Chapter 11

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TW: Flirting, cheating (I guess)

The bell rang and Damien grabbed his things, leaving the classroom. It had been a week and a half since the spiritism session and his panic attack and everything seemed to be back to normal. Roman and Remus had taught him how to deal with his intrusive thoughts without panicking every time one got dark. He had it all under control. He walked to his locker and put his books in. He had a free period but Roman didn't, so he wouldn't see him until lunch. Same with the others. He would be alone the entire period... how cool was that?

He sighed and closed the locker, almost jumping back as he saw an all too familiar face behind it. "Hi, Damie~, Roman isn't here now." She smiled. Damien frowned. What did she want now? He didn't want anything with her. Not even a conversation about the weather. And she just kept suffocating him.

He rolled his eyes. "Wow, good deduction, Sherlock," he said, turning to leave. She grabbed his wrist and he frowned. "Jane. Hun... let me go. Right now." He hissed, tensing up as thousands of intrusive thoughts surfaced. He closed his eyes for a moment... and everything went dark for him.

"Awe, come on, Damie~," she said, almost cooing at him. He turned and raised an eyebrow. "Roman won't be here in about an hour... why don't we hang out...?" she asked, walking closer to him.

A small smirk tugged at his lips. "That doesn't sound bad at all..." he said.


"Patton," the teacher called. The boy looked up from his notebook, tilting his head a bit. "Can you go to the supply room and get a couple of markers?" he asked.

Patton nodded. "Right away." He smiled, getting up and walking out of the class. He skipped happily to the supply room. He was so happy that all the possession thing was over. He was sure he wouldn't be able to take it anymore without losing his shit.

He hummed as he grabbed to markers and locked the door again. He heard Damien talking to someone in the other corridor and frowned, slowly walking over, noticing he was talking to Jane.

However, as he got closer, he froze.

Damien was leaning against his locker and he was whispering something in Jane's ear as she blushed and giggled. No. That couldn't be right. Why would he be talking so intimately to her? It was Jane! He despised Jane. There was no way that was actually them... maybe- maybe it was a doppelgänger or something... just don't say anything, Pat... don't say anything and leave. Just turn back and go to class, where you're meant to be-

"Damien?" he called before covering his mouth. Damien looked up and saw him, frowning lightly. "I- I was just- is everything... okay?" he asked shakily, feeling Damien's gaze burning through him.

"Yes, Patton. Everything's fine," Damien said. Patton noticed something weird in his voice, like that wasn't Damien, but he could see him. It was. "Just go to class, I wouldn't want to hold you back." His voice was sickeningly sweet and that scared Patton. But he did as told, walking to class quietly, a slight tremble of fear shaking his body.

Of course, no one noticed it as they were all too busy doing classwork. And Patton was thankful.


"Hey, Love." Damien smiled as he turned, seeing Roman. How could he be so in love with someone at only 17? He moved closer and kissed him. "How did you cope without me?" he asked with a bright smile as the others arrived at their usual spot on the bleachers.

Damien thought for a moment. "Pretty well," he said. "See? I can live for a bit without you, Prince Roman the Handsome." He chuckled.

Roman pulled him on his lap and kissed him, holding him close. "As if that's ever happening again," he said against his lips, making Damien blush darkly. "Princes don't leave their damsels alone to be in distress." He smirked.

Damien raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" he asked, kissing him again. "Does that mean you'll never leave me alone again? ... Cause that sounds pretty good." He smiled.

Roman smiled. "Hmm... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what I mean." He chuckled. Leaning in to kiss him again.

"Ugh. Guys, just stop, please," Virgil huffed from his spot beside Logan. "Can we just be like normal people and talk about our day and how much we hate our teachers instead of making out?" he asked, shifting a bit.

Damien rolled his eyes and pecked Roman's lips before getting off of him. He looked at the others, waiting for any of them to start a conversation.

Patton was the first one to talk, almost shakily, "uh... how was free period, Damien...?" he asked. Damien blinked in confusion. "Well... I'm guessing it was- boring... right?" he quickly added, trying not to go into panic mode.

Damien nodded. "Yeah, I guess... it wasn't too fun being alone without you guys," he said. "Oh, Remy, I need to talk to you later after school." He looked at him, giving him a look that could only mean secrecy.

Remus smirked. "Hey, Dee, why don't you invite me over as well~" He got closer to Damien, only for Damien to push his face away.

"I would rather die, Remus," he said with a chuckle. He kissed Roman's cheek and glanced at Remus, who pouted.

Emile looked at them and rolled his eyes. "Oh, guys," he said, getting everyone's attention. "My parents will be working all week, why don't we go somewhere tonight?" he asked with a hopeful smile. "Just a hangout without trauma."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, sounds fun. We can go to our place, I'm sure our parents won't mind, right, Dee?" Virgil smiled, leaning against Logan slightly.

Damien nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine with it," he said. "We just need to split the rooms." Everyone's gaze fell on Roman, waiting for him to make the groups.

Roman thought for a moment. "Okay. Room 1, Dee and I. Room 2, Virgil and Logan. Room 3, um... Remus and Emile- no, Patton. And room 4, Remy and Emile." Everyone nodded in agreement and the bell rang. "I'll take Dee, you figure out the car groups," he said, taking Damien's hand and getting up. "See you later, plebs."

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