My best friend

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It was around lunch time and Brock was currently stirring some soup in a pot. As it was simmering, he reached for a carrot but felt nothing. "Aw shoot, guess I'm out." Brock said with a sigh. "Need this?" Brock jumped at the sound of the new voice and turned around to find the source. Croagunk was standing next too Brock and was holding out a carrot. "Oh! Thanks Croagunk." Brock said, taking the carrot in his own hand and began to chop it for the soup.

Croagunk smiled in response, but he couldn't help but notice Brock's frown. "S-something...wrong?" Croagunk said nervously, letting a sheepish smile show. Brock was a little surprised at Croagunk's actions, he normally wouldn't ask stuff like that.

Brock sighed and turned too Croagunk. "Why are you helping me?" Croagunk jumped at the sudden response. "I-I's not that I don't appreciate the's just...I don't think..I deserve it." Brock nervously said to catch himself. Croagunk's orange cheeks suddenly got darker, indicating that he was blushing. "Aw come on Brock. You always help everyone out the nicest guy I know." Croagunk responded, glancing away. Quickly realizing what he just said, Croagunk covered his face in embarrassment. "S-sorry! I'm being overbearing aren't I? I-I'll just...go!" Croagunk said quickly, already walking away.

Croagunk stopped walking when he felt someone grab him. He swiftly turned around and saw Brock holding him. "H-hey! It's ok! I actually...enjoy your company!" Brock said, slightly blushing himself. "I-it's just funny how much I annoy you....but yet you like to hang around me...heh-heh" Brock smiled, Croagunik slightly copying. "W-well...I really like you..your my best friend...and I think as you best friend...I should always try to make you hap-!?" Croagunk was suddenly cut off by Brock kissing him smack on the lips! Croagunk was blushing so hard that he was sweating! He quickly looked around. Nope, no one was looking, thank Arceus! He was about to get into it, but smelled something burning, the soup!

Croagunk was laying on his stomach, with his arms folded under his head, blushing in his sleep. "B-Brock...please....the s-soups burning......n-not here...ngh...." Croagunk mumbled in his sleep, shifting his head to the side.

Unfortunately for him, both Pikachu and Buizel were watching Croagunk nearby. Despite their chuckling, they were pretty quite during the scene. "Is he dreaming about Brock again?" Pikachu whispered between chuckles. "When is he not?" Buizel said with a smirk. Pikachu looked at the sleeping Croagunk, then back at Buizel. "You think he'll ever tell him?" Buizel turned to Pikachu and shook his head. "I doubt it, if this is the Croagunk I know." Pikachu nodded "Good point."

Note: All of my stories take place in parallel universes from other stories so don't go in the comments and say stuff like: "Oh! I thought Croagunk loved Buneary!" Cause "Meant to be" takes place in a different universe. Also, this chapter is based on:

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Ok! Eat your teeth! See ya!

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