Movie Time!

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Working together had always been easy for Jack and Katherine, they were both strong-minded, hard working people. So when Race and Romeo challenged them to fixing a broken projector, the two were more than happy to except.

"Bring it on!" Katherine told Race as he hands Jack the projector, it looks old and very, very used.

"If you guys actually pull it off and can fix it, then popcorn is on me!" Race says lighting the cigar between his teeth.

"Shouldn't be to hard..." Jack says examining the inside. "Jus' needs a new memory disk and ta be cleaned up a bit." Katherine grins wickedly at Race and Romeo.

"Make sure you buy extra buttery popcorn!" She says to the two boys.

"Hey! That is to say you can actually fix it! You have until tomorrow morning!" Romeo says.

"Well we's betta get ta work then." Jack says "Come on Ace." Katherine follows Jack out of the boys apartment throwing a "Bye boys" over her shoulder. She sprints to catch up with Jack.

"Where did they even get this?" Jack asks her as they cross the busy streets full of Yew Yorkers.

"Beats me, you never know what those boys could be up to. Do you even know how to fix it?" She asked him as they parted there way through people who's hands were full of shopping bags.

"Oh yea, I jus' need some where to work. A garage perhaps?" He asked her hopefully. Katherine bit her lip she did know of a garage but she didn't think the owner of that garage would be to happy to find Jack Kelly in there.

"Well, my father has one but-" she started to say but Jack cut her off.

"Oh, never mind then, will find some where else." He said, Katherine shrugged then suddenly got an idea.

"Hey! How about you sneak into my room with that thing-" she says pointing to the projector "And I'll sneak some tools out of our garage!" Jacks grin widened.

"Ya genius, that's is why I love you!" He said planting a kiss to her cheek. She giggled and swatted him away.

When they reached the Pulitzers giant mansion they split ways, Jack climbing up the fire escape to her room and Katherine going though the front door.

"Dad?" She called to the empty house, there was no answer, he must have still been at work. She sprinted to the garage and grabbed what Jack had told her, thank goodness the tools were labeled or she would have never found what she needed. She ran back up the two flights of stairs to her room, she closed the door and leaned against it breathing heavy. Jack was sitting on her bed his eyebrows raised.

"Almost get caught?" He asked, she shook her head.

"No he's gone, but it's always good to be careful am I right?" She asked still a little out of breath. He chuckled and got up to take the bag out of her hands and sat it down on her desk next to the broken projector. "So where did you learn to fix projectors?" She asked noticing how he popped open a latch and was inspecting the wires and metallic springs inside.

"I didn't, but my ole' man had me help him fix up old cars so I figured this couldn't be much different." He said shrugging.

"Um, Jack... projectors are a lot different from cars, you sure you can do this?" Jack turned to her a fake expression of hurt on his face.

"You don't believe in me?"

"No of course I do! I was wondering."

"Ha. Ha. Don't worry Kath all machines are put together similarly. It shouldn't be too hard." He said turning his attention to the projector.

Fixing it turned out to be a lot easier than Katherine had expected, Jack knew exactly what to do and how to do it. Katherine had let Jack fix it while she cleaned the inside, blowing off the dust and putting WD40 on the inside so the wheels wouldn't stick. They had a system going, he'd fix, she'd clean they both did nicely at there jobs. They chatted happily as they worked debating which movie they should watch first. Katherine wanted to watch musicals like Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables while Jack was more into Sky Fall and Fast and Furious. It had gotten dark outside by the time a brand-new-looking projector stood tall on her know greasy desk. They plugged it in and flipped a switch and sure enough, the lens opened and it began to hum with life.

"Yes!" Katherine cried happily as Jack grabbed her waist and lifted her on the air twirling around a few times.

"We make one heck of a team don't we?" Jack asked putting her carefully back on her feet. She giggled and grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her.

"We sure do Cowboy." He whispered and kissed him. He pulled her flush against him and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Before she knew it she was being backed up toward her bed, the back of her knees hit her bed and she plopped down bringing Jack to stand between her legs.

"Wait!" She said pushing Jack away so she could breath. "W-we can't do this... Here... not with out the door locked." She said breathlessly. Jack grinned wickedly at her and was more than happy to get up and lock the door.


The next morning Katherine's phone buzzed as she and Jack loaded into a taxi. Races face popped up and she answered.


"Where are you guys? Your like an hour late!"

"Chill Race were in a taxi right know."

"Well hurry cause' Romeo is already flirting with Davids sister and it ain't lookin' pretty."

"Ok Race will be there in five minutes."

Katherine flipped her phone shut and laid her head on Jacks shoulder.

"What? Race In a bad mood? Never." Jack said sarcastically and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Ah, you know Race. There's never enough patience in him." Jack chuckled and softly kissed the top of her head as the taxi pulled up next to there apartment. The weather had turned stormy so they had brought a blanket from her room to cover the projector so it wouldn't get wet (and to add to the surprise) they sprinted out of the cab their heads ducked in an attempt to block the rain. Jack knocked twice and three seconds later the door opened to Race shouting something to Romeo.

"Hey! Their here! Stop flirting and go get a blanket to pin to the wall! Oh, finally you guys are here! You took forever." Race said standing out of the way so they could come in.

"Sorry" Jack said not sounding very sorry at all. Romeo came in the room with a white blanket in his hands along with Sara (who was looking a little pink in the face) David, Mush, Crutchie, and Specs.

"Heya Plumber! How'd ya sleep?" Romeo called to Katherine.

"Well on my back of course!" She said as Jack set the projector on the coffee table.

"How bout' you Jack? How'd you sleep?" Romeo asked. Jack smirked and looked at her.

"On top of Katherine..." The whole room burst into laughter and cat-calls.

"Jack!!" Katherine hissed and slapped his arm none to gently.

"So that's why they were late!" Race said and Katherine's face grew even more warm.

"Oh Jack you are so impossible...!" She said slapping her fore head. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek which was hotter than an oven.

"Sorry Ace, couldn't help myself." He said and grinned at her. She scoffed and seriously doubted it.

"Ok you two love birds lets get this show on the road." David called and pulled out the projector. They all whistled when they saw the now clean looking hunk of plastic and metal.

"Wow" said Romeo striding over to stand next to David "So you didn't spend the whole night on top of Katherine. I'm impressed." Just as Katherine's cheeks went red again, just as they were returning back to normal.

"Yea, got it fixed up nicely!" Race observed.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Mush asked "let's get this party started!" They all agreed and Romeo and Race left to get the popcorn, David and Jack set up the projector while Sara and Katherine tacked up the blanket. Crutchie sat below and told them where to put the tacks and Mush and Specs headed out to find some movies to watch.

"If we don't watch at least one musical I'm going to go crazy." Sara told Katherine. She agreed vigoursly. Race and Romeo returned just as the four had finished, they carried bags, and bags of extra buttery popcorn in there arms. Mush and Specs returned shortly after that caring all eight seasons of Psych, the Sorcerers Apprentice, Pride and Prejudice, 16 wishes, and Newsies.

"No Sky Fall?" Race and Jack asked at the same time.

"No Les Miserables? Come on boys I need my music!" Sara exclaimed.

"Don't worry they got Newsies which is even better!" Katherine said to Sara.

"Let's watch Psych!" Crutchie called from the floor.

"Pride and Prejudice!" Romeo called, every one turned to him with there eyebrows raised.

"What? I love a good romance!" He said.

"I vote Sorcerers Apprentice!" David said.

"Nah, 16 wishes sounds better than that!" Race said to him. The whole room interrupted into argument.

"Who let Mush and Specs pick the movies?"

"Why would any one want to watch 16 wishes?"


"Sky Fall!"

"The Phantom of the Opera!"

Katherine felt her head might explode. She stepped up on to the coffee table to get everyone's attention.

"QUIET!!" She yelled over the noise, the room quieted at once. She cleared her throat and straightened her shirt. "Good, know listen. We have a movie that will fit all of our needs, your just not seeing it though." Every one waited to hear what she was gonna say. "This movie has humor!" She said gesturing to Crutchie "it has action for Race and Jack, romance for Romeo-" Romeo puffed up his chest a little at the mention of his name. "And it's got good vs evil for David. And plenty of dancing for Specs and Mush. And a lot of music for me and Sara!" Katherine said gesturing to Sara. Every body looked at her like she was crazy, did they really have a movie that every one will like? She rolled her eyes and marched  over to Specs and pulled the bottom movie out from under the stack.

"What's that Kath?" Jack asked starring at the cover.

"Newsies!" She called happily. Specs looked at the movie.

"Wow, I don't remember grabbing that." He said, Katherine shrugged.

"Let's watch it!" She said. They all shrugged and muttered "why not" every one sprawled out in different places on the couch and floor. Katherine sat between Jacks legs on the ground, her head pillowed by his chest, there hands interlocked on Katherine's stomach.

"I think you'll like this movie." Katherine whispered to Jack. "You'll relate to it I'm sure."

"What ever you say Ace, as long as I got you." He said burying his face in her hair. It turned out every one did love the movie, especially Jack. In the end they were all very happy they had fixed up that old projector.

Authors note- Thanks to ForSure1234 this story was made possible! Tell me what you think! Suggestions are WELCOME!!! I own nothing! Thanks

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