This is stupid. Lets do it anyways.

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Authors note- So this is basically a different version of my story "Busted" and I'm giving you fair warning, this one shot gets a little detailed but not enough to scar any innocent people! XD

Katherine's grip on Jacks arm was tight as she snuck him though the big oak doors that opened into the Pulitzers mansion.

"Kath you sure-" Jack started to say but was cut off by Katherine's hiss to be quiet.

"My fathers just up the stairs." She whispered yanking him into the big living room. Jack blinked at the size, he didn't want to guess at how many clay houses could fit in the living room alone. She pulled Jack close to her sending a jolt through him as she pulled him toward the stairs. All they had to do was climb the stairs, turn a corner get into her room and lock the door. If they could do that they'd be fine, the only down side was Pulitzers home office was just at the top of the stairs and that made Jack nervous. Normally he would have just climbed the fire escape and snuck into her room but Pulitzer had found out what they were doing and ordered it to be taken down.

So here they were, Katherine trying to sneak Jack into her room with out getting caught. No problem. Except there was a problem the family maid was walking across the hall in plain sight of the two sneaky teens. She seemed obvlious to their presence but that wouldn't last long. Quick as a whip Katherine steered Jack out of the maids sight and up against the wall. Hidden in the shadow of the stairs Jack prayed they wouldn't get caught. The two held their breath as they herd the maids footsteps growing softer.

"This is stupid Katherine, we're gonna get caught." Jack whispered in her ear. She pressed closer to him and shook her head.

"Maybe but let's do it anyways." She whispered and pulled him down to kiss her. At that moment Jack didn't care any more, he'd been flipped on like a switch. Jack meant to push her to the big couch that seemed to be inviting them there but Katherine had another idea. She grabbed his shirt and drug him into a hall way under the stairs it wasn't very big but it was out of the open, hopefully they could be quick before any one noticed. The very inconvenient potted plant in the middle of the hall was what Jack hit with his arm on as he pushed Katherine against the wall. It would have crashed to the floor and alerted the entire country if Katherine's hand hadn't shot out and snatched it before it could shatter into a million pieces.

"Nice catch." He said smirking as he pushed her against the wall.

"Shut up and kiss me." She said wrapping her arms around his neck. He gladly obeyed his hands moving down her back.

"This is so stupid." Jack mumbled against her lips.

"Let's do it anyways." She whispered suggestively pulling her skirts up for him. Jack loved her fire, she was so quick, so beautiful. His hands wound in the fabric of her skirts and pulled them up over her knees.

"Youse got to many skirts." Jack muttered against her throat, Katherine giggled loudly as he struggled to keep them from falling back down to her ankles.

"Let me help." She said pushing him away slightly so she could help him pull them up. She bunched them up at her stomach and Jack pulled her against him again his hands slipping under the fabric of Katherine's stockings. She gasped loudly and Jack had to shush her which probably didn't help the volume level. She spread her legs and hooked one leg around his waist and kept the other on the ground for support. She giggled again as he started to tug the fabric down making him have to shush her again, he feared they were getting to loud. Perhaps this hadn't been the best place to do it. Jack wanted to laugh at the thought that Pulitzer was just above them but he couldn't bring himself to do it, Pulitzer scared him more than he like to admit.

"Shhh." He said kissing her neck as she clutched his shoulders for support. He hadn't even touched her yet and she was already melting under him.

"Come on Jack." She said noticing his hesitation. He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes and he guessed she knew what he was about to say.

"Little eager are we?" He asked his fingers curling around the top of her stockings. She rolled her eyes again and kissed him. Jack herd a distant squeak and prayed it was his imagination and not the squeak of the stairs over head. He relaxed a little when it didn't continue and kept making out with Katherine. She laughed again as his hand slid slowly down her leg raising goose bumps on her arms.

"HEY!" A voice boomed down the small hallway way under the stairs. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hands off Jack Kelly!" Katherine let out a shocked yelp as Jack lept away from her his hands falling to his side. Katherine's cheeks went red as she shoved her skirts to the floor.

"Dad wh-" Katherine started to say but Pulitzer cut her off.

"What do you think your doing?!?" He snapped the question clearly meant for Jack.

"Tryin' to-"

"Nothing! We weren't doing anything!" Katherine said interrupting what she knew was coming out of Jacks mouth.

"Are you kidding me Katherine? I saw exactly what he was doing to you!" Pulitzer said glaring at Jack who was scratching the back of his head. Katherine hung her head and straightened her disheveled shirks.

"I better go." Jack said awkwardly and shuffled from foot to foot.

"Oh no you don't Kelly. Both of you, on the couch now!" Pulitzer snapped and pointed to the big couch in the center of the living room. Jacks fingers caressed Katherine's sides as they walked to the couch but Pulitzer would have none of that.

"You keep your cultivating hands to yourself Kelly." Pulitzer whispered angrily jerking Jack to a stop with a hand to his shoulder. Jack gulped and shoved his hands in his pockets before following Katherine. Getting lectured by Pulitzer was not what Jack had imagined him and Katherine would be doing on the couch. He sat down next to her careful to keep his distance which was painful for him but the safest route. Pulitzer crossed his arms and glowered at the two.

"Stupidity is not something I am proud to pin on my daughter Katherine." Pulitzer said standing in front of them. Katherine's eyes dropped to her hands in her lap. "And Jack Kelly!" He said Jacks name like it was a dead mouse in his shoe. "I knew you weren't very wise but this... this was down right stupid!"

"Sorry Joe, next time will do it at my house." Jack muttered. Pulitzer fumed at his words and he look awfully close to smacking Jack.

"There won't be a next time!" Pulitzer said his anger coming off his body in waves of fury.

"Don't be mad at Jack, it was my fault I wanted to do it." Katherine admitted giving Jack a side ways look.

"No Ace I ain't lettin' you take the blame. It was my fault sir. Don't-" Pulitzer silenced Jack with a hand.

"You are both equally to blame, do not try to cover for one another it will not sway me." Pulitzer began to pace in front of the couch his hands behind his back. "After all that I have done. For both of you, you continue to disobey me. What am I going to do with you two? I give you a curfew, I give you rules, I take down that damn fire escape Kelly was getting on to and nothing seems to work."

"That was very inconvenient Joe." Jack said somberly.

"Will you shut up?" Katherine muttered under her breath to Jack. It was a good thing too because Pulitzers hand twitched threateningly.

"Don't even try my daughter, a rat has better manners than him." Pulitzer said bitterly. Ouch. Being compared to animals was one thing Jack hatted. He was still a person after all.

"Father!" Katherine objected, "If you say things like that how does it make you any better?" Jack grinned at his girlfriend, she had the best comebacks. Pulitzer didn't answer her he just continued to glare at Jack.

"I want you out of my house Kelly." Pulitzer said slowly.

"On it." Jack said and went to get to his feet, however, Pulitzer jerked him to his feet and twisted his hand into Jacks shirt threateningly.

"If I ever catch you sneaking a hand up my daughters skirt again..." Pulitzer said trailing off. Jack got the picture. Pulitzer shoved him away and Jack stumbled back and straightened his collar.

"Don't make him go Daddy." Katherine mumbled her eyes locking with Jacks.

"Sorry sweetheart, he can not stay here. Get out Jack Kelly." Pulitzer said. Jack smiled at Katherine and gave Pulitzer another grudging look before making his way to the big oak doors. Jack tipped his hat to Katherine once again before slipping out into the warm summer air. Was that stupid? Yea. Was it worth it? Any time with his Ace his worth it. He just hopped Pulitzer wouldn't be to harsh on her. Stupid teenage hormones. In a few years him and Katherine would look back and laugh but for right now he'd have to deal with Pulitzer. But It was all worth it to have Katherine in his life.

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