff. And I want to promise you, I'm not gonna walk away. This is us, the two of us. Together till the end right?" He smiled as he leaned against her.

Later that day his mother arrived, and upon seeing her son asleep with the baby and Ochako, figured that she knew where this would be headed. The next day Izuku was discharged and they went home, Inko having already started the paperwork for him to adopt the little girl, who they named Eri.

The man who caused the wreck was sent to court over the parents death and Izuku was asked to attend as well because the prosecutor wanted to have the man pay for what would be considered child support. Which he did and since he was a very successful businessman, that meant Izuku was paid a hefty amount of money for the care of Eri.

However as all of this went on and Izuku was struggling with what he went through and his school work suffered. The second semester of his junior year was spent suffering grades and learning how to be a father, as well as mandatory therapy for the trauma of dealing with the mother's death. Which accumulated in him failing and being kicked out.

Flash Back End

"So that's what really happened. Bakugou is just an ass who hates when someone is better than him." Ochako walked into the dorms with the class right behind her.

"That seems harsh of the school, were they not aware of what happened?" Momo seemed genuinely concerned over the situation as she asked her question.

Ochako just sighed. "Yes, they were made aware. But they said since he adopted her of his own choice then it was his responsibility to balance it not theirs. They were very awful about it."

They walked inside and Iida spoke next. "Well he seems to be doing well. I assume things worked out for him."

Ochako grinned and tried not to laugh. "Oh we are. You know 'Cafe Cocoa'? That really nice cafe in town."

Everyone nodded as she stopped walking and turned to them "What of it?"

"Izuku owns it." The class was taken back instantly.

"He owns the cafe?!" The outburst came from Toru this time and Ochako just smirked.

"Yep, that's the main reason Bakugou hates him. Because we have our house in the city, a beach house, and a cabin in the mountains. So basically Izuku handled the situation well. He ended up using the money he got from the trial to open the cafe during my senior year. Eighteen years old and he is the proud Papa to a one and a half year old and owns his own business. He also took the entrance exam for UA so he's going to be going into our business course next year, something about making Cafe Cocoa a chain or something."

While everyone processed their shock Ochako went upstairs and changed quickly into some jeans, a tee, and her very own leather jacket and helmet that she wore when riding with Izuku. Once she got her bag she headed back down to see a few guys trying to drag Bakugou to his room as she left.

Once she left the class was still in shock but that didn't matter to Ochako, she had told the story and now it was time for her to go on vacation. Once she met Izuku and Eri at the entrance they greeted her again before they got ready to go. Izuku situated Eri's carseat and Ochako climbed on the bike behind him.

And with that the family made their way to their beach house for the start of summer break.

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