Moment After The Strike

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"I still can't believe we did it!" David said slapping Jack on the back who was sitting next to Crutchie on the fountain in the middle of Newsies square.

"Crazy ain't it?" Jack replied and grinned at the gathered people in the square who were celebrating the end of the strike.

"We's had help!" Romeo said tipping his hat toward a girl in a floor length purple skirt and poka dot shirt. She stood a few yards away chatting happily with Elmer and Jojo.

"Yea" Jack said his voice sounding a little far off. "Too bad 'er father got her fired from her job at the Sun, she was gonna get even better then she already was." The boys turned to look at the strike leader, there eyebrows raised.

"Why would her father fire her from the Sun? Who does he think he is? Gordon Bennett?" Race asked around a cigar stuffed in his mouth. The boys chuckled at this but Jack kept his face serious.

"No, Joseph Pulitzer." Jack said still looking at Katherine. Race almost choked on his cigar.

"What do you mean?"

"Wait, Plumber is ole' Joes daughter?!?"

"Can't be 'er last name is Plumber!"

"That doesn't mean she ain't his daughter!"

"What are you stupid? You gotta have the same last name to be related!"

"Says who?!?"

"HEY" Jack shouted over the raising voices they quieted at once and turned to him. "I ain't jokin' she goes by her byeline. Pulitzers her ole' man." Jack said. Race almost choked again.

"She's too pretty to be related to Pulitzer." Romeo said looking back to Katherine and pulling his hat off in admiration.

"I'd like to see how you and Katherine will go down with ole' Joe around." Crutchie said to Jack.

"That'll be the next civil war!" Race exclaimed.

"Yea, Jack and Kathy against the mighty Pulitzer once again. Now there's a headline!" Mush said pushing Jack shoulder.

"He might hate you even more than he already does!" David said looking up to the tall World building.

"I could see that happening." Romeo agreed. Jack leaned back on his hands and watched the spunky, beautiful reporter he had some how fallen head over heals in love for.

"I don't know about you guys," Jack said leaning in like he was gonna tell them a secrete "But I kinda wanna see the look on ole' Joes face when he sees me making out with his daughter." The boys sniggered and nudged each other as they watched Katherine turn toward the group of boys. Her eyes quickly found Jack and her smile grew twice as big.

"Oh here it comes, quick some one go get Pulitzer!" Race said teasing him. Jack ignored him and stood up as Katherine waved bye to Elmer and Jojo and began to walk towards him. The boys continued their teasing as he walked out of the group and toward the magnificent girl who was striding purposefully to him. He grinned crookedly at her as she came closer. 15ft... 10ft... 5ft... and then they were there, Jacks hands slipping behind her back and her arms raising to his neck he pulled her in for a kiss. There was a series of catcalls and whistles behind them but they didn't care. She pulled closer to him and he couldn't stop the grin from forming on his lips making it a little difficult for her to kiss him. She rolled her eyes but stayed close not wanting to let go.

"Think ya father will care if I'm kissin' you in front of his old building?" Jack asked pressing his fore head to hers. Her hands came down and caressed the sides of his face.

"Who... the hell cares?" She asked a little out of breath before kissing him again.

"Hey Jack!" They herd Race call "Quit mackin' on Katherine and get over here! We got papes to sell!" The boys howled with laughter and Jack tried not to be smug as he felt Katherine's cheeks grow warm under his hands. He pulled away and she ducked her head embarrassed before lacing her fingers with his.

"I'll come with you." She said softly.

"To sell your fathers papes?"

"Remember? Where ever you go I be there right by your side." She said starring at their hands. Jack smiled widely at her.

"Let's go then."

Authors note- This short story is dedicated to @Newsies4ever for giving me this wonderful idea, go read her stories they are the best! Ya! Remember suggestions are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! I own nothing!

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