Part Six

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Zoya's POV:

I looked down at Aditya's picture with two other men, one man had shorter hair, though the back touched his shoulders, he was clearly older than Aditya, maybe a father? The other had a mischievous look about him, and wore glasses, slightly younger, maybe a brother? Then there was my man, Janab Aditya Hooda. It was strange to describe him as mine, I didnt remember ever having anything to call my own. I traced the photo with my fingers, 3 more days to go. He had left his number for me to call anytime, but I figured if he wanted to talk he would have called me, he was probably very busy and I didnt want to distract him. I tapped my chin, maybe I could call just to ask when he would be back and then that way he would talk to me if he wanted to, "Amazing idea hai Zoya" I clapped my hands excitedly

I picked up the phone and dialled his number, the ringing tone making me even more anxious, I was about to cut off when I heard his monotonous voice, he seemed bored, I had clearly called at the wrong time 

"Hello" he spoke again, this time louder

"Oh hi um its" 

"Zoya" his voice changed drastically, now much lighter 

"I just was calling to ask when you would be back" I could practically hear him grinning

"Why, are you missing me" his tone was laced with humour and I couldn't help but smile, he deserved happiness, I just hoped to give it to him

"Uh no, im just bored" I looked down at the orange blanket draped over my legs, it wasn't exactly a lie, but I wasn't ready for him to know just how much I had missed him just yet

"Me too, ive missed you, I cant seem to focus on anything when you're not with me" I blushed more so at his words, he seemed to be able to have this effect on me without even really trying

"Aditya" I admonished

He hummed a reply, clearly concentrating on something else

"Ive missed you too" my hand flew upto my mouth, I hadn't really meant to say that but now it was out I was nervous of what his reply would be

"You cant say things like that", his voice held a serious undertone "Because now im not going to be able to stay away from you, now I have to come back" 

"Wait I didn't mean" , but the phone cut off, I sighed heavily and went to put the phone down when it rung loudly in my ears. "Hello Ad" I paused as a man shouted down the phone.

"Ive had enough of you hiding my daughter from me Aditya, she deserves to know about her father, every day I call but you never give her the phone" to shocked to respond I cut off the phone, Aditya told me I had no family, so who was that on the phone and why would he call on the house phone? I had never heard the phone ring before

I sat on the sofa, my head in my hands, what kind of man was I really living with?


It was later on at night when I glanced up in my sleep deprived state to see a shadow looming in the doorway of my bedroom

"I came as fast as I could" Aditya switched on the light and picked me up, wrapping me in his embrace, my hands fisted, staying down by my side. He pulled back, his eyes searching mine for answers "Whats wrong"?

I moved away from him, his touch a distraction I didnt need, "You lied to me, told me I have no family, then why did a man call today saying he was my father" 

Aditya raised his brow "I have no idea, you were orphaned as a child, do you think I'd really keep you to myself if you had family, that I would be that selfish" he looked hurt but at that moment, I didn't care

Me not replying was answer enough for him, he stood up, tugging me up with him, he pulled me downstairs, calling the last number on his mobile that phoned the home phone, he put it on speaker

"Hello, this is Rajesh Gupta speaking, how can I help you" the same voice spoke again

"Hi, im just calling to speak to Zoya's father" Aditya eyed me suspiciously

There was an eerie silence before the man spoke again "Mr Hooda, how nice to finally speak to you" my eyes widened, on the phone he said he called everyday, I signalled for Aditya to cut the phone, once again I had lost my faith.

"Aditya I" what could I even say, I had messed up, majorly so, judging him when I had no right

He raised his hand, stopping me "I dont want to hear it anymore" 

I watched as he walked away from me, but I wouldnt lose like this. I swiped away my tears "You never gave up on me Aditya, I won't give up on you" I was determined to show this magnificent man that I was worth his love and time.

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