Chapter 6:

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Sky's POV:

First practise as a ' team '....hooray....

I sighed as I slowly walked to the stable, dressed in grey and black Irideon Cadence Euro Seat Breech and a black Arista Ruched Wicking 1/4 Zip Top with black Tonics Ladies' Space UST Zip Paddock Boot and Ariat Monaco Half Chaps-my lucky pair that I always wore when I did Show Jumping, and my Samshield Shadow Matt Top Crystal Fabric jumping helmet with 255 Faux Swarovski Crystals.

Carol had scheduled our little group to practise show jumping with her first today, to let the new horses get used to the indoor arena.

I passed by the family paddock and suddenly froze, taking a few steps backs.

Onyx was galloping around the field, holding his tail high.

" Onyx! " I shouted as I ran over to the gate, quickly unlatching it and running inside. He wasn't supposed to be out! It was mandatory that he and Shadow were to be taken inside in the morning to calm down before we rode. The rule was mainly for Onyx but Jewel let Shadow to tag along because she didn't want to leave Shadow alone in the paddock with the older horses.

Onyx snorted as he galloped over to me and I held my arms out so he wouldn't run over me. He stopped just a few feet in front of me, craning his neck over to me. He seemed just as confused as I was wondering why he was still out.

I reached over to pet his nose. " Easy boy...let's just go and get ready for- "

Onyx suddenly took off again, almost knocking me over.

" Onyx! Get back here! " I shouted after him.

He bucked while he galloped away, as if he was trying to talk back to me.

" Fine! I'm getting the lead rope! " I shouted to him before running out of the field and to the barn.

My boots hitting the ground reverberated off the walls as I walked towards the tack room. I can't believe this, the grooms probably forgot to take Onyx inside because they were busy getting the new girls horses. If they had told me they needed the extra hand I would have helped them, but nobody had said anything! That made my blood boil.

I turned into the tack room and almost smacked skulls with Jewel. Her arms were full of tack and she looked like she was modelling rider apparel instead of actually riding. A turquoise and white LeFash CC Show Shirt, Ariat Heritage Contour Zip Field Boots, Hermes Leather Belt, Roeckl Chester Gloves, Grey Tailored Sportsman Low Rise Side Zip Breeches, a emerald green J.Crew Excursion Quilted Vest and her SamShield jumping helmet. I would've probably questioned her clothing choices if I wasn't so mad about having to now chase down Onyx in the paddock.

" Whoa, your face is really red, whats wrong? " She asked.

" The grooms didn't bring Onyx in! " I vented, crossing my arms.

Jewels eyes widened. " Whoa, really? I though you two were already in the arena...I didn't even see Onyx when I passed by the family paddock earlier "

I shook my head. " I didn't either, but then he galloped by, he must have been hiding at the back. I'm grabbing a Double Clip to catch him...its gonna take forever... " I replied, walking over to the lead-line wall of the tack room. I grabbed a green double clip lead-line before walking out of the tack room.

I heard Jewel following behind me. " Wait! " she called.

I stopped and turned back to her, watching as she put the tack down on the racks and hooks outside Shadows stall. " You'll never catch him on foot, just give me five minutes, I can help " she told me.

I waited outside Shadows stall as Jewel tacked him up in his jumping tack, a Tad Coffin TC2 Ready-to-Ride Saddle with a Mattes Hunter Saddle Pad under it and her new Dy'on Figure 8 Bridle as well as Shadows boots, front, ankle and bell boots.

We quickly made our way to the paddock and I opened the gate as she and Shadow walked in before she mounted, using the fence as a mounting block.

When Onyx saw Jewel mount, he whinnied and took off towards the back of the paddock.

" Oh no you don't " Jewel said as I quickly mounted Shadow, sitting behind Jewel on Shadows croup, holding the lead-line.

Jewel quickly pressed her heels against Shadows sides and he took off at a gallop. I held onto Jewels shoulders as we raced towards Onyx. I'd have to thank my parents for paying for my gym membership, which helped me increase my ab muscles so that I could support myself more in riding, otherwise I'd just be bouncing around on Shadows croup right now.

Jewel gave Shadow free rein, letting him increase his speed as we approached Onyx. They were now neck and neck.

" If your gonna do it, do it now! " Jewel shouted back at me, the wind in my ears making it hard to hear.

I leaned over and Jewel kicked Shadow into another gear until Onyx's withers pulled even with Shadows croup. I sucked in a breath as I leaned over and carefully, but quickly slid onto his back, wrapping the lead-line-and my arms, around his neck. Onyx shook his head as he almost immediately slid to a stop, throwing me forward onto his neck.

" Whoa...Whoa, easy boy " I soothed as I slowly settled myself back onto his back.

Onyx snorted as he pawed the ground with his hoof.

I rolled my eyes. " Well, as fun as that was for you, I'd rather not go through that again " I told him as I reached over and rubbed his ears, something he loved.

Onyx turned his neck, nudging my boot with his nose, making me laugh. I couldn't stay mad at him, after all, it wasn't his fault, and the running and bucking and head throwing was just Onyx being Onyx, my hyper, headstrong, stubborn Arabian.

" Alright boy, lets just get you back inside to get groomed and tacked up for our jumping lesson " I said as I clipped the ends of the lead-line to both sides of his halter.

Onyx bobbed his head, ears perking up as Jewel and Shadow trotted over.

" Thanks " I said as I pushed back my helmet.

Jewel nodded. " No problem, we have to stick together after all " she replied.

We smiled at each other before making our way back to the barn, since this little adventure had made us late to our lesson.


I groaned as Onyx and I crossed over the arena at a canter.

Since I still had to groom and tack up Onyx-and Jewel offered to stay with me, not wanting to be alone with the other girls in the arena while they warmed up, Carol had made our group do walk, trot and canter laps both left and right...with no stirrups, because we were late. Onyx's canter was rocky enough with stirrups, but without them, it was a nightmare.

Carol Carter was our show jumping coach, she was the youngest of all our coaches, being 22 as of this year and she just competed in the olympics in 2012 at age 19, winning gold for individual and silver for team GB or Great Britain, but she was offered a job at J.O.P.S at the same time she was offered to work at Ben Mahers Stable. As great as Ben Mahers stable probably was, Carol ended up choosing J.O.P.S. She's going to be in the Olympics again in 2016 for Team Canada this time with her horse Jump and Springer, but she just called him Springer, a 7 year old, 16 hand high Hanoverian Swedish Warmblood cross, which she had raised and trained herself since he was a foal.

I switched legs and felt Onyx change canter leads and we cross the centre line and turned left.

" Alright everyone, please retake your stirrups, line up your horses in front of me and we'll get to some jumping " Carol called.

I sighed in relief as I pulled Onyx to a walk and uncrossed my stirrups. Putting my feet back in the stirrup irons was painful, but an instant relief.

I turned him around and halted him in front of Carol. Marlo and Caitlyn halted their horses beside me and Jewel was in between Marlo and Blaire while Payton was beside Caitlyn.

Carol put her hands on her hips as she looked at us. " I hope this serves as a warning not to be late again " she told us all, but her voice seemed to be directed to Jewel and I.

I didn't bother to reply, it was all the new girls fault, with the grooms helping their horses, nobody had brought Onyx in, or told me to bring Onyx in.

" Now, as you can see I have set up a jumping course consisting of similar jumps that you will ride at the Summer Finale " Carol explained, giving all of us a few seconds to look at the course around us. " The jumps have been set to level 6 in difficulty, so the fences are 4′0″ to 4′3″ in height and 4′3″ to 4′9″ in spread, triple bars to 5′3″, water to 10′, but the jumps at the Summer Finale for the advanced Show-Jumping class will be set at level 9, 4′9″ to 5′0″ in height and 5′0″ to 5′6″ in spread, triple bars to 6′0″, water to 13′ " she continued.

Okay, more difficult than I thought it would be for our first group practise, not to mention the Summer Finale jumps will be higher than these...but whatever, Onyx and I can handle it.

" For those of you that are new, I'll explain how the Summer Finale works. You'll each be required to compete in the mandatory three phases of eventing, starting with Dressage, then Cross-Country and Finally, Show-Jumping. These events will rack up points for your team, depending on how you place. The points will then be tallied at the end of the show to determine winners. Now, these events will have levels that you can sign up for, but will ultimately be determined by the team coaches. For example, if you struggle in Dressage, you will be required to take a beginner or intermediate dressage class, but if you are strong, you will take the advance class. Aside for the main events, each of you have signed up for a bonus event, which is whatever was on the list this year " Carol explained as she tapped her chin with her finger. " I believe some of the bonus competitions will be, Freestyle Dressage, a Steeplechase, a Puissance jump, a show hack class and an obedience test. These bonus competitions will give away extra points to the first place rider, which can help their team win the Summer Finale "

This bonus events were new this year, but sounded exciting. I had already signed up for the Puissance jump. Being a purebred Arabian, Onyx was naturally agile, so we could dominate.

" Now, you all had time to walk around the course and view the diagram that you were all given last night by Mrs. Lockhart, I expect that you've all memorized it but if you need a reminder I will repeat it just this once " Carol told us.

That was our Carol, a great rider and a tough, but friendly coach that knew how to get the best out of her students.

" First, take the vertical, then circle right and take the double combination consisting of a second vertical with flowers underneath and an ascending Oxer, then the liverpool, then a sharp left turn to the red and blue vertical then through the centre to the Swedish Oxer, then the brick wall, then a sharp right to the filler, then the triple, Descending Oxer and Square Oxer and then another vertical, then a left over to the triple bar, then another double combo, with another square oxer and a plank vertical, then circle left to the open water jump and finally the J.O.P.S signature plank fence " Carol explained.

As she explained, my eyes darted around the arena, focusing at each jump she mentions. The combos would definitely be difficult for Onyx and the distractions under the second vertical in the first combo may spook him a bit. The water jump may make him refuse so I'd have to pay extra close attention before that and the Swedish oxer will probably confuse him so I'd have to let him know that it was okay to jump. Other than those Onyx would jump the other fences without even blinking.

" Who would like to go first? " Carol asked.

Immediately, Caitlyn's hand shot up.

Carol smiled at her. " Alright Caitlyn, but before you start, I'd like you to tell us a bit about you and your horse " she replied.

" Um, okay...I grew up in North-bay, I have 3 older brothers, I've been riding since I was 3 and my specialty out of Eventing is...I guess Show Jumping " Caitlyn explained before patting her horses neck. " And this is Jackson, he's 9 years old and he's a hanoverian thoroughbred cross with recently discovered racehorse bloodlines, I've had him since he was 3 " she told us.

Carol smiled. " Good, now tell us a funny memory about Jackson " she replied.

Carol was good at getting tense groups to break the ice, but in this case, the ice may as well been liquid nitrogen.

Caitlyn chuckled as she leaned back in the saddle. " Well, one time before a big show, Jackson decided that he would impress the judges on his own. He got loose during the inspection and when we found him, he was jumping the show jumps we were about to ride, without me "

Everyone but me seemed to laugh along with her, this was stupid, we should be getting to the jumping, get practising, not telling each other stories. Underneath me, Onyx blew out a breath and shook his head, seeming just as bored with the lack of jumping as I was.

After a few seconds, everyone settled down and Carol looked back at Caitlyn. " That was very interesting to hear Caitlyn, now please take Jackson out to the track and into a canter, you may start jumping whenever your ready "

Caitlyn nodded and gathered her reins, directing Jackson around the jumps and over to the track.

" Carol, aren't you going to time us? " Jewel asked as she made Shadow step out a bit from the line.

" Not today Jewel, this is just a day where we get used to the group lesson environment, let the horses get to know each other and let the new horses get used to the arena and jumps " Carol replied, her eyes glued to Caitlyn as she pushed Jackson from a working trot to a canter. Right on cue from her legs Jackson smoothly transitioned himself into a canter. Onyx usually took a few steps before he broke into his canter, I should probably work on that with him more.

" Whenever your ready! " Carol called to Caitlyn.

As soon as they reached the other side of the arena. Caitlyn pointed Jackson at the first jump. The tall gelding didn't even blink at the first vertical, soaring over it. His jumping form was perfect and he looked like he really did enjoy jumping with or without Caitlyn riding him.

After landing cleanly on the other side, the two headed to the first combination, the double. Jacksons ears swivelled when he saw the flowers underneath the first half of the combination, but Caitlyn seemed to keep him in line. They took the flower vertical with ease and headed for the ascending oxer. Caitlyn had to encourage Jackson to take the jump big to clear the fence, but she did it.

Although personally, I would've liked to see the fence fall....

They headed towards the liverpool and I saw Jackson shake his head. He was focusing more on the blue tarp, which was meant to be water, instead of the actual fence. Caitlyn fought him as he strained on the reins before taking of.

I had been counting their strides in my head and they took the fence early, causing Jackson to knock the top rail with his back hooves. It tumbled to the ground behind them, making me smile. Carol may not be timing our rides, but that didn't mean there still wasn't some form of competition. Without worrying about time, the main thing everyone had in mind was to not knock a single rail. Caitlyn had already failed that.

" Don't let him rush! Collect him up! " Carol called to Caitlyn, pulling me back into focus. Caitlyn and Jackson were headed towards the brick wall, the rails of the Swedish oxer and colourful vertical behind them still in place.

The brick wall was Onyx's most challenging jump. He couldn't see the other side and tended to speed up. One time last year during one of the last shows of the fall, Instead of jumping, Onyx went straight through the fake bricks. I was half hanging off him as he tried to do the same to the open water jump in front of us, but I managed to get back in the saddle and clear the jump with nothing more than an inch to spare.

Caitlyn sat deep in the saddle to slow Jacksons pace as they neared the wall. I noticed that Jackson tended to get more excited and faster the bigger the jumps were and if the jumps had water to them, it made me wonder how he was at Cross-Country.

Jackson jumped the wall with force, seeming to thrown Caitlyn off balance when they landed, but she quickly corrected herself as they headed for the filler. The filler vertical had a giant rectangle plank under the poles. The plank had colourful her designs on it, catching to the eyes, but distracting and sometime frightening to the horse, especially Onyx. Jackson snorted as he picked up his pace again. Caitlyn couldn't correct him in time and they ended up taking the jump crooked, knocking down the top rail.

A smile spread across my face. Two rails down. Sure, she could make up the excuse that it was her first day and Jackson and her were still getting used to the arena, but she couldn't say that if she ever wanted to be a professional equestrian, travelling and jumping all over the world, in a different arena every-time, she would have to get a handle on Jackson in new environments or else she would never place in the ribbons at the finale and would drag the ' team ' down.

Caitlyn and Jackson cleared the triple combination-which shocked me a little given their round so far, then they cleared the triple bar jump, Jackson's hooves nicking the top rail, but it just rolled slightly before settling back in it cups.

Beneath me, Onyx stamped his front hoof against the ground. He hated staying in one spot for too long, and watching another horse jump around him doubled his impatience. We had to go next, or Onyx would try to buck me off for sure, plus, I wanted to show these newbies how to really jump this course.

As Caitlyn approached the final two jumps-having cleared the double combo, I noticed something in the corner of my eyes. I turned and saw that Jewel had halted Shadow beside Onyx and I.

' You okay? ' She mouthed.

I nodded, but as I looked down I noticed that my grip on the reins was tightening, pulling against Onyx's mouth. I quickly loosed the reins all the way to the buckle and smoothed his mane. " Sorry boy " I told him.

The open water jump was just a bigger blue tarp with a pole in front of it to signal when the horse should take off. Caitlyn actually managed to keep Jackson under control this time, but he knocked the pole with his front hooves before he took off, causing it to roll over onto the tarp. When they landed, Jacksons back hooves landed a few inches on the tarp, counting as a penalty. Caitlyn had to hold him back for a few seconds as they neared the final jump, the J.O.P.S signature plank fence. The jumped consisted of planks on top of each other, forming the J.O.P.S logo, a red and white round picture with a horse jumping over the letters, on the right, a horse doing a Piaffe to represent dressage and on the right, a horse running through water to represent cross-country.

A few strides before the jump, Caitlyn gave Jackson rein, giving the gelding exactly the pace he needed to clear the fence. They cantered away from the jump, having finished the course with 12 faults, talk about yikes.

Caitlyn pulled Jackson to a trot and eventually a walk. I couldn't believe this girl, she said her specialty was Show-Jumping, but if that was the best they could muster for jumps of this height, how is she going to fair at the Summer Finale.

Caitlyn halted Jackson in front of our group as Carol walked over to her once she put all the fallen poles back into place.

" Caitlyn, that round was very impressive for you and Jackson's first day here, a few things to work on no doubt, but we have plenty of time " Carol told her.

My mouth almost fell open. If that had been me or Jewel, Carol would have immediately told us what we'd done wrong and then have us take the course over again until we jumped a clean round.

Caitlyn smiled slightly. " Thanks, but to be honest, that wasn't the best we could do, I don't know what it is with him and water under the jump, on a cross course he has no problem galloping through the water, but in show jumping, it just gets to him... "

" Well, we'll be sure to focus on that next time, for now here's some advice... " Carol patted Jacksons shoulder. " ...Jackson seems to often forget he has a rider on him, and I bet he'd do this course all on his own, just like you told us he did once before, keep him focused on you with half halts and sit deep in your seat. Make sure he remembers he isn't the one in charge "

Caitlyn nodded.

" And as for the water, I noticed you tense up before the jumps that involve water, because you know he will tense. He senses you tensing, which makes him tense, which makes you tense even more. He's very in-tune with your body and emotions, so don't tense, take the jump as if there isn't any water at all, and in turn, thats how Jackson will take the jump, okay? " Carol explained.

" Okay, I will " Caitlyn replied, giving Jackson a loose rein and patting his shoulder.

Carol smiled. " Now, who's next? " she said as she looked back toward the rest of us.

" I am! " I replied before anyone else had a chance to even open their mouths to speak.

Before Carol replied I already had Onyx trotting towards the wall. We lapped the arena once at a trot then a canter before I turned him towards the  first jump. Onyx snorted when he finally realized what we were doing. I moved to a two-point position as he rocked back on his haunches before jumping over the vertical. As we landed, I listened for the sound of the pole hitting the ground, but I didn't hear anything.

I smirked as Onyx headed for the double combo. He started to move to the left when he saw the flowers under the first jump of the combo, but I pressed my boot against his side, moving him back into place just in time. He cleared the jump.

Then the next!

And the next!!

And the next!!!

He was clearing everything! Even the brick wall he had cleared without any hesitation. This was one of the best show jumping rounds we had had since show season started, but it wasn't over yet, we had two jumps left to go.

I pushed Onyx into a fast canter as we approached the open water jump. We needed the speed if we were going to make the distance. Onyx tugged on his running martingale, wanting to go faster. he fought my hands as I kept him at the same speed, but the fighting paid off as we cleared the jump with inches to spare. Onyx gave a small buck as a retort from our fighting, but it didn't affect my position because it was so small and I was used to his little retorts from years of training with him.

As we made our way to the final jump, I glanced at the group, who were all watching me. Caitlyn glared at me, which made me chuckle under my breath. I decided off a little bit. I pushed Onyx into a slow gallop as the last jump approached fast. I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding as Onyx leaped over the jump, landing on the other side.

I looked back, seeing the J.O.P.S plank was still in place. I pumped my fist in the air before pulling Onyx to a trot and rubbing his neck with both hands, letting the reins drop against his neck. I turned and headed back to the group, pulling him to a walk a few feet away before stopping him in front of the group and Carol.

" Skylar, that was incredible! You and Onyx are really on the ball today, well done. A few minor pointers about position, but other than that you two were great. You knew when to slow him down and when to speed him up. you took a bit of a risk for the last fence which could have cost you the clear round, but it payed off in your favour, well done " Carol told me.

I smiled. " Thanks Carol, I don't know what it is, but he's really on his game today, not that he isn't on his game everyday, but today he just had that...sparkle to his performance " I replied. Okay...half of that was a lie, considering Onyx had bad days, like most horses, maybe even more bad days then most horses-but hey, I wasn't about to say that in front of the new girls.

Carol smiled back. " Let's hope he keep's that pace going, he's really coming along in his training, and so are you. That round was something even Ben Maher himself would be impressed by "

Wow, I didn't think the round was that good, but hearing Carol say that made it even sweeter to rub in those girl's faces.

" Okay, I'm going to go check the jump's, whoever wants to go next can start trotting along the wall " Carol told us before walking over to the open water jump to fix the tarp.

Before anyone else could move, I turned Onyx around to face the group.

" And that newbies, is how it's done " I told them.  " Better learn to keep up... "

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