Can't wait to see you tomarrow

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"Ha! Your in here too? Ya get a letter from the office?" Race asked Jack Kelly as they sat down in desks next to each other.

"Yea, apparently I'm failing English and they want me to pass." Jack said sarcastically.

"Ah, Crutch! You too?" Race called spotting a kid with a crutch hobbling his way into the classroom and siting behind Jack.

"Youse failing too?" Jack asked turning around to talk to him.

"Nah, jus need a few extra credit points, Miss Medda told me this would be an easy A." Crutchie told him.

"That ain't fair." Race muttered who, in fact was failing English, along with Jack. A few other students fluttered in, there weren't many considering it wasn't an actual class.

"I know, they took free period away from me for this." Jack muttered to his two friends. Race was gonna say something but at that moment a vaguely familiar looking girl with long curly brown hair walked in the classroom. She was wearing a white blouse with dark skinny jeans and light convers. Despite her casual appearance she held an air of authority and importance.

"The bell rang! Every one in their seats!" The girl called to the class setting her stack of books on the teachers desk. The room quieted and she turned to the class. Jack studied her face closely, he'd seen this girl before, she was in his grade. He'd never talked to her before but he'd occasionally pass her in the hallways, he wondered what she was doing teaching English prep.

"Some of you may know me I am Katherine Plumber but all of you will call me Miss. Plumber inside this class room. I am here to reteach all the things you failed to learn last semester." She sounded vaguely annoyed as if their mental compasity was an inconvenience. Race raised his hand.

"Ain't youse a student here?" He asked, it sounded almost like a challenge.

"Yes, is that a problem er, Mr...?"

"Higgins." Race said "I was just wondering why we ain't gonna have a real teacher to teach us." Katherine narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, Mr. Higgins I wouldn't be quick to judge seeing you've failed and I have not." She said snappily. The class sniggered and Jack instantly started to like this girl. And Jack being Jack smirked and didn't even bother to raise his hand before speaking.

"I don't know about you Race, but I'se never herd of no student teacher teaching English." He said loud enough for Katherine to hear who was picking up a clip board.

"Well Mr...."

"Kelly, Jack Kelly. But... you can call me anything you like." Jack said suggestively making the class chuckle.

"Well Mr. Jack Kelly, better wake up to the new century, the games changing." She said giving Jack a glare. He was starting to really like this girl.

"Your outta ya league Kelly." Romeo whispered to Jack -who sat three seats behind him- as Katherine turned to the board to write something down.

"Watch an learn..." Jack whispered back with a smirk.

"All right get out your English text book and turn to page-" Katherine said inspecting a book when Jack cut her off.

"Hey Plumber." Katherine's eyes flashed to Jack annoyed by the interruption.

"What?" She asked, Race chuckled as Jack gave him a glance.

"How youse end up here? You musta really hit rock bottom. Tell me, what's a pretty face like yours doin' in this room." He said flashing her a smile. She glared at him and stood up a little straighter.

"It just so happened that I was offered to teach you people, I've earned A+'s in English since day one." She said putting her book down with a little more force than necessary. "I've written articles for the Sun," she was walking toward Jacks desk and he could since a full on lecture. "I won the New York Times national tribute for writing a paragraph-" She was standing by his desk now, Jack liked her closeness very much. "I've written more words then you even know how to read. Should I continue?" She asked in a sickly sweet way.

"Yea, as long as you promise ta come a little closer." He said smirking at her. The class sniggered again and Katherine glared at Jack so hard he almost erupted into flames. She turned on her heel and went back to the front desk fuming.

"Page 256, Thanks to Mr. Kelly you all have extra reading tonight." She said flipping through her book.

"Awe come on Miss. Plumber, it's ya first day." Race complained throwing his head back like a little kid.

"I know what I'm doing Higgins, don't try to sway me." Katherine said sharply.

"Do ya really know what your doing Plumber? Come on, whats the last class you taught?" Jack asked his textbook untouched. Katherine slammed her book shut her brown eyes glistened with annoyance and anger.

"When's the last test you passed?!?" She challenged. The whole room sounded with "Oooh's" and Jack felt his mouth fall open with shock. That was hot, Jack thought as she smirked at his expression, satisfied with shutting him up she continued into the lesson. Jack didn't pay attention to a word that was said he was far to interested in starring at this Katherine girl. He tried to remember all the times he'd seen her in the halls, it wasn't many but he thought he remembered having her in his Science class his sophomore year. Her group and his group weren't typically involved with each other, she was more of a prep with nicer clothes and richer parents (by the looks of it) and Jacks group was more towards the bottom of the High School food chain, it was easy to see why their paths had never crossed before. Boy was he glad they had passed now. She knew he was starring at her and he couldn't tell if she was more annoyed or pleased by the fact. By the end of the class his notes were empty but his mind now full with this... Katherine Plumber.

"Read Pages 259-314 tonight, you'll have a quiz next class!" She told them, they all groaned in response. The bell rang and everyone rushed out except for Jack who hung back, zipping his back pack up slowly as he watched Katherine out of the corner of his eye. She was scowling at him her notes jumbled in one hand. "What are you doing?" She asked irritably.

"Getting ready to flirt with a student teacher, what are you doing?" He asked shouldering his back pack and walking up to her.

"Getting ready to punch a certain student named Jack Kelly." She muttered piling her papers into a neat stack.

"What on earth could he of done?" Jack asked sarcastically.

"Your walking on one slippery slope Kelly." Katherine muttered gathering her things.

"If I fall i'd be happy ta bring ya with me." He said leaning in close to her.

"You have homework tonight." She informed completely ignoring him.

"Maybe you should help me." He said suggestively. Gosh was he doing good.

"Maybe you should leave." She said pointing to the open door. "Next class starts in two minutes."

"Since when does Mr. Mortensen take roll?" Jack asked as she headed toward the door.

"Since I became your teacher. Would you like me to give Mort a call?" She asks turning to him. Man she was quick, Jack wasn't sure what to say so he decided to play it safe.

"Alright Katherine, you win. For now. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He said walking past her and out the door, he winked at her before turning to head to his next class (which he was already late for) He glanced back and saw her standing in the door way starring after him. He smirked, he was really looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.

Authors note- Tell me what you think! I own nothing!

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