Chapter 9:

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I led Harry to the service room at the back of the main barn. It housed things such as emergency flashlights, generators and the security camera monitor system.

I sat down in the comfy spinning chair that was gathering dust from lack of use and flipped on the computer screens. One by one the barns, arenas, paddocks and trails came into view.

I could feel Harry behind me, lying an arm on the back of the chair as he leaned closer.

" Now we just rewind to last night... " I pressed a button on the consoles keyboard and watched as the recordings from last night appeared. I saw the grooms that were being paid extra for night watching walking around outside the barn. I fast forwarded the tape until Harry suddenly pointed to the screen that showed the inside of the boarders barn. A figure dressed in a black hoodie walked into the feed room, emerging with a bucket of what looked like grin. I looked at another camera and watched as the figure dumped grain into England, Gent and Lotus' stalls before putting the bucket back and leaving, except this time, he was holding his hand,  piece looked like it had been ripped from his hoodie.

We couldn't see his face, but we had enough proof that someone was poisoning the horses.

" Too bad we can't see a face... " Harry commented. I turned and saw that his face was red with anger. Mine would probably be to, if someone had done that to anyone of J.O.P.S horses.

I put a hand on his arm and felt him relax. " Don't worry, we'll find out who did this... " I stood up. " We'll get the coaches and bring them here, show them the tape, then they can sit everyone down and figure out who's been doing all of this... "


" Is this a joke? I don't think its very funny! " Coach Jones snapped.

I stared wide eyed at the camera monitor, only to see static. The footage was gone!

" I-I swear, it was right here! " I replied.

" She's not lying, I saw it too, someone from the team is poisoning the horses " Harry defended me.

" Why would someone from our own team want to hurt our horses? " Smith asked, acting more calmly than Jones.

" I don't know but if we don't find out soon one of the horses could end up dead! " harry replied. " We have to try something, anything! "

" We have a mare in foal who could be in serious danger! " I felt myself getting more and more angry with the thought that someone was lurking around at night poisoning horses.

" Enough! " Jones shouted, silencing me and Harry instantly. " ...Harry, we will discuss this matter no more, unless you want to be benched from the game! "

Harrys eyes widened and he immediately looked down.

Jones turned to me. " And you, if you dare accuse one of my riders of doing such a horrible act again, I will make sure we sue this place for everything you have! "

My breathed caught in my throat. Sue J.O.P.S? With everything that had happened to their horses it was a real possibility.

A very scary possibility.

Once Jones and Smith entered the room, Will walked in, a smug smirk on his face.

" Boo hoo, my poor pregnant nag! " he taunted me before turning to Harry. " And my precious team placement... "

Harry gritted his teeth, but I grabbed his arm before he could swing a punch at Will.

Will's smug look turned threatening. " Listen good. If you want to keep Rio alive, then you'll mind your own business... "

My eyes widened when it hit me.

It was Will!

It had always been Will....

" You're a horrible person! " Harry snapped. " The horses haven't done anything to you! "

" Sure, maybe not Gent, Trigger or Lotus, but England definitely deserves it. This is both his and your punishment for not being a hundred percent committed to this team! " He turned to leave. " I won't touch your precious mare...if, you don't say another word about this... "

Will left me and Harry in the service room.

And at a cross-roads.....

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