Chapter 12:

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Sky's POV:

As embarrassing as it was apologizing to the other girls for my behaviour, it made me feel good afterwards. The team vibe was starting to appear, all it needed now was a little push, and between Jewels and my plan, I think we could give it that push.

We were currently in the indoor arena attached to the barn. Blaire and Marlo were setting up a few low jumps, a cross-rail, cavaletti and a very, very low vertical. Caitlyn and Payton were with Jewel, tacking up their horses, our horses and Secret. Secret is a 15 year old, 16.1 hand high grey Wurttemberger mare. Secret is the oldest school horse at J.O.P.S and she competed in a Puissance jumping championship with a rider from the Netherlands that saw her jumping video on the internet, and then came to Canada to request to lease her for the competition, but those were slowing down due to her age. Right now, however, she was the perfect horse for our Uncle John to ride. She was clam and patient and listened to ever cue without protest.

" Alright, this look's good, really good " I told Blaire and Marlo as I stepped back to admire their work. " How's the spacing? "

Marlo retracted the tape measure. " Well, based on the measurement of Secrets stride that you told us, we spaced out the jumps accordingly, but I'd still test it before your uncle gets here " she replied.

I smiled at her. " Ya, of course, do one of you want to test or do you want me to? "

" Well, you should have more experience with her, so I think it's a good idea that you test it " Blaire replied, Marlo nodding in agreement.

" Alright then, can one of you hold Onyx then while I do it? "

" I can " Marlo replied.

" You sure, Onyx and Marco are hard enough on their own.... " Blaire began, but Marlo put a hand up.

" Thanks, but no thanks, I can handle it...but if not, I'll pass off to you, deal? " she asked.

Blaire smiled and nodded. " Deal "

Right after she said that, the door to the arena opened and Jewel, Payton and Caitlyn walked in, each leading 2 tacked up horses, with the exception of Jewel, who was leading Shadow, Onyx and Secret.

" Somebody order 7 horses for delivery? " Jewel joked, making us all laugh. I think it was even the first time our team had genuinely laughed together, it was weird, yet oddly satisfying and gave me a warm feeling everywhere.

" How long until Uncle John gets here? " I asked. Jewel has text Uncle John a fake ' emergency ' that Secret had gotten caught on something and bent her shoe. Sure, it probably wasn't the best way to get him here, but if we had told him what we were really up to, he wouldn't have come.

" He text me back saying he was a few minutes away, then I told him we were in the arena, but I didn't specify which arena, so I'd say we've got 20 minutes at the most, unless he comes straight to this arena " Jewel replied as she handed everyone the reins to their horses, giving me Onyx and Secret.

Secret stood calmly beside Onyx while he sniffed her. I handed Onyx to Marlo, watching carefully as she led him away. Now that I was becoming friends with the girls, it seemed that Onyx was behaving better with them as well. Watching him calmly walk away with Marlo, and comparing it with the Dressage lesson when Payton had taken him was a huge difference. It made me proud of my boy.

I adjusted the stirrups on the Marcel Toulouse Platinum Sienna All-Purpose Saddle. The saddle wasn't Secrets schooling saddle, but still fit her and the all purpose saddle would be better and more comfortable for Uncle John to sit in rather than a close contact or jumping saddle. We had to switch out her EcoGold® CoolFit™ Saddle Pad for a Rider's International All-Purpose Pad with Double Piping and we also switched her Dy'on® Figure 8 Bridle for a Suffolk™ for a Fancy Snaffle Bridle that Blaire had brought. All we had to do was switch the bits and we were set.

Once I finished adjusting and checking everything, I mounted and walked Secret out to the wall. I got her warmed up in a trot, then cantered her around the arena twice. I turned onto the quarter line and aimed her at the first jump we had set up, the cavaletti. It felt like Secret took a step over it. She reached the cross-rail at the exact time I knew she would and hopped over it. She tried to slow, but I kept her at a canter and she took the low vertical with ease.

We cantered away from the jump line and towards the single set of poles pile in between two standards on the other side of the arena Secret didn't even need to jump over those, she cantered over them. I slowed her to trot and brought her back over to the others, just as Uncle John opened the door to the arena. I quickly dismounted and tried to look causal as I stood next to Secret. None of us said a word.

" Alright girls, wheres Secret, did you keep her off that hoof like I told- " Uncle John froze when he saw all of us standing there, clad in breeches and t-shirts with our boots, standing next to our horses while I stood in the middle, holding the horse that we told him was having an ' emergency ', all tacked up.

" ...Girls, what is this? " He asked as he walked toward us.

Jewel and I glanced at each other. I wanted her to do the talking, since she seemed better at it currently, but from the way she looked at me, and the fact that I was holding Secret, I guess it was my turn to do the talking.

" Um, well, Uncle John....we...we um... " I froze. I wasn't sure what and how to tell him.

" Mr. Lockhart told us what happened between him and you, and we thought, maybe, that it was time to get back to riding horses? "

I turned. Uncle John was now looking at Caitlyn, who had talked for me. We looked at each other.

' Thank you ' I mouthed and she nodded.

" Well, Caitlyn is it? "

She nodded.

" Caitlyn...girls, this was a nice gesture, but I gave up on riding a long time ago, when I was only a few years older than you all and I'm not as young as I was back then. I don't think that's a good idea... " Uncle John replied.

" ...You'll never know until you try... " This time, Payton talked.

" Payton's right " Blaire added. " I know that if you really loved riding as much as we've been told, you never just get over it "

" You'll always want to be with horses, wether your riding them or not. That's why you became a farrier, isn't it? " Marlo asked.

" Its not just a hobby or a sport. Horses aren't just an animal that you use do accomplish the sport or hobby. Being an equestrian isn't a phase or a habit that you pick up " Jewel said.

" It's a passion. Horses are God's example of purity and perfection, and let's face it, you can never really get over an animal as great as a horse or get over a passion that requires more dedication than horseback riding, so why don't you just try it? " I finished.

Uncle John sighed. " ...Alright girls, your right... " he replied as he walked towards me and Secret. " I became a farrier because I didn't want to stop seeing horse's, they've been a part of my life as far back as I can remember...I guess it's time to get back into the swing of thin's ". He let Secret sniff his hand before patting her neck. " You gonna go easy on me girl? ".

Secret blew out a breath and lowered her head.

I smiled. " I'd take that as a yes Uncle John "

Uncle John smiled as I passed him the reins. " Then I guess I better do this before I come to my senses ".

He led Secret to the door and hung up his farrier apron, grabbing a spare helmet hanging by the door and putting it on. He didn't quiet have the right riding attire for the english equipment, but his faded blue jeans and cowboy boots were still safe to ride in and wouldn't snag, especially with the Herm Sprenger System 4-F Stirrups With Offset Eye that we had paired with the saddle, just in case. The more flexible stirrup was easier on joints and allowed totally circular movement, and just in case Uncle John fell, the stirrup was less likely to get caught with his foot.

Marlo handed me Onyx's reins and I mounted while Uncle John led Secret over to the mounting block we had purposely set up in the corner of the arena. We figured Uncle John may not have been able to mount from the ground his first time riding in years.

I leaned forward and hugged Onyx's neck. " You were so good letting Marlo take you...I guess we're both changing our attitudes for the better " I whispered to him. Sure, he would eventually be back to his old self, hyper and headstrong, but for now this was a little positive change, and one of the first lessons we're taught in riding, besides how to not fall off, is that we always reward positive behaviour.

Uncle John adjusted his stirrups and stepped onto the mounting block. Secret, like I knew she would, stood calmly, not moving at all. Uncle John put his left foot in the stirrup and hopped a few times before swinging his right leg over and sitting down in the saddle.

" Now, lets see if I remember how to do this... " he said as he took the reins in his hands. He fumbled around lightly with the reins until he held them correctly, the reins in-between his ring and pinky fingers with his thumbs pointed up. He squeezed his legs against Secrets sides and clicked. Secret moved forward at a walk on the track.

I wanted to cheer, but not wanting to risk possibly spooking the horses, I clapped lightly instead. " Way to go Uncle John! " I called.

The other girls said the same and I couldn't stop the wide grin spreading across my face even if I tried. We did it, we got him to ride again, and even if all he did was walk around the arena, I'd be happy that he even got back on a horse.

After a few laps at a walk, Uncle John started to relax. His posture folded back into the equestrian posture that it must have once been. His heels dropped, his shoulders squared and his elbows were tucked as he sat tall, not slouched in the slightest.

" His position is better than mine! " Marlo said, making us all laugh, even Uncle John.

" You look great Uncle John " Jewel told him as she angled Shadow next to Secret. " You ready to get off? "

" No way, this is too much fun. I forgot how much I used to this, but now I also remember how much I hated going so slow. Hey! watch this! " Uncle John replied as he pushed Secret into a trot, posting on the right diagonal the first time, following her outside shoulder as it moved.

Jewel looked over at me, laughing lightly. Uncle John was acting like a child going for his first pony ride, it was funny.

Uncle John let Secret move from a trot to a canter and took her over the poles that were on the ground. His position was perfect and I almost couldn't believe it, I don't think my position looked half as good as his did now. He was definitely getting back into the feel of riding. He pointed her at the cavaletti and they flew over it, followed by the cross-rail and the vertical.

This time I cheered, I couldn't hold it in. They were just so amazing! Now I see why Uncle John got invited to the European Grand Prix. I think he could've even made it to the Olympics like dad if he had kept riding.

Everyone cheered along with me and Jewel pulled out her phone. She held it up and snapped a picture right when Uncle John and Secret were suspended over the tiny vertical.

After they completed the line, Uncle John pulled Secret to a halt and turned her to face us. He wasn't breathing heavily at all, and neither was Secret.

" That was amazing! I still got it! " He cheered before patting Secret's neck. " And you still got it to girl, a couple of older ones like us still got game " he told her.

Secret bobbed her head, pawing her hoof on the ground. She wanted to go again.

" Another round? " I asked as I rode Onyx over to them.

Uncle John nodded. " You bet, but raise the jumps up more, I feel like we're riding over ground poles " he replied.

Marlo and Blaire dismounted, raised the vertical and changed the cross-rail to another vertical, removing the cavaletti.

" Higher girls please " Uncle John said.

They raised the jumps.

" Higher "

They raised them again.

" Higher "

Again, they raised them.

" Higher "

They raised the jumps more and more until he told them to stop. I measured the jump with my eyes and it looked about 5 feet.

" Um, Mr. Lockhart, isn't that a bit too high? " Payton asked, angling Jazz next to the jumps.

Uncle John shrugged. " I think it could go higher, but I don't want to push Secret too much " he replied.

Now I know why dad said I reminded him of Uncle John when I rode.

Payton shrugged. " Okay, if you say so "  she said before moving Jazz away from the jumps.

Uncle John dropped the reins and rubbed his hands against his jeans.

" Maybe this isn't such a good idea Uncle John " Jewel said, but I saw that look on his face. He was going to take the jump, no matter what.

I looked over at Jewel.

' Text dad ' I mouthed, making a texting motion with my fingers when Uncle John wasn't looking

Jewel suddenly nodded towards the door and I turned. Dad was entering the doorway just as Uncle John and Secret took off at a canter towards the jumps. When dad saw them, he rushed through the door. " John! "

Uncle John didn't hear him, or maybe he did and didn't care. He moved into a two-point position at the right time. Secret rocked back on her haunches before propelling over the jump, landing clean on the other side. She cantered a few strides before flying over the second jump. Her back hooves nicked the pole, but it just wiggled a bit before settling back into its cups. They cantered away from the jump and made a sharp turn, cantering down the middle of the arena. Uncle John circled Secret, slowing her to a trot and eventually a walk.

I had been so mesmerized by their jumping that I hadn't even noticed dad had come over and stood beside Onyx and me, and I jumped a bit when I turned and saw him right there.

Uncle John halted Secret in front of Onyx and stared at dad. Dad was staring back at him. Neither one said anything and for a moment, I thought they were going to break into a fight or something, but dads face suddenly melted into a smile and he walked over to Secret as Uncle John dismounted.

They hugged each other, patting each others backs. We had done it, not only had we gotten uncle John to ride again, but we fixed whatever small rift was between him and dad that had to do with riding. It almost made me teary.

I looked around at the other girls and saw their eyes were watery to. I smiled, we had really come together for this, but, I don't think we were really a full team yet.

Next up in our little homemade team building exercise?


Not my favourite thing in the world, but if it also meant shopping for Onyx, that was something I could get excited about!

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