Chapter 5:

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I took a breath as I finished adjusting Shadows bridle. He stood calmly beside me, his head lowered, probably sensing I was a bit nervous to be teaching a team of ten boys no older than myself.

" We've got this, we'll do a few jumping demos, talk about horse and rider position and we'll learn more about polo along the way " I spoke to him, more so to myself.

Shadow snorted and nudged me, the only word he probably heard was jumping.

I laughed and shook my head, leading him into the arena. The boys were already mounted and lined up and coach Jones and Smith were standing behind the gate, probably going to observe the whole ' lesson '.

" Hey boys " I spoke, trying to control the shakiness in my tone as I walked Shadow for a lap around the arena before adjusting his girth and mounting. The stable hands had already set up a few jumps, the height moving up with each jump. Starting from a cross-rail and getting taller until the 1.60m vertical set at the other end of the arena.

Harry smiled at me as I halted Shadow in front of the group. I smiled back, his friendliness making me more confident. I straightened my posture and sunk my weight into my heels. I had the reins loose and Shadow stretched down.

" I guess I should start off with who has ever jumped before? " I asked.

Nobody raised their hands and I resisted a sigh. This was going to be harder than I thought.

" Okay, thats fine, how about trotting poles? "

All their hands shot up and I smiled. " Great, so we'll just get right into those and then add in a cross-rail " I turned to the coaches. " Do you know if the horses have ever jumped before? "

" Most of them were in training before becoming polo ponies " Jones replied.

" Well, that makes my job a lot easier then "

Everyone except for Will chuckled.

I turned Shadow. " Jumping is instinct once you get the hang of it, always remember, heels down, you lean forward and your head, shoulders and knees in front of the line made by your stirrup leather " I demonstrated the 2 point position. " Your hips are behind and your out of the saddle, your hands stretching up your horses neck. This will take the weight off your horse and allow him to jump higher and wider while also keeping you balanced "

" ...I'd like to jump right out of here... " Will mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

I cleared my throat. " I'll take Shadow over a jump while some poles get set up leading to the cross-rail " I circled Shadow away and warmed him up on the circle until we reached a canter. I pointed him at the 3 foot vertical and made sure to over exaggerate my position so the boys could see. Shadow launched into the air, neatly tucking his front legs underneath him. We landed cleanly on the other side and I heard clapping. A few boys even whistled as I trotted Shadow back over.

" That was fantastic " Harry commented. I felt my cheeks go red and quickly turned to see if Jones and Smith had set up the poles. Thank god they did. I focused my attention back on the group. " Any volunteers to go first? "

Will rolled his eyes, turning to Harry. " Why don't you go? Show off? "

Harry rolled his eyes back and I could see his hands tightening on the reins.

" Its okay if you don't want to- "

" No no, I can do it " Harry cut me off, glaring at Will.

I was a bit taken back, but shrugged and nodded. Harry turned England away and pushed him into a trot. He looked more confident than someone who has never jumped before, more confident than the other boys. England tugged at the reins, wanting to break into a canter, but Harry held him back as they approached the pole. England gracefully trotted over the poles and Harry moved into a perfect 2 point position as they hopped the cross-rail.

I smiled and clapped. " Wow that was actually really good "

Harry chuckled. " Thanks for the support "

I blushed. " No, I did mean for it to come out that way I- " his laughing cut me off and I could see from the goofy grin on his face that he was joking.

I shot him a playful glare. " Mean " I teased.

He stuck his tongue out at me, making us both laugh, until Will cleared his throat, faking gagging.

I sighed and looked at him, my eyes travelling down the line of riders and horses.

" ...Who's next? "


" She's here! " I squealed as I saw the Marston family trailer pull into our driveway, stopping just outside the barn.

After the afternoon teaching lesson followed by my own lessons with Sky, I had been buried under a pile of homework, consisting of mostly biology work. I had just finished my essay on the biology of the eventing horse when I had noticed the horses that were left in the paddock for the night all gathered by the fence, then I had seen Felix's family trailer.

Sky chuckled beside me. " Did they have to send their personal trailer? Talk about hassle "

I elbowed her as we approached the driver.

" Skylar Lockhart? " He spoke, his eyes looking between the two of us. He had a bald head and a grey polo shirt with Felix's stable name, Riverdale Stables, stitches on the front.

Sky stepped forward. " Thats me, is Rio okay? "

The driver nodded. " Yep, she's fine, I just need you to sign this... " he handed her a clipboard. " She seemed to know where we were going, she pranced out of the plane and right into the trailer "

I laughed along with Sky and together we followed the driver around to the back of the trailer. Once the door was open, the beautiful bay mare with her crisp white markings turned to look at us, her ears perking. Sky grabbed the black cotton lead line hanging on the inside of the trailer and slowly approached her. " Hey girl! Welcome back! We missed you! "

Rio snorted and nudged Sky once the cross-ties were unclipped and the lead line was attached to her halter.

The driver had gone back to the front of the trailer once Sky had backed Rio down the ramp and I had closed the door.

" She'll be a great mother! " he called before driving away.

I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face and practically skip beside Sky all the way to the barn.

" Why can't I put her beside Onyx? " Sky whined as she walked Rio into the empty stall on the other side of Shadow.

" Because " I defended. " If she's going to be carrying Shadows foal she has to at least get to know him "

Sky laughed as she checked the water and food buckets before closing the door, sealing her and Rio in the stall together. She leaned her elbows on the door. " You really think they'll develop a ' relationship ' just by being stall buddies? "

I shrugged. " I'm also putting her out in the family paddock and giving her and Shadow regular time in the arena least until she starts coming closer to giving birth... "

Sky smiled as Rio stood beside her, patting the mares rippling puissance jumper muscles. " She's gonna get fat, she'll need so much exercises once she gets back into regular training... "

" But it'll be worth it " I added. " When we have a mini combo of her and Shadow running around... "

Sky shrugged. " If you say so... "

I frowned, confused by her comment. If I say so? What was that supposed to mean. I was about to call her on it, but she spoke again.

" So whens Dr. Candice coming? "

" Tomorrow! " I replied. Dr. Candice was the best horse breeding expert and vet in all of Ontario. Mom and Dad were paying and driving her down from her home town up north specifically to help Rio with her artificial insemination.

I yawned, almost forgetting it was nearly 11 at night. I stretched as smiled as Shadow perked his head up, following my movement. I reached over and scratched his cheek. " ...I'm going to hit the hay...what about you? "

Sky glanced at Rio and the mare nudged her, probably looking for treats. She smiled and ran her hand down her neck. " I think I'll stay up for a bit, make sure Rio gets settled before her big day tomorrow... "

I nodded. " Have fun! " I chirped before leaving the barn.

But as I made my way back to the house, I saw a figure leading a horse to the borders barn. I raised a brow. It was late, who would be bringing a horse in this late? I shrugged off the suspicion, assuming it was one of the Polo coaches that had forgotten to bring in one of the teams horses. It was too dark to be sure, but I didn't bother to follow the figure into the barn, instead walking back to the house, ready for bed.

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