Part Seventeen-

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Author's POV-

Avni stood nervously in the kitchen making her tea, the sun streaming through the blinds made her flinch away as she continued to stir, too confused about how to best go about arguing with Neil, it wasn't exactly something she wished to do but his life was more important to her and she didnt want to put him at risk, she reminded herself it would only be for a small while until Neil could catch Rajesh.

"Lets go shopping" shouted Sunheri as she ran in, though of a small height she always managed to have so much energy

Turning towards her she smiled, maybe a shopping trip would take her mind off of the task at hand "Sure, that sounds great"

Neil walked in, his blazer undone and tight around his shoulders as he stretched past his wife to grab some water "Morning" he whispered under his breath, corner of his lips rising before he stepped back and his face became emotionless once again

She distantly wondered how she still managed to be so affected by him, whether he was close or far away, he still managed to affect her in the same way, gulping down the warm tea she instantly regretted it

"So, shopping, where to go"? Sunheri repeated

Neil rolled his eyes "There you go, spending my money again, is that why you married me in the first place"?

Sunheri's jaw dropped as DD walked in "Bhai, you know Avni bhabhi isnt like that"

This only caused him to laugh in response "Isnt she, nothing I ever did was enough for her, it was clear from the start her only interest was my money" turning his head he scowled at his wife, gaze ruthless and determined that just fot a second she forgot that this was merely an act "Tell me, would you still want me if I was poor"

Avni blinked "Not everything in the world is about money Neil, theres more to life then the amount in your bank account" looking down she stepped back "But if you knew me at all you would know that's how I feel"

Sunheri and DD looked at eachother in confusion then stepped away

"Of course there is, but you wouldnt know that would you" he replied

Waggling her index finger before him, she pointed to his chest "Tum apni aukat meh raho"

He laughed heartily, eyes darkening "Me, you have got to be kidding right, you want to go out and spend my money yet you're telling me that"

"Bhai please, I dont know what has changed but this isnt you" DD pleaded

Neil smiled "This is me, Neil Khanna, its who I have always been, I was stupid to ever try and change for her, for someone who will never be at my status"

Avni stormed off to her room and slammed the door, her shoulders shook as she leant against the door "It's just an act, it's just an act" her words seemed to offer her no comfort

Neil's gaze following her as she left, he hoped that he had not taken it to far and upset her, excusing himself he walked into their room and shut the door softly, stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, chin atop her shoulder "Are you mad at me"?

She shook her head in response

"Have I made you sad"?

Avni turned slowly to face him "You dont think those things about me do you" maybe it was stupid to even wonder but she needed to know, needed the reassurance that her Neil hadn't somehow turned against her

Neil cupped her face, ensuring she was looking into his eyes "No, I love you, I always will, even if you were those things, but I know you are not, but we have to make this realistic, we have to say things we dont mean or it will look like it can be fixed, but right now, when we are alone, just you and me, its more important now to take this time to realise eachothers love"

Avni smiled "Okay, I trust you and we can do this right"?

"We can do this, there is nothing we cant do if we are together, now go out, be safe and buy yourself something nice please" he pressed his lips to her forehead, that familiar worry kicking in, his voice was hoarse with emotion as he spoke "Please be safe"

Her smile widened, leaning up she kissed his cheek "I will" walking over to the door she turned around slightly "I quite like rude Neil, he's dreamy"

"Dreamy" Neil muttered, raising his brow

"Yeah, I kind of have a thing for angry Neil"

He smirked "Ill keep that in mind, why must you always tease me before you leave" he groaned "Go, before I can't control myself and find a way to make you stay with me today" her tinkling laughter made his heart race

Avnj walked out of the door and to Sunheri "Shall we go"? As soon as Sunheri agreed they walked away shouting goodbyes before shutting the door


Avni was stood waiting outside a shop for Sunheri to finish shopping when a shifty looking man aporoached her

"Avni " the man asked, his head down

"Yes, who are you"? She asked warily, gasping when he looked up and she came face to face with Rajesh, "What are you doing here"?

"Come with me now, don't make a scene or I will kill your Neil"

Shaking her head she looked around for help, hoping to bide time so Sunheri would come out "I did all you asked please, why are you doing this"?

Rajesh pulled out his knife and pointed his head to the side "Now Avni or I will ruin everyone you have ever loved, including that Sunheri in the shop" pressing the blade into her side he walked her out of the mall


"What do you mean Avni just disappeared"? Neil shouted, veins in his neck protruding as he clenched his fists

Sunheri flinched at his anger and stepped away, tears still rolling down her cheeks "I'm sorry"

"Tillu look, you need to tell us what is going on, thats the only way we can help you" Prakash said, looking up at him, Shweta held his hand and waited patiently for someone to explain, having been at work upon Neil and Avni's arrival she was lost and very confused

Dropping to the sofa with a sigh he began to explain how he had nearly lost Avni twice, about Rajesh, about Rajesh's son and everything in between

DD's jaw dropped "You shouldnt have tried to deal with this alone, we could have helped you, we will finish this Rajesh, together"

Neil focused on DD's hand, Sunheri placed hers atop his, Shweta placed hers atop Sunheri's and Prakash placed his atop Shweta's, with a sigh Neil placed his hand on top, maybe this is what he needed, his heart filled with joy at how willing his family was to endanger themselves for his wife. The Khanna's and their wives would surely win this fight, once and for all.


Avni sat in a chair, her legs and hands tied to it, throwing her head backs she grunted "What do you want from us, why cant you let us be in peace"? Avni shouted, tired and worn out from the constant stress of the last few days

Rajesh walked forward "Your husband killed my son"

"Your son tried to rape me, can you blame him, tried to take away my husband's business, you started this" she spat

He only laughed, grabbing her hair he pulled her closer "Maybe we did, but I will also be the one to end it, soon Neil will be here for the marriage of two souls"

"Marriage of two souls" she repeated

"Yes, you and I" the smirk on his lips only fuelled her fear, she had missed some thing, somehow.

Avni's jaw dropped "I am already married, you cant marry me legally" the weakness in her voice was clear to her

Rajesh pulled out the divorce papers "Neil really should look at what he signs, now sign this or I will kill Neil when he arrives"

Throwing her head forward she headbutted him in the face, finally untying her hands behind her back she began to untie her legs and stood up "Never" running past him she looked around for a place to hide

Neil got out of his car, Prakash, DD, Sunheri and Shweta wouldnt be far behind, he hoped that he would manage to get Avni to safety before his family turned up

Avni ran across the empty road, looking back behind her at her kidnapper she ran faster until she bumped into something, coming to a halt she raised her head "Neil, you came" the sudden calmness that took over made her feel so much better

Rajesh let out a laugh and pulled out his gun "Not so fast lovebirds, the fun has only just begun"

Neil was grabbed from behind and Avni stood still

"Come here Avni or I will shoot" he waved the gun

Neil shook his head trying to wrestle the two men that had grabbed him "Dont go Avni" he shouted

She muttered an apology before walking over to Rajesh slowly, upon getting closer she was pulled behind him

DD creeped up behind and swapped places with Avni who stood with Sunheri and Shweta

"Uh boss" a man pointed to behind him, but before he could make any move DD smiled and wrapped his arm around Rajesh's throat, pulling him back making him drop the gun to the floor, swiping his foot out he kicked it away

Shweta kneed one of the men in the back, knocking him to the floor she smashed the man around the head with her gun making Prakash whistle loudly, she curtsied quickly before lifting her leg and kicking the man around the face

The other man let go of Neil quickly and tried to run away only to be stopped by Prakash who stood infront of him and raised his brow, lifting his fist he punched him in the face and knocked him out

Avni, Sunheri and Shweta pulled the two men to the tree and tied them up with the rope Prakash threw at them from the car

DD shoved Rajesh down, pulling his hands behind his back he pushed his knee into his spine and held him tightly, he lifted his head and growled at Sunheri which made the knee in his back dig in deeper causing him to yelp

The sirens of the police were loud as the car pulled up and they arrested Rajesh and the two men "This isnt over" Rajesh spat

Avni looked over and laughed at Rajesh who tried to fight his way from the police's hold, resting against Neil she glanced at Prakash who had his head on Shweta's shoulder

"You will be dead before you get out of prison" yelled Sunheri who hugged DD

One thing was certain, the re-marriage of Neil and Avni could take place without any negativity!

Hey! I am so so sorry for how late this is but as i'm finally free now as uni is over till Feb, updates should be atleast every other week as I don't want to make any promises I can't keep!

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