The Awakening

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Author's Note: 5 days until the Shadowhunters season 3 premiere!


Clary is unconscious when we get to the hospital. The doctors and nurses rush the the gurney. I get pulled away by the crowd of people. Jocelyn and I sit silently in the waiting room for hours. Shit! Willow! Alec is probably pissed at me! I walk into a separate room.

"Alec, I'm so sorry. I forgot to call you. Clary...she's alive. Some psycho had her locked in the basement of our school. I'm at the hospital. We just got here. I don't know anything. I....I can come and get Willow if you want me to," I explain. Jace! Babies can't be at hospitals, but you need to be here for Clary! "If you would please do me a huge favor and take care of Willow for a while, at least until Clary wakes up, I'd really appreciate it."

"Of course, just keep us updated with her progress," Alec confirms. Thank the Angel! Phew! Okay, Willow is okay and being taken care of. I walk back into the quiet waiting room.

Hours later....

"Are you relatives of Clarissa Fray?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, I'm her mother and this is her boyfriend," Jocelyn replies. She stands up to shake his hand.

"My name is Dr. Jones," Dr. Jones returns the greeting. "Your daughter has a rather large gash in her head, and we think it's causing a concussion. She should wake up any time. It's all about what her body does. T...there's something else." Dr. Jones looks Clary's mom straight in the eyes. "Maybe.....he should step out for this part." His eyes point to me.

"Dr. Jones, I can assure you whatever you want to say in front of me, Jace can hear as well," Jocelyn politely explains.

"Yes, perhaps, but it might be better for him to hear it from you, not me," Dr. Jones hints.

"Okay, Jace I swear I'll tell you everything he tells me, okay," Jocelyn confirms. I simply nod and walk to the room I was in earlier.


Jace leaves the room. Dr. Jones and I sit in the chairs. "Ma'am there's no easy way to say this. Clarissa has been raped. It seems at though....she's been....raped before," Dr. Jones explains.

"Y....yes, she has. My son, he molested her for almost 9 years before I saw what was happening," I look down in shame. I hate that I never saw it before.

"I'm sorry ma'am. We did a blood test, and the good news is, she's not pregnant," Dr. Jones replies. "Do you see why I thought maybe you should tell her....boyfriend?"

"Of course, thank you Dr. Jones," I smile. He goes back to whatever doctors do after they leave. I walk into the room Jace went off to.


"Jace, we need to talk," Jocelyn begins. "M..maybe we should sit down, yeah?"

"Yeah," I agree. We sit down and Jocelyn's eyes are filling with tears.

"Jace, He.....he.....ra...raped," Jocelyn manages between cries.

I pull her into my arms. There are no words to say, so I sit there silently holding Jocelyn in my arms. "Are you relatives of Clarissa?" a nurse asks.

"Yes," I reply. Jocelyn stirs on my shoulder.

"You can go and see her now. She's in room 5," the nurse replies, and walks out of the room.

"Jocelyn, we can go and see Clary now," I try as I shake her shoulders to wake her.

"Clary, we can see her now," Jocelyn echoes. Before we leave I ask, "Who should tell Clary....about...."

"You should, unless you don't want to," Jocelyn replies.

"I want to. Sorry that sounded weird. I mean....of course," I nervously blurt. We walk to room 5.

Clary is awake and staring at the door, likely from the sudden movement. Once she sees her mom, her body relaxes. "Mom," Clary quietly whispers. Jocelyn rushes to her side and hugs her. I stand in the doorway. Her words on the ambulance ride here haunt me. Should I stay away until she's better? Of course I'd be in the hospital, but just.....don't make her see me. Wait in the waiting room and check on her while she's asleep.

"Mom, who's in the doorway?" Clary nervously questions.

"Oh, hon it's Jace," Jocelyn replies. "We've been worried sick about you." I guess I have so show myself and prepare for the worst.

I walk out of the shadows, still a few steps from her bed. Clary's face lites up. "Jace!" Clary shouts. "Jace, it's really you! I...I...I can't believe it's really you!" Then her face loses its shine.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

" don't want to come closer to me. I-" Clary tries.

"I think I'm going to leave you two alone for a few minutes while I got coffee. Jace, would you like a coffee?" Jocelyn asks.

"Yes please, ma'am," I reply. She leaves. I sit on Clary's bedside.

"Clary of course I wanted to come closer. I...I just didn't know if you remember what happened in the ambulance ride?" I ask.

"Not really," Clary admits.

" had lots of medicine along with.....your injuries. You weren't able to fully function. I...I was....Sebastian. I...I have blonde hair and so did he, I guess you were just confused. I didn't know if you sill didn't recognize me, so I wanted to give you some time," I explain.

"Jace, I'm sorry I compared you to.....him," Clary quietly whispers to me.

"I'll have none of that. You were just kidnapped and beaten, there's no need to be sorry," I explain.

Clary pulls me closer to her. I'm basically laying with her in the bed. "J....Jace, I.....I'," Clary quietly says in my ear.

"Clary don't be nervous, it's okay," I comfort and rub her back soothingly.

"What if you hate me? Leave me?" Clary nervously babbles. "I...I can't let that happen."

"Just tell me, I won't leave or hate you. I could never hate you. As for leaving, I have no intentions of being anywhere else," I defend.

"Oh, I can't believe I forgot! Where's Willow?" Clary asks.

"Calm down, Alec is watching her," I reply. "Now tell me."

"Jace....Sebastian.....he...ra......he...raped me," Clary whispers. Then tears fall from her cheeks and she collapses (doesn't lose consciousness) into my arms. I pet her hair while she cries and cries and cries.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 3/15/18

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