Don't Let Go

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Author's Note: 1 hour my time! I'm dying with anticipation!


Jace and I just silently lay on my bed. My face is buried in his chest. I can smell his fragrance and hear his heart beat. I let my mind calm down. "Are you awake my love?" Jace asks. He started calling me love after I started crying when he told me Sebastian......used my underwear. I haven't said anything because what would I even say? He's not saying he loves me, he's just given me a nickname. I actually kind of like it. It's nice to have something only Jace calls me. It's like a special thing that only Jace and I have.

"Yeah, I'm awake," I mumble into his ear. Should I kiss him? I feel like I should?

"Do you want to get up? I'm fine laying here if you want," Jace questions.

"Just a few more minutes," I sigh contently.

"Of course love," Jace whispers to me.

"Jace," I say as I look into his eyes. "Don't let me go."

"Never," Jace whispers loud enough so only someone as close as I am to him would hear. Now! It would be a perfect time to kiss him. I....I can't. I...I don't know what's stopping me. Yes, I was raped, but I know Jace won't hurt me. H....he isn't like that, right? Ugh! Stop doubting him! We lay there silently for who knows how long. "Are you ready to get up and see Willow?"

"Yeah," I sigh. "I'm ready." With that, we both sit up. Jace fixes his shirt and pants. Ooops! I get his clothes all rinkily. I straighten out my shirt a little. We walk to his van. The drive is quiet and peaceful. We arrive at Jace's house.

I rush out of the car to see Willow. Opening the door, I see Maryse and Willow eating lunch. "Hi Maryse," I call to her. "How's Willow doing?"

"She's good," Maryse replies. We're in the same room.

"Thank you for watching her," I smile. Someone comes up behind me and I'm about to freak out when I smell it. Jace. He's behind me. My shoulder muscles unclench, my fists break, and a smile finds my face. Jace stands behind me, but not too close. How does he know I'm not comfortable yet? Even though I can share abed with him, the idea of him standing too close behind me is scary. What is wrong with my brain?

"Yes, thank you mom," Jace echoes. "We really appreciate your help." We! He said we! As in him and I! Ekkkkk!

"Hon, you know I love Willow. If you two ever need some 'us' time, within limits, I'd be glad to watch my favorite granddaughter for a while," Maryse explains.

Willow spots Jace. "Dada dada dada dada dada," Willow calls.

"How's dada's baba?" Jace asks. ("How are you?") He picks her up out of her highchair. Ugh! I love it when Jace talks baby talk to Willow. He's so cute! I've never seen a man do that before. I guess it takes a special man to be comfortable enough to talk baby talk around his baby.

"Mama mama mama," Willow yells and claps her hands when she sees me.

"Hi Willow," I smile. She reaches out for me to hold her. Jace plays jealous when Willow picks me. His bottom lip protrudes out of his mouth. We go into his room.

"I guess I see where I rank," Jace comments.

"Awww, it's okay you're still my number one. However, I have to say, Willow makes a strong case," I can't help but giggle. I set Willow on his bed.

"She does, doesn't she? Just remember.....Willow is my baby, so maybe you just can't handle 100% of all of this," Jace teases as his hands gesture his body.

My cheeks radiate heat. Why does my mind automatically think of the most inappropriate things sometimes. I know that's not what Jace was referring to. He wouldn't ever do that because he knows I'd be....uncomfortable. So....why do I think of it like that? "Jace, doesn't Willow take a nap after lunch," I ask trying to change the topic. Please let the topic change....

"Yes, but you brought her into my room," Jace defends. I pick her up and plop her in Jace's lap. Or at least I try to. Willow clings to me.

"No mama," Willow cries. "I wan mama!" ("No, mom. I want you!")

I reposition her in my arms. "It's nap time," I reply. I carry her into her room, and I lay her in her crib. Finding her favorite blankey, I tuck her in. I kiss her forehead and sing a quick, "You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. The other night dear and I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms. When I awoken, I was mistaken. I bowed my head and I cried, you are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my Willow away." Willow's eyes are closed and she seems peaceful.

Quietly, I tiptoe out of her room. I make it back to Jace's room to find him reading. "Hey, Jace. Whatcha reading?" I ask girlishly.

"Just reading a book, while I wait for you to come back," Jace responds. He sets the book down and walks towards me.

"Is my little girl sleeping?" Jace asks.

"Yep," I reply proudly. "I sang to her, so she decided to sleep to escape the ear splitting torture."

"More like she felt safe and sound at the sound of your beautiful voice, so she peacefully drifted to sleep," Jace defends me from myself. It's so easy for me to get lost in the presence that is Jace. I forget about Sebastian and Jonathan. All I have to think about is the way Jace makes me laugh or the way he always knows what to say when I'm doubting myself. Then I'll be okay, if Jace and I start being intimate. I know he will never hurt me. I know it won't ever feel.....rushed, forced, or pressured. It'll be.....perfect in that moment.

"Potato potato," I smile at Jace. (Author's Note: Clary said them as if they were two different pronunciations.)

"So....what do you want to do for the next little while?" Jace asks.

"I've got an idea," I smile at him.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 3/20/18

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