Halloween Special!!!

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A/N: This is has somethings in it that has to do with the story, but its not technically a chapter. Anyways, enjoy!!! 
Warning: This was a special chapter so it will be longer than the others.


Blue's P.O.V.

It was Halloween eve, Ink, Dream and I were all very excited. They all had their costumes ready, but I kinda waited last minute, and now I am asking Dust for ideas.

Dust: why would you wait last minute?!

Blue:idk I kinda lost track of time... 😅

Dust: Oh, okay... What were you thinking?

Blue: uhhhhhh....

Dust: Really?

Blue: I haven't had anytime to plan okay

Dust: Alright, alright

Blue: what are you going as?

Dust: You know, me and the guys thought it would be cool if we dressed up as eachother, so i'm playing Horror.

I laughed at the thought of seeing Nightmare in someone else's clothes.

Blue: I see!

Dust: Don't tell me you are going to make Ink, Dream and yourself switch clothes, that our thing....

Blue: No, I got something else in mind...

Dust: Okay, see you later tonight!

Blue: See you!!

I set down my phone as I got out one of my old outfits I don't wear too much.

It had a blue bandana, a grey shirt, shoulder pads, blue pants, and blue boots. I set the clothes on my bed, then I quickly asked Dream to teleport me to the Halloween store before it closed and he teleported me there without asking me any questions, which was nice.

I headed over to the costume makeup and started to look for fake blood and dust. When I finally found some I grabbed them and ran over to find a prop, I needed a knife. I didn't trust myself with a real one, I don't know what kind of trouble I could get into if I hurt myself or others. When I finally found a very real looking fake knife, I headed over to the check-out and bought the things I needed.

I then called my taxi to come pick me up (aka Dream). He looked at my bag trying to see if he could see what was inside, but he could not. We both headed into the base and I headed up to my room to work on my costume.

3rd Person

Ink and Dream watched as the excited blue skeleton ran up to his room, with a bag. "What do you think he is doing?" Ink said. "Well saying he just made me take him to a Halloween store and that I couldn't see anything in the bag. I think he is working on his costume!" Dream replied. "Did he really leave it off at the last minute again?!" "I would think so. I mean he has been busy with something lately, he hasn't showed up to the base every now and again." Dream looked at Blue's room before heading to his, to make sure his costume was ready. Ink stared at the two rooms (Blue's and Dream's) before he headed to the doodle sphere.


Blue's P.O.V. (Yeah, yeah, I know I've already done him)

I had woken up sleeping on my desk, sunlight seeping through my curtains. I opened my sleepy eyes, I was up almost all night designing my costume, but now its perfect! I looked at it, the glue was still drying. I sighed before I headed downstairs to see Ink munching on some Spider Donuts. He looked up at me before he spoke, "Happy Halloween, Blue!" I smiled at him and headed down the stairs. I looked at the Spider Donuts and Spider Cider, I felt my mouth starting to water. I didn't realize how hungry I was, and Ink looked at me snickering a bit, he knew this was one of the only times I allowed myself to have Spider Donuts, other than other holidays. "Go ahead, I got enough for you to munch as many as your soul can handle!" Ink said. I gave him a huge smile before I started by grabbing one spider donut, and silently munched on it, sitting across from Ink. "Is Dream up yet?" I said mouthful of pastry. "Nope, not yet. I guess he stayed up, same as you!" I looked at him a little shocked, how did he know I stood up? "How?!" I said inquisitively. He gave a small chuckle, " I could hear some K-Pop coming from your room, and I heard some calming peaceful music coming from Dream's room." I blushed a little, I wasn't usually the type to stay up late, or play my music too loud.

After a few minutes I was already a little sugar high, and on my fifth donut and my third cup of spider cider. Ink was watching me carefully, probably making sure I didn't explode, and Dream finally started to come down, he had bags under his eyes. "Dream, you okay? You look a bit tired." Ink said. "Yeah, I just stayed up too late." He looked at me and I gave him a little smile. "Ink, how much sugar have you let him have?" "Relax, I'm making sure he doesn't poof!" He laughed a little, "Besides, He should be able to have some sugar. I mean last year he gave out all his candy!" Dream looked at him, "Still, why didn't you buy the sugar free donuts?" "Come on, it's Halloween, he is gonna use all that energy running from house to house!" I continued to munch on my donut, starting to just listen to them talk about me, right in front of me. "Yeah, and he is going to have so much energy that he is going to be 500 Au's ahead of us..." Ink was quiet for a second, thinking.

3rd Person (I can't decide okay qwq)

Ink finally nodded before he closed the box of donuts, and hid and put away the Spider Cider. Ink stopped as he looked at the box of donuts then at Dream. "Want some?" Ink said looking at Dream. Dream sighed before he nodded and grabbed a donut and started to eat it. As he was eating his donut he started to make some coffee.

He got out a mug before he chatted with Ink a little on how they may need to take Blue somewhere to burn off all that sugar. After a while Dream poured his black coffee into his mug and drank it, dipping his half eaten donut in every now and again. When Dream was done eating he headed to Blue, who was hardly containing his level of energy, and took him to a track that Ink had made while Dream was finishing his breakfast. "Blue, I want you to take 126 laps around this track before you can come back to the base." Blue nodded excessively and started to run. Dream entered back into the portal and closed it before he chilled on the couch, watching a little bit of Undernovela.

8 minutes later, Dream closed the portal to Undernovela and went back to the track. Blue was not even out of breath but he did seem like he had less sugar than before. He noticed Dream and finished his lap. "You finished?" "I actually finished a few minutes ago, but I had nothing else to do so I continued to run." Dream looked like he wasn't surprised. He took Blue back to the base, and Blue immediately left to go take a shower.

~-Time Skip-~

It was around 4PM, and Blue was making some tacos for him and his friends. When the tacos were done, Ink, Dream and Blue all ate. After they finished eating it was around 4:30PM. They still had an half an hour to kill before they were going to start trick or treating, this was going to be the first year where The Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses were going to be Trick or Treating together. "Hey , should we be getting in our costumes while we are waiting?" Dream said, a bit bored. Blue looked at Dream with excitement, "We should! The magnificent Blue must show off his costume! I'm sure I will frighten you this year!" Blue said. "I doubt it, Blue but you can try," Dream and Ink said laughing a bit at Blue's cuteness.
They all headed to their rooms to get into their costumes, except Ink, he went into the Doodle Sphere. Ink was the first one to come back, he was wearing something similar to what he was wearing before but it had a more witch vibe to it. 

Ink looked like this:

(credits to the real artist)

After that Dream came out of his room, he was wearing a cute neko outfit, it was similar to his old outfit as well.

Dream looked like this:

(credits to the real artist)

Ink snickered a little as he saw Dream. "A neko, huh?" Ink laughed. "Oh shush, you are the one who only put on a hat." Ink acted hurt, before they started to laugh. "What do you think Blue is gonna be?" Ink said. "Probably something from a horror movie, like ghost face or Jason, but instead of it being scary it's gonna be cute." Dream replied. "Wanna bet?" Ink said, "I don't think he is gonna be cute this year!" "Ha! You're on!" Dream replied.

Then finally Blue had come out, he was wearing something very similar to his old outfit, but somehow terrifying. His eye lights were blood red, and he was covered in 'blood' and 'dust'.

Blue looked like this:

(credits to the real artist)

Dream and Ink looked at Blue in fear. "B-Blue?" Ink said, kind of upset that he was right. "Yeah?" Blue replied. "What are you wearing?" "My costume, what else would it be?" "Blue, why are you covered in blood and dust?" Dream asks, absolutely terrified. "Oh this, it's fake, so is this knife." "And your eyes?" Ink asked. "Magic," Blue said, doing the jazz hands.

Dream and Ink were slightly scared as they looked at Blue, them remembering something from past events. "So did I finally do it? Judging on your expressions I, the Magnificant Sans, have finally scared you!" "Y-yeah, you did it Blue.." Dream gulped. "Say it's about time we go meet up with the others!! Let's go!" Blue said, dashing out the door. Dream and Ink looked at each other before Ink held out his hand. "Pay up," Ink said with a smirk. Dream grumbled as he handed Ink 20 dollars and left out the door with Blue, and Ink followed.

When they got to their meeting place, the Bad Sanses were already there, holding eggs and toilet paper, and just like Dust had said, they were all in different outfits. Cross was wearing Error's outfit, Nightmare was wearing a darker, goopier version of Dust's outfit. Horror was wearing Cross's outfit, Error was wearing Nightmares outfit and had an eyepatch over his right eye, and Dust was wearing Horror's outfit. Nightmare seemed to be yelling at Error for something as the Star Sanses approached. (Error was trying to sound like Nightmare, and mimiced him. This was if you were curious on why Noot-Noot was mad/yelling)

Dream cleared his throat, catching the other's attention, making Error and Nightmare stop fighting. Cross looked at Dream, Ink and Blue before hopping into a portal with the eggs and toilet paper. They then started to Trick or Treat, and every house that gave them no candy or a toothbrush, everyone had to stop Nightmare and Horror from burning down their house. After 4 hours of Trick or Treating from Au to Au, they started to head back.
Error looked back happily at his candy back filled with King size chocolate bars, and Nightmare had held 4 filled candy bags with his tentacles as well as one half filled one of his hands (He terrified the houses, so they gave him all their candy). Horror was already munching on his candy, not caring if it was poisoned or not, Dust was sitting down, taking a breath, because of how much they walked, and Cross was still nowhere to be seen. Ink was counting his candy, Blue was handing out the candy he got to other Trick or Treaters, and Dream was watching his brother, seeing how happy he was.

When they got back to their meeting place Cross was there waiting, watching people fail in videos, he liked watching people fail. Blue, who was still full of energy, was jumping up and down because of how fun the Trick or Treating was.

When everyone had said their goodbyes, they headed back to their bases. The Bad Sanses were snickering with Cross about something. As the Star Sanses entered their Au, they were chatting amongst each other before they looked at their base with fury. It was covered in eggs and toilet paper, the toilet paper wrapped around it like it was a mummy and eggs keeping the toilet paper in place. The trees surrounding their base were also covered in toilet paper and eggs. Dream marched back through the portal to the meeting place to see Nightmare and his gang about to leave. "Brother!!" Dream yelled with anger in his voice. The Bad Sanses bursted out with laughter before they quickly entered their portal. Dream sighed before he headed back to his base, where Ink and Blue were already cleaning up the house.

~-Time skip-~

After an hour, everything was cleaned up, and Ink, Dream, and Blue were all so tired. Blue picked up the empty 'Please take one' candy bowl. They sighed as they entered their house and set down their candy bags. Ink started to sort through his candy as Dream took off his ears. He headed right up into his room to go to sleep. Blue took off his outfit, and put it into the washing machine, before he took another shower to make sure he got off all the fake blood and dust.

After he was done with his shower, he drifted off to sleep. This was a Halloween to remember...

"S  o  o  n      t  h  i  n  g  s      w  i  l  l      b  e      i  n        p  l  a  c  e  .  .  ."


A/N: Hey everyone, this is your worse nightmare! Just kidding, but just for tonight, Ganxer lets her Yandere side take over, Im also here because she is tired af and is taking a nap right now, anyways she calls me Ganzie, so it would be nice if you call me that too, or at least today. Anyways, this was a fun Halloween chapter to write, it was looong too, so I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter.
Ganxer was very VERY busy this week and had no time left to draw the outfits of the stars, but only had enough time to write this chapter. She tried her very hardest to complete any requests she got by staying up past her limit, so she is starting to screw up her sleep schedule. She thanks you for choosing her to make you some art, but after this Hallwoeen, she is asking for a 1 week break to just catch up on some of her other things in life.
  This was definitely one of my favorite chapter I've written so far. Anyways, I have Senpai to stalk, victims to kill. So I will be wishing you all a spoopy night!! Happy Halloween!


Words(cause why not): 2594

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