When it's So Dark....

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As I'm picking up Willow to go back to the van, Jace walks in. "Hey Willow, how's my baby?" Jace asks, not mentioning me. He sits next to her in the booth across from me. Jace needs to be with his family. Maybe you should just leave. I put some money on the table and get up to leave. "Hey, Clary could you watch Willow tomorrow night?" Tomorrow night? Our date night........Stop, he needs to repair his family. Just let him go. If you love someone you do what's best for them, even if it isn't for them to be with you, right? It's best for Jace and Willow to be a family with.......C...Chloe.

"Sure Jace, I'll come over after school and have a sleepover with Izzy, so I can stay as long as you need me to," I reply managing to keep my tears at bay.

"If I'm not back by morning, you'll be able to stay with Willow, right?" Jace confirms. Back by morning........... Stay with Willow. I can feel the tears building. "Yeah, I'll stay with her until you get back. But, I uh, I've got to go." I turn and walk towards the door.

"Hey, wait," Jace begins. My heart skips a beat. Is he going to say something? Tell me he wants me to stay? Tell me he's not going to go and have sex with Chloe while I watch their love child? Tell me to trust him? If he says that, to trust him, I will. No questions. I stop walking and turn around. "Do you need a ride home or somewhere?" A.....ride.......... A RIDE! A......ride.... I take a deep breath.

"No thanks," I reply. I turn back around and run out as soon as I'm out of sight. I run to my house, and I cry.

At Clary's house

I step in and my mom is sitting in the kitchen waiting for me. "Hi honey. How was your time with Jace and Willow?" my mom asks. She likes Jace...a lot.
I burst into tears again.

"Mom.....I," I run to her side and cry in her arms. "Mom, I.....l....love him."

"Oh honey, I'm so happy for you," my mom unknownly praises.

"No, mom. W....we were in his van with Willow in the back....s.....sleeping. I....I just asked him out and he said y.......yes.....but then he got a.....ph.....hone call. Mom.....i.....it.....was Chloe." I manage between sobs.

"Oh, honey," my mom says but this time there's a surprised and sad ring to it. I cry on her for a while longer until I feel like my tears are gone.

After what feels like hours, I peel myself from my mom and go to take a shower. "Shower," is all I manage and my mom simply nods.

I walk up the stairs and go to the bathroom. I lock the door, a habit I've had ever since Jonathan...... Then, I find my phone and put on my playlist for days like this. I try to listen to the music, but "Stand By You," by Rachel Platten comes on, and I start crying again. Removing my clothes, I step in the shower. My tears mix with the frigid water that pours down my body. My thoughts take over. Am I doing the right thing? Yes, I shouldn't wreck Jace and Willow's family. My family is wrecked and so I can understand the tole it has on someone, especially a girl. Willow means the world to me, so if not for me, or for Jace, then I have to let Chloe, Jace, and Willow become a family again for Willow.

I get out of the shower and go to my room. "Honey, dinners done," my mom calls up.

"I'm not very hungry mom," I reply.

"Come on hon it's your favorite pizza and ice cream," my mom replies. She knows how to get me.

"Okay, I'm coming," I shout. I grab my black sweater, phone, and earbuds. Walking down the stairs, I can smell the aroma of pizza. I take breaths through my nose and inhale deeply. My mom had a plate for me and a plate for her with pizza waiting.

"Honey, how about we go to the mall tomorrow, just the two of us?" my mom offers.

"I promised I'd watch Willow while Jace meets up with Chloe, sorry mom," I reply sadly.

"Okay, maybe Wednesday then," my mom won't let this go. Shopping does sound like it could make me feel better. And it's not like I have a boyfriend to visit. As I'm 100% sure he doesn't even remember were dating. It's okay. I don't think it matters. I'll never mention it and he's already probably forgotten. I wonder if it counts as cheating if we never even had enough time to really he a couple? No, Jace's world just got shook, I wouldn't hold it against him. Plus, from the pictures I've seen, Chloe's really pretty. Definitely prettier then me. We eat our pizza in silence, until I get a text from Jace.

Author's Note: Jace is bold, Clary is normal.


Hey, I just wanted to make sure you can still take care of Willow tomorrow.


Okay, I'm leaving at 6, so if you could here at 5:30 so the hand off goes well, that'd be great. I should get before she wakes up in the morning.

Okay, sounds good, good night.

Good night.


I wrote good night, because I just couldn't take it anymore. He loves her. They have a love child. Of couse they're going to make love when they finally see eachother again. I lay my head on my mom's lap as I lay on the couch. My mom pets my head, and I fall sleep.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 5/13/18

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