The Bribe

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Author's Note: I'm kinda evil, so that adorable thing where Clary gave Jace an apple, it's not going to be so good. I'm almost sorry. 😈


We just picked up Magnus and now we're on our way to Max's school. I try to pay attention, but my mind keeps drifting to this morning.


I feel someone shake my shoulders. Jonathan? No! No! I don't want to! Maybe he'll leave if I play sleep for a while.

"Clary, it's time to get up," a voice whispers. This voice seems too nice to be Jonathan. Maybe....he's trying to trick me. No! He's so close to me. H....he's going to hurt me either way, awake or not.

When I open my eyes a little and peek, I'm not in my room. However, I can see a shadow next to me. "Where am I? J....Jonathan?" I asks confused.

"No, it's Jace. You're at my house, more specifically in my bedroom. You're safe and Jonathan can't hurt you," Jace coaxes. It's Jace! You're safe! It's okay!

I open my eyes fully. Jace's strong features mesmerize me. His eyes are digging holes in mine. I let out a breath that must've forgotten to exhale. "I'm sorry Jace. I....I didn't mean to," I say nervously. What if he's mad at me? What if he hurts me? No! Jace is not Jonathan! Jonathan is not Jace! Jace is gentle, nice, and I trust him! None of those can be said about Jonathan! Jace won't hurt me! A voice says. But....would he? A small voice whispers. Maybe if I explain. "I....waking up in.....places I'm...not familiar....with, it can...mess...with me. I was....asleep." I sob tears falling down my cheeks. I can see anger in Jace's eyes. Make it better! "Jace, I'm sorry to do this to you," I manage. Pull it together! He's going to think you're weak and pathetic!

"Hey, don't be. I'm okay as long as you are," Jace smiles at me. No! You need to make it up to him! What did you do when Jonathan was mad? You gave him something. Okay, what could you give Jace, so he doesn't hate you as much? Something to soften him up a little. He....he probably isn't going to eat breakfast. If the morning is too busy, he just skips it. So....I'll bring him breakfast. No.....that would be too much! Jonathan got mad if I tried too hard. It was always better if I found a balance. As I'm walking down the stairs, I see an apple on the counter.

"Mrs. Herondale, may I please have this apple?" I ask Jace's mom. An apple is a good choice! Not to complicated and big, but still nice.

"Of course dear. Feel free to eat whatever you'd like," Jace's mom replies sweetly.

"Thank you," I smile and with that I'm off to the door. I see Jace and I smile at him. The sight of him holding Willow with so much love, almost makes me forget how mad at me he must be, almost. Maybe the smile will help?

You look beautiful today Clary," Jace says as he walks down the stairs. Maybe he's being nice in front of his family. Yeah, that's probably it. I try to, but I can't make my eyes meet his intimidating gaze.

"Thanks," I peep. Give him the apple now! At the very least, it'll make him less mad. "I...I uh grabbed an apple for you. I...I figured that you didn't get to eat because of me. I know it's not much, but I thought....-"

Jace smiles at me. Yes! He actually seems happy! "Thank you," Jace responds.


"Earth to Clary," Jace says pulling me out of my flashback. "We need to talk. Meet me in the custodial closet before Chemistry."

"O...okay," I peep. He's still mad! He's still mad! Okay, just calm down. Maybe it won't be so bad. He....he's never hit you. Maybe he'll just use his words. Yeah! That's possible! But words.....they sting worse than any blade.......

At school

After we get out of Jace's van, I promptly make my way to the custodial closet. Jace stays back and takes to Alec about something. He probably doesn't want anyone to see us go in there at the same time. Is there even an us? I mean....we made out last night. But...maybe he doesn't want to actually date me? We didn't set clear rules about it. After what happened this morning, I wouldn't blame him. If he didn't want me, I'd understand. He...he thinks that I'll leave him, but I know he'll want to leave me. There's no reason for him to settle. His words ring in my ears.
'Of course Clary. Why would I want to be your friend? You're just some nobody. Kaelie is hot, sexy, smart, tall, fully.....developed, and did I mention attractive.' All of the things he likes and all of the things I'm not.

"Clary," Jace is suddenly sitting next to me on the "bench," as I'm pulled out of my thoughts. "We need to talk about this morning." Just take it! Whatever he does. Like Jonathan, he's just giving you what you deserve!


Author's Note: 😂😂😂 I'm sorry, but did anyone else laugh. Jace is literally the short version he uses for his fill name, Jonathan!

I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 3/5/18

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