The great neverland rescue

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Ok so I decided and i will finish this story so i hope you enjoy it!! ❤️❤️
Jake's POV
I quietly tip toed around the room the dragon was sleeping next to it was a big cage that held izzy she was so weak and lying on the floor of the cage "Please don't be dead" he repeated in his mind "I can't lose her" so he quietly went to Izzy's cage and whispered "Izzy it's me Jake" her eyes fluttered open and she said weakly "Jake is that you?" At these word Jake could scream of happiness she was okay but her voice sounded as she hadn't eaten in days Jake knew this would happen so i gave her a sandwich I packed for her she thanked me and said "Thank you Jake but it really is hopeless I tried escaping but it didn't work then Jake said "Oh yes now you will" then he tosses his backpack to Izzy took some pixie dust and tried to wake up the dragon it worked his eyes opened and Jake said "Oi dragon breath bet you can't catch me then he flew off leaving a very worried Izzy then suddenly she understood the plan Jake would distract the dragon and i could escape with the supplies in his bag.
Izzy's POV
I saw many good supplies in Jake's bag so I used the one closet to me and it didn't work then the second "Yay hay no way it worked now I can't go after the dragon I am too weak i will send a signal to Jake she put some pixie dust on a rope in Jake's bag and almost immediately he returned but so did the dragon but then i tripped on a rock and i was stuck but just as the dragon found me Jake came in front of me and helped left the rock then Jake said "Izzy i have to destroy the dragon I can't let neverland like this" he said sadly even though I didn't want to see him go I understood and said "Be carful Jake" i said tearfully then i kissed him on the cheek for good luck and he went to find the dragon i stood there because I wanted to see Jake i need to make sure nothing happens to him then after a few minutes I saw Jake kill the mighty beast and then there came the moment I was looking forward to to set sail and head home.
Ok there will be on more chapter and the story will be done thanks for all your support and i'll see ya later mateys

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