Embarrassing Secret of Ja'Baby

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"I guess it's my turn. Ja'Baby, truth or dare?" Myron ask.

"Trwuth!" Ja'Baby

Titus began to think about Marga.

Myron thought about it for a moment, "What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?"

Ja'Baby widens, facing away, flustered..

"I wonder where she is right now..." Titus mumbled.

"Did you say something Titus?" Myron asks Titus.

"N-nothing..." Titus answered quickly.

Ja'Baby sweats nervously at the thought..

Myron gave Titus a suspicious look before turning to Ja'Baby, "Do you have an answer yet?"

Titus' sweat dropped.

"Shwoot.. " Ja'Baby began to grow nervous.

"Ja'Baaby. "
"You should answer this question..." Titus tells The Chibi.

"Twitus is gwonna huate mwe..," Ja'Baby scratches his cheek, flustered.

Titus raised an eyebrow.

"Come on! I answered your question now you have to answer mine!" Myron, barters.

Titus rubbed Ja'Baby's head, "Ja'Baby, I would never hat-"

"Fwine! I axsccidwentally trwipped, over Marga anwd..." Ja'Baby sweat even more..

Titus snaps and glares at The Chibi.

Ja'Baby shuddered, fearing for his LYFE now.

Myron covered her mouth trying not to laugh.

"Finish." Titus said through gritted teeth, seething.

Ja'Baby runs hides behind Myron, shaking.

"I said to finish your story." Titus said sweetly with shots of poison hinted into the tone.

Ja'Baby stares screaming inside.
The Chibi knew, it fducked up!

"Titus, you can't get mad about this. It was an accident." Myron tells him.

He sighed, nearly regained his temper, until..

"Awnd .. Hwuer Lwips.." Ja'Baby unknowingly said.

Titus stopped smiling, he twitched his eyebrow.

Myron burst out laughing unable to hold it in anymore.

Ja'Baby touches his own, "Swo.. Swoft.."

"I swear..." Titus groans.

Ja'Baby blushes even more.

Titus sighed, "Eh, it was in the past and is an accident. I forgive you."

Ja'Baby smiles a little still blushing..


"Okay, truth or dare?" Titus asks, The Chibi.

"Trwuth." Ja'Baby responded.

"Who do you like?" Titus asked

Ja'Baby irks.."Whitch wauy..?"

Titus looked him in the eyes, "Who."
"Do. "

"Whitch Wauy!?" Ja'Baby screams out.


"Ohh.. Shiitwake.." Ja'Baby sweats, flustered.

Titus rubbed his head, "You better answer me."

"Fwine.. Marga.." Ja'Baby blushed even More again, covering his face.

Titus' face turned serious for a second, but it went back to normal, "You better not hurt her if she falls in love with you."

"YesSir!" Ja'Baby jumps, back.

Titus rubbed his head, "Good boy."

Ja'Baby purrs at the affection given.

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