Chapter 20

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TW: Murder, blood

Damien stormed out of Roman's house. That was all he knew. He had no idea where he was headed to. He had no idea where he would end up. He didn't really care. How could Roman accuse him of killing Remus? How could he break up with him?! How could he be so fucked up to think he'd ever hurt Remus?!

With that train of thought, everything vanished.

He headed to the school. It was closed. And he knew for certain it was empty. He frowned. If it was empty, what purpose did it serve him? No. there was no point in going to an empty hell. There had to be someone around. Someone he could use for his cause.

Virgil seemed to think he hadn't killed Remus. That was a problem. At least for now. He needed Virgil to believe it was still him... but having him separated from Roman gave him one more target. Where should he head to?

Logan? No, too easy. Logan was the easy target. It wasn't good enough to be sacrificed just yet. Roman wasn't an option. All fingers would point to him. Roman was the one who believed he was the killer... Virgil was also a bad option. He had to keep Virgil. At least until the end of the story... he had to believe his eyes and not his instincts. He couldn't stray too far or he'd have to die as well.

That left two targets.

One, the bubbly and aspiring therapist. And two, the sassy bitch of the group.

The decision wasn't a hard one after that realization. He knew exactly where to go. And, as he walked, he glanced at the bar. He glanced at the pool of blood on the road. The lights of police cars still at the scene. It was a pretty nice sight, really.

The house wasn't far. It was a two-minute walk. Something was off, though. The lights were on. All the lights were on. Why would all the lights be on? It was almost 4:30 am. Maybe it wasn't the right time. Maybe it was. From what he knew Remus and Emile were somewhat close... maybe they found out about the 'accident'? But it'd been hours since it happened.

He froze as he heard Emile's dad at the door, talking to another man. He frowned and hid behind the front porch. He peeked over as the door opened and saw a police officer walk out of the house. What was a police officer doing there?

He felt in his pocket. Perfect, the knife was still there. He came out of his hiding spot and walked over to the officer. "Sir?" he asked innocently, looking at them. "Did something happen in there?"

The officer turned to him, giving him a strange look as he saw it was a teen. "There was a homicide at the bar a couple of blocks away. We are asking the neighbors if they heard or saw something. What are you doing here, kid?"

Damien shrugged. "One of my best friends lives here, I got broken up with and I was looking for support," he lied, shoving his hands in his pockets, subtly taking the knife.

The officer started talking, but Damien wasn't listening. He looked at his neck, almost like a vampire hungry for blood. He smirked lightly and lunged forward, slicing the officer's neck open. Blood splashed all over his clothes and he tilted his head as the officer dropped dead to the ground.

He glanced at the knife and shrugged. "It makes the cut," he said, running away to avoid being seen.

That was when he came to.

In the middle of an empty park. It was dark... it was so dark. It was cold. Very, very cold. Especially when he noticed he was covered in blood despite the rain falling on him. What- whose blood- why was he-.

He started shaking. First, his hands and knees, followed by the rest of his body. He couldn't understand anything of what was going on. His blackouts... roman... nothing made sense. And now he was covered in someone's blood! Why?! Whose blood was that?! What had happened?

His mind was racing with questions. What should he do now?! He couldn't keep it to himself. But if he went to the police, he'd get arrested and go to jail and he was /not/ up for that. He looked at his hands. One was covered in blood. The other wasn't. What did that even mean?!

God, he was panicking so quickly. He needed Virgil... but he was probably still with Roman. Speaking of which... Back in Roman's place, Virgil was wearing Roman's clothes... were they- No. Not the right time for that. He tried to wipe off the blood from his hand and ran away to the first place that popped up in his mind. To someone who would help him before interrogating him.

He rang the doorbell. Once. He couldn't be too panicked in the middle of the street. He looked around nervously, hoping no one was around. A very irrational thought considering the fact it was just a few minutes past 5 am.

The door opened and both Logan and Damien tensed up.


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