Part Twelve

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Avni's POV-

Neil's eyes were darkened with desire, making me yearn for him even more. A dull ache formed at the pit of my stomach, there was a strange beauty in ones first time, you were baring yourself to someone, nothing hidden, revealing parts of yourself that no one else had seen. It was symbolic, something you would never forget. Neil surely remembered all of the past times, but I did not, for me this was my first time. His warm fingers pulling my hair out of its band distracted me from my thoughts.

His lips were hot on my skin, making my skin burn as his lips made a trail across my neck. "Are you sure" he asked, his eyes full of adoration

I cupped his face, so overwhelmed with having someone love me so much it consumed him, I nodded, unable to speak, no words could ever explain how sure I was, how much I wanted this.
I wasnt sure when I was led on the bed, his t-shirt I had worn on the floor, his lips covering my scorching skin

I couldnt help but arch my back, I needed to be closer to him, needed to have him as close as possible, but no matter how close in proximity, it wasn't enough
All my thoughts were jumbled as he bit into my neck, my only clear thought was Neil, his hand on my waist, his lips on my neck, stinging then soothed as he licked across the trail of bites on my neck

I pushed his t-shirt over his head, my hands raking across his chest, wanting to find my way across the puzzle that was my husband. He looked down at me, a mischevious glint in his eyes, without thinking I knelt infront of him, tugging him down I pressed my lips to his, in sweet surrender, I was his, I always would be

He swallowed thickly before pushing me back down, his voice deeper and throaty as he whispered in my hear "Tell me you're mine"

I squeezed my eyes shut, his hand a mild distraction as he traced my hip "Im yours"

"Look at me, I want to look into your eyes"
Only too keen to fulfil his request I opened my eyes and looked into his, the fire in his eyes taking my breath away "You ready" he asked breathlessly

"Yes" I moaned, too caught up in my need for him

And that night I had become Neil's Avni in all ways possible. Two bodies entwining as one, although two different people, my heart was his, and his was mine.


Author's POV-

Neil and Avni led in bed, her head was on his chest, his left arm around her waist, his hand holding hers, he turned his head and kissed her forehead.
It was nice to just lay together in silence, words werent always needed when you were with the right person.

Avni sighed, the flight home had been long and dreary but it was all worth it, to finally make their house a home. The trip had been insightful and memorable, a time that would stay with them forever, Avni was happy to have had the chance to make new memories with Neil since she didnt remember older ones she would rebuild their love once again, some things were to good to forget and deep down, somewhere in her heart- she remembered him and maybe just for now that would be enough.


Neil's POV-

I had treated Avni like fragile glass all night so scared to break her, it felt surreal to have her so close, to have her want me as I wanted her. I was still fearful that this was all but a dream, that she would dissapear. In the past few months I had learnt the hard way that it took seconds to lose the one you loved.

So I promised to treat every day like it could be our last, and never give her reason to doubt my love for her. I looked down at her when she put her hand on my cheek and tapped "What are you thinking about "

"Just how lucky I am"

She smiled "I know how you feel"
She went to get up, but I wasnt ready to let go yet, maybe I never would be. She smiled back at me, hair bouncing as she did "Neil, im hungry"

I sat up, picking her up she squealed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders
"You look good in my clothes"

She blushed, I loved that about her, she was always so innocent, always so affected. I made my way to the kitchen and placed her on the side "Is my husband a chef too, what can't you do" she asked, her eyes lit with humour

"Ill let you be the judge of that" I winked

Her eyes widened, before she looked away and shook her head

Avni's POV-

Neil's cooking skills amazed me even now, the omlette melted in my mouth, the spices exploding with every bite, he stood rather impatiently by my side, waiting to hear my thoughts. I looked up at him, smiling "It was great thank you"

He tapped his cheek in earnest when I stood up to put my plate down I kissed his cheek only for him to tap his other cheek and smile sheepishly, with a laugh I gave him what he wanted and the smile he offered me in return made my heart skip a beat. Rubbing his nose against mine, I knew this was where I was meant to be, in his arms.

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