Chapter 1 Part 2 - Just a Normal Day...

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After a while of Blue beating Dust in Mario Kart, 15 times, Dust gave up. "I get it, I get it. You are the champion! Anyways I should be heading back or Mr. Anger Issues might wreck the entire castle." Blue nodded his head. "Yeah, it's probably time for me to head out too. I don't want Carrot to come looking for me, as overprotective as he is."  "I need some info about what happened at your base today, an I have to get back on time 'cause I don't want to sleep outside again." He made a portal leading to Underswap. "Thanks Dust..." He hugged Dust one last time before entering the portal. Dust sighed and headed to Nightmare's Castle, not ready for what would have awaited him when he got there(Cough cough, an angry octopus, cough cough). Blue entered his home to find Carrot on the couch sleeping, Blue wasn't in the mood to deal with anything else that day so he just walked up to his room and tried to sleep.

The next day he awoke to a loud bang. "Not again-" Blue sighed. He got out of bed not looking at the time, and headed down to the kitchen, to see Carrot attempting to cook, again. "Heh, sorry bro. Did I wake you?" "No, you are fine..." Blue looked down at the now dented pan. Blue sighed again, he wasn't in the mood for this right now but put on a smile so Carrot wouldn't ask him anything. "What were you trying to make?" "Eggs." Blue headed over to the pan and picked it up off the ground before cracking open a couple eggs on it and making them sunny side up. "Here you go." Blue handed Carrot two sunny side up eggs, to find that Carrot had already left to Muffet's. Blue looked down at the eggs and put them into the fridge for later. He then looked at the time, now realizing that he overslept. He was later for his daily meeting with Alphys. No wonder Papyrus was awake before him. Blue dashed out the door trying to run to Alphys house. He thankfully was only a couple of minutes late when he got there, and Alphys was waiting at the door concerned. "Huff, huff. Sorry Alphys, Huff, Huff." Alphys looked over at Blue and had the looks of relief. "Oh, I almost thought you weren't gonna make it." "Yeah, sorry." "Anyways how's your patrolling going along with all the Star Sanses stuff?" "You know, the usual." Blue didn't want to bring up yesterday. "Really? No attacks on AU's?" Blue shook his head. "Okay, anyways you ready to train?" "Yep!" "K for this training I want us to spar." "Okay, is that it?" "Mhm, you ready?" "Yep," Blue got in a fighting position, and then fought Alphys.

*Time Skip brought to you by MTT Human Soul Substitute* 

"You are getting better! See you next time!" Alphys waved at Blue as he walked away heading back to Snowdin. He walked in his house to find Carrot not there. Blue sighed, "Probably at Muffet's still..." He walked up to his room, and pulled out his phone to see if he missed any messages during training. He had a few from Red and one from Dream. He looked at Dream's message first. Dream: "Hey, Blue are you okay?" He looked at the question and was confused before he remembered he could sense emotions. He didn't want to lie but he didn't want to talk about it so he responded with a simple,

"No, not really" and Dream was quick to respond.

Dream: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Blue: 'No, but thanks."

Dream: "Okay, just know I'm here if you need anything."

Blue: "Yeah." Blue then looked at Red's messages labing him as Ex.

Red: "Hey, I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Red: "Can we get back together?"

Red: "Blue?"

Blue didn't want to respond to him so he just left him on read which made his soul ache. Blue then messaged Dust wanting to take a break from the world.

Blue: "Hey, you free today?"

Dust: "Yeah. Why?"

Blue: "Wanna rematch?"

Dust: "Oh your on! No one just beats my highscore and gets away with it!"

Blue: "Can you teleport me there?"

Dust: "Mhm, where are you?"

Blue: "My room in Underswap."

A portal suddenly appeared beside him. He entered to find the same woods as before and Dust staring at him with his game face on. They both wandered inside and started racing.

Blueberry's P.O.V.

I happy of how generous Dust was, he could have done something else with his day but here he is wanting to hang out with me, trying to help me. I think, I might like him. We then continued playing until it started to get dark.


A/N: So I have most of this written out on a Doc. and so I have up to the 5th chapter so I wanna post maybe every Tuesday and Thursday, so that I have time to write. 

Anyways, have a good rest of your day my wonderful sharkies!!
Author-chan out!

Edit: Yes, these first few chapters were inspired by the same song, that may happen more than once...

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