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"Look mommy, Look I found birdies!" Ja'Baby exclaims, baring large bald eagles on his Smoll shoulders. Let me mention the are very viscous fudging king sized eagles care compared to the Youngling.

Ja'far smiling and hugs Ja'baby.
"That's adorable!~" As a happy and proud hen he is around with Little Chibi.

[Ja'far just goes with it]

Sinbad stares at his personal family in confusion, asking himself,
"Where the heck those come from.."

Sinbad wasn't careful with his words, as Ja'far glares at Sinbad.

Ja'Baby ignoring the aura, vibing from his mama, hugging back, and giggling.

Eagles with the mind of their own flies off of their new master's shoulders and soared towards Sinabad; their sharp talons out and threading to scar him.

Sinbad notices the danger flashing at him like past assignations attempted to kill him, but notices Ja'far not doing anything for his safety and smiling at his son. He Runs, not wanting any permanent scars, or scrapes on his perfect chiseled body, that every woman of his land falls for.  After all he was the ladykiller of the seven seas; Sinbad!

Lol that means Ja'far is like those viscous eagles.

[An extra; Ja'Baby rides on the large viscous eagle]

Ja'Baby:  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~

Ja'far walks along with the eagle carrying Ja'Baby.

"Ja'Baby! Daddy, wants you to stop the big bad birdies!!" Sinbad yells

Ja'Baby:  Weeeeeeeeee~
I can't stop them, dadddyyyyy!!!

Ja'far smiles, "Isn't Ja'baby adorable!~"

Sinbad Screaming like a manly woman he is; running down the halls, hoping for his servants to help him.

General?; "Shouldn't you save Sinbad..?"

(Any General in mind, except Masur, he's a man of few words and speaks though his actions more/ The one that actually cares.)

Ja'far smiles, "He'll be fine."

"Look mama!!" Ja'far looks over to Ja'Baby's direction.

"Use Fwalcon PUNNCHHHHH!!" Ja'Baby yells out a command towards his pair of eagles.

Eagles were confused for awhile, but realized what their master wanted and  did what they were told and swooped at Sinbad.

Sinbad falls, stumbling and, rolling to the flooring, skids to the ground.

Ja'far chuckles into his drooping sleeve, "Good job!"

Ja'Baby cheers.

Sinbad groans Bruised and bleeding, "Im.. Okay..." He faints from his possible concussion.

"Told you he would be fine."
pats Ja'baby's back**

General?: *Sweatdrops*

Ja'far: **picks Ja'baby up and hugs**

Ja'Baby Hugs back, Giggling and nuzzles his mama. Smiling proudly.

"What's wrong with Uncle Sinbad..?" A young boy, the son of Solomon and Sheba, Aladdin appears with his staff. Given by his adopter, who he called Grandmother.

"Nothing you need to know." Ja'far retorts.

Aladdin was confused, as he looks at Ja'Baby.
"There's white and dark ruk around him.."

Ja'far plainly ignores Aladdin, embracing his precious Chibi.

Ja'Baby: *Is literally made of sugar and sin; Natural cockblocker

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