Day 2: Recovery

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Fantasy Au

Midoriya is standing at the edge of a cliff with heavy amounts of damage. A sword in one hand and his other arm is bleeding heavily from his shoulder.

He's standing in front of a man decorated with severed hands. Standing next to him is a girl with many knives and a tall man with burn scars and black charcoal hair.

Rain is falling on them like arrows from the heavens and Midoriya is close to losing consciousness. He breathes heavily and tries to keep his vision clear as the handed man walks forward. "All Might was a fool to choose you to give his power to. I will take my master's place and rule this world." He says.

Midoriya tries speaking buy he felt the moment he made any movement it would take all of his energy and he would fall to his death. But even if he didn't fall backwards, the enemy wouldn't leave him alive.

The foe took his final step and was standing in front of the green knight. "You're not ready to defeat us. Just know in the months to come, your kingdom will fall. I wish I could've killed you then, but this is still as satisfying." He taunts him.

Midoriya just groaned in response. 'I'm sorry mom. I wish I could've made you proud.'

The sounds of galloping horses could be heard in the distance. They turn to see two approching enemies. An ashy blonde at the front, and a man with red and white heaur following behind him.

"As much as I want to continue murdering you lot, I have work to get to. Goodbye Midoriya." He says as he puts his hand on his chest and pushed him over the edge.

The two newcomers finally get to them and see Midoriya pusdhed over the edge. "MIDORIYA/DEKU!!!" They yell. It's too late. Their friend was gone.

The man turnes around and removed the hand covering his face. "Such a shame tour friend is dead. He won't be there to the conquer of your kingdom." He gives them a sadiistic smile.

They pull out their swords and prepare for battle.

He turns to the scarred man. "Dabi. Get us out of here." The man named Dabi ignited his hand and surrounded them in fire. When the flames dispersed they were gone.

Bakugou and Todoroki ran to the edge to look at the final place they saw their friend. They left to inform everyone of the bad news.


Midoriya wakes up with a headache and sees in in someone's home. He sat up with slight difficulty. He looked around his surroundings to see he's in an oddly shaped home with trinkets, vials, and some scattered books.

The door to the home opens to show a brunette with fare skin, round cheeks, deep chocolate eyes wearing a white gown. Midoriya's eyes widened as he saw her. He's never seen someone more beautiful in his life. Not even the most farest of maidens in the kingdom compared to her.

"Your awake!" She says snapping him out of it. "O-Oh yeah. Who are you? And where am I?" He asks. "I'm sorry. My name is Ochako Uraraka. And this is my home." She answers. He then remembers what happened. He fell off the cliff.

"How am I alive? I fell off a cliff into a forest." He asks. "I don't know. I found you close to death not too far from here and was barely able to save you with my medicines." She answers.

He stands up and walks to her while limping. "Thank you." He says giving her a smile. She blushes slightly. "You're welcome. Now I have question. What's your name? I'd like to at least know the name of the stranger in my house." She asked."I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you. And thank you for taking care of me." He holds out his hand and she shakes it. "You're welcome."

"Now I have to go. My kingdom needs me." He says taking his stuff and struggles getting out the door. When he exits he sees that her house is in the trunk of a very tall tree. He suddenly feels himself floating and reentering the house.

"Oh no you don't. You aren't going anywhere with those injuries. You're staying here until you've fully healed." She orders him putting him back onto the bed. "But I have to protect my people from a coming threat. If they take the kingdom then the rest of the world is next." He explains. She's takem back by this and thinks. "How long until this attack?" She asks. "Four months." He answers.

She smiles. "You'll have plenty of time until then to heal. Healing fully will take 2 months. And the trip back to your kingdom will take another month on foot. You'll still have a month. Just please take rest and let yourself heal." She asks him.

He thinks about it. "Okay."


Two weeks have passed since Midoriya came onto Uraraka's care. She's been more than caring. He also got a little flustered when she had to touch him to check on his broken bones and wounds. He was also able to see her get a little red faced touching his muscles. He's also been trying to explore the forest more. It's actually quite peaceful with no hostile animals.

He was sitting in his bed reading a book from her shelf. A story about a climb in social class. From the dirt to high class wealth.

As he was reading, he saw her messing with vials and other things. He smiles and looked at something else. A small painting of her as a small child with two other people. A woman  that looks like an older version of her and a man with dirty blonde hair.

"Hey Uraraka?" He says to get her attention. She turns to him with. "Yeah?" He looks back at the painting. "Are those people with you in that painting your parents?" He asks her. Her face falls and she looks at the ground. "Yeah....they were." She says softly.

He looks at her sorrowfully. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask about something personal!" He apologizes. She smiles and waves her hand. "It's fine. It was a long time ago." She says and turns back to the vials. She takes one of them and sits next to Midoriya. "Drink this. It'll speed up the recovery so we'll be able to keep to that schedule." She tells him.

He nods and drinks it. It tasted sour but something felt different. His ribs didn't hurt as much. They still hurt like hell, but they aren't as bad as before. The wound from hisnleft shoulder felt a little more closed up. Overall the effects were working.

"I'm starting to feel better. Thanks." He says giving her a smile. She blushes and smiles back. "You're welcome."


The first month and a half has passed.  Midoriya has been able to walk around better and could move his arm more. He started walking around the tree home to exercise his legs to keep them in shape. He still had to keep things slowly, so no running.

He and Uraraka were eating the dining table having dinner. "How are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm feeling great. I almost feel like my old self again. Soom I'll be able to return to my kingdom." He says smiling brightly. Her smile fades and looks disappointed.

He took notice if this and wanted to know what was wrong. "Are you okay? You seem down." He asks concerned. "I'm fine. Y-You're just the first patient I've had jn a very long time so I'm just gonna kinda miss you." She says. Midoriya blushes at this statement and she blushes profusely when she realizes what she said.

"N-No I mean-" "I get it." Midoriya cuts her off. She calms down to listen to him. "You're just lonely. Anyone would miss the first guest they had jn years, huh?" She smiles and nods again.

Later that night, Midoriya's awoken by sounds he heard in the home. He turned to Uraraka's room and knocked on her door. "Uraraka?" He got no response and went inside. He saw her tossing and turning in her bed while breathing heavily.

He rushes to her bed and tries waking her up. "Uraraka, wake up! It's just a nightmare! Ochako!" She jumped up and hugged him in response and started crying. "It's okay. It's okay. What's wrong?" He says comforting her.

"I'm sorry. It's just........when you said you were leaving it brought back bad memories." She says. "It's okay.  You don't have to talk about it." He says in an understanding tone. She pulls away from him. "No. It's okay. I want to." He nods in agreement.

"It was when I was a little girl. I lived in a peaceful village on the outskirts of the kingdom. But one day, pillagers came to our village and burned it down. Everyone died. Even my parents. I*sob* had to watch them die right in front of me. I just barely made it out of there. I left them to die. I could've healed them but it was all my fault. And when you said you were leaving, it brought back those painful memories. You were the first person in so long that I actually wanted to get to know. To be close to. I'm sorry for putting this in you." She starts sobbing again.

He's taken back by her words. And felt bad for wanting to leave without knowing this. He thought about how much she would've hurt by herself if he did leave without knowing this. "Hey. It's okay. I'll stay by your side tonight. I won't leave you. I'll stay until Shigaraki and his forces go to my kingdom." He says reassuring her.

She looks up at him. "You promise?" He smiles and wipes her tears. "I promise." He gets off the ned and pulls up a chair next to it. "I'll be right here." He says. She nods and lays back down facing him. "Goodnight, Midoriya." She falls asleep holding his hand. "Goodnight, Uraraka." He falls alseep not too long after.


Another week has passed and Midoriya has spent each night in Uraraka's room making sure she didn't get anymore nightmares. It was during that time they realized they hed immense feelings towards each other. But didn't want to say anything to ruin their friendship.

Midoriya was returning from training. His injuries have pretty mucb completely healed and can use his power more efficiently now. He was making his way back to the tree, then he saw horses outside and screaming.

"Where is Midoriya?! What have you done with him?!" He hears one of the voices scream.

When he gets there he sees Todoroki there with two other knights. "I didn't do anything with him!"

"Liar! These are his clothes! Now where is he?!" He demands to know. "Todoroki! Stop!" Midoriya comes in demanding. They turn to him in shock. "Midoriya! You need to come with us. Shigaraki and his forces are advancing early."

"What?!" Midoriya exclaims in surprise. "Yes. We need to go now." Todoroki tells him.

Midoriya looks over at Uraraka and she's looking at the ground. "Alright. But I want her let go and come with us. She can heal those that are hurt in battle." He orders Todoroki. He nods and orders for the guards to let her go.

"We brought another horse for you. She can rise with you." Todoroki says exiting the home. The two others, HollowLegend and Shonaku, follow shortly.

"Why would you do that? I could manage staying here." She says confused. "Because I don't want you living by yourself anymore. I want you to live in the kingdom...." He grabs her hands. "And to be with me." They both blush.

"I don't want to be without you. Please. Will you be with me?" He asks her. Tears of happiness form in her eyes. "Of course. I love you."

"I love you too." They lean in and embrace in a passionate kiss.

They leave the home and embark back to the kingdom.

End of day 2. Thanks for reading.

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