What Lurks In The Dark (Part 2)

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"Oh Jack isn't trying to scare you... but we are."

The hair on the back of Katherine's neck stood up and the sheer thrill of terror that ran through her bones was almost enough to cause to to let go and fall to the floor.

"Awe look at her Morris, she's scared."


Her fear quickly turned to annoyance and anger at the two immature boys, Katherine struggled to use what little strength left to pull herself up but Oscar saw her and quickly put a stop to it.

"Oh no you don't." He said striding over and grasping one of her ankles.

"Let me go!" She snapped trying to kick his hand away.

"Ooooo hey Morris come check this out, I can see why Kelly was so reluctant to step away." He said his voice full of torment and smugness. Katherine's face heated up and she willed herself to be strong enough to get away.

"Not so fast." He said and yanked painfully down in her ankle cause if her to loose the momentum she had. Her hands slipped and she fell down on top of Oscar. He tried half hardily to catch her but she ended up in an awkward pile on top of him. She quickly rolled off and jumped to her feet feeling an awful pain in her leg, her hands were scraped badly and her face was covered in sweat.

"Where's Jack?"

"Awe come on doll, we was just getting started." he said reluctantly getting to his feet. Katherine rolled her eyes and shouldered past him looking timidly in the corner for Jack. Deep down she was scared to death because she knew Jack would of already been there to help her if he knew what had just happened, something wasn't right.

"Jack?" She called stepping into the shadow but before she could go any farther Oscar caught her arm.

"Hang on a sec sweet face, arnt ya gonna tell me what you and Kelly were doing in the Press room at two thirty in the morning?" He asked.

"No!" She said tanking her arm away. "Leave me alone."

"Nope, me and my brother are in charge of this little place here. So if you don't want me calling the Bulls on ya little boyfriend why don't you tell me what you were doing here?" He said pulling her back into the light. Katherine yanked her arm out of his grasp and turned her face back to the corner where Jack was last. Very faintly she could hear sounds coming from outside, almost like there was a fight going on. She prayed Jack could hold his own why she got rid of Delancey #2.

"What were you doing in here? We saw you look through almost every box in this room? Are you looking for something valuable?" He asked coming closer to her. "Are you thinking ya Daddy leaves stashes of cash around for you to find?"

"No." Katherine said sharply and glanced back to the sounds.

"Are you trying to steel something? When me and Morris got here the lock had obviously been picked. If that dosent scream break in then I don't know what does." He said leaning against a metal frame.

Katherine didn't answer but whipped away from him determined not to panic and not to let Oscar get to her. There was definitely a fight going on outside and she could tell someone was losing by the sounds of flesh against flesh.

"Nope not yet." Oscar said stepping in front of her path. "Morris ain't gonna kill him, just beat some sense into him like we always have."

"Jack dosent need any sence! Your the one who needs some help!" Katherine said threateningly.

"Want to help me?" He asked suggestively.

Katherine scoffed and turned away from him folding her arms her worry increasing for Jack. She knew he could hold his own, but she wasn't sure for how long.

"What do you want?" Katherine asked Oscar trying to get him to talk so she could come up with a plan.

"Ooooh good question. Let's see, I'd like a million dollars, I'd like to see Jack in jail, and -oh I'd like to have you on my lap right now." He said smirking.

"Save it." Katherine hissed. He held up his hands in defense.

"Sorry miss, I believe it's my right to give ya a little hell tell the real trouble comes." He said.

"What trouble?" Katherine asked getting a little scared. If the Delancey's weren't trouble enough then Katherine didn't know what was.

"Oh you'll see." He said smugly.

"I most certainly will not!" Katherine snapped sticking her nose in the air and heading for the door again. This was it. She was gonna save Jack, defy Oscar Delancey and look amazing while she did it. She flipped her hair and stalked off curling her fingers into fists just in case he decided to stop her.

"Oh you are so stubborn! I like it." Oscar said and Katherine tried opening the door. It was locked. Katherine froze, this really wasn't good. Perhaps she'd taken the situation to lightly.

"Open this door." She said straining to keep her voice from shaking.

"No can do princess. I ain't done with ya yet." He said strolling up to her.

"You stay away from me." She threatened as he backed her up into a corner.

"Ya know Kath, I think I liked you better when you were hanging from that ledge. Much more appealing than how you are now. We should change that shouldn't we?" He asked and she noticed he was taping something against his belt. She noticed with horror that it was a knife.

"Jack?!" Katherine yelled hoping that by some miracle he would swop in and save her. She listened for the sound of fighting but couldn't hear anything anymore. "You should really stop and think about what your doing." She said trying to get him to talk again.

"But I have thought! That's why I came prepared!" He said.

"But what about that trouble you were talking about? Wouldn't they be mad if you finished me off in just one go?" She asked pulling at thin air.

Oscar laughed pushing her farther into a corner. "Oh there's actuality no trouble at all, that was just a ploy to scare you. Apparently it worked. I always complain that it's Morris who gets all the real action, he always leaves me to do the dirty work. Not this time though." He said his brown eyes sparking with something that scared Katherine stiff.

"Stop it." Katherine said weakly.

"Not likely sweetheart. Now bend down over that crate there like a good girl and no one has to get hurt." He said pulling out his knife. Panic shot through her as she realized his intentions, with a jolt an idea hit her and fire corded though her veins.

"Like hell!" She yelled slamming her foot against a loose board in the floor and causing it to smack him full in the face. He cursed and spluttered as Katherine darted away from him, just as she was almost past him his arm shot out and caught her yanking it at an awkward angle. She screeched as she felt something on her should pop, she elbowed his face and dived for the tiny bolts scattered around the floor from when she'd spilt them. She grabbed a hand full and flung them at his face with her good arm as the other one hung limply at her side screaming in pain.

"Why don't you find a screw driver to screw around with rather than me!" Katherine yelled at him and sprinted for the back door.

Technically it wasn't really a door but it would suffice as a decent escape plan. With stars swimming in her eyes from the pain she ducked around all of the presses and jumped over boxes of blank paper as she raced along. Oscar was right behind her no doubt fully recovered from her attacked and on full alert now, if she was caught now she'd be a goner. Horror filled her as she saw her escape rout blocked by big stacks of paper, her one chance of getting out and calling the police diminished as she skidded to a halt in front of them. She furiously tried to push the paper away but it was too heavy, her hand slipped and left small paper cuts along her palm. Just then she felt Oscars strong arms wrap around her waist and yank her full force to the ground with him on top.

"Oh you are so feisty! I love it." Oscar said with a laugh. As he pinned her arms down. Katherine screamed suddenly regretting her decision on trying to find her grandfathers pen, her father had proabaly given it to her older brother or something. Why hadn't she just asked him about it?

"Get off me you slimy bastard!" She yelled thrashing under neith him.

"Colorful language, very interesting. Wonder where you learned that." He said sarcastically. "You know what? I bet it was from that little boy you call your boyfriend." He said and continued to insult Jack. As he talked Katherine's bloody hands curled around something solid, she hoped for the best and swung her I here's arm up towards his head. Oscar stopped mid sentence and crumpled on top of her. Katherine shoved him off disgustedly and cradled her hurt arm as it screamed in pain. She needed to hurry though because already Oscar was coming around. With much difficulty Katherine pushed the papers out of her way and slipped though the small gap in the wall. Her feet landed in mud as she made it outside, with out a second thought she took off down the dark alley determined to put as much distance between her and Oscar as possible. With out slowing her pace Katherine turned a sharp corner not entirely sure where she was going and ran into something solid.

"Ugh!" Katherine groned as she ended up once again on her back in front of a man. But thank heaven this man wasn't out to hurt her.

"Katherine!" Jack shouted his voice full of so much relief he sounded ready to cry.

"Jack! Where have you been?!" She asked struggling to her feet with his help. With out another word Jack hugged her tightly and Katherine gritted her teeth as her arm protested but she didn't say anything.

"Morris caught me and dragged me outside da press building. He fought me for a while but I got him in da end. He told me Oscar was in there with you and I couldn't get in 'cause da dirt was locked. I was gonna come around back and get in though the hike in the wall, I thought he'd killed you!" Jack said his chest heaving up and down rapidly.

"No but he sure did assault me." Katherine hissed feeling her injured arm.

"He did what?!"

Katherine quickly explained what had happened and watched as Jacks worry turned to anger.

"Oh that son of a-"

"Jack we need to get out of here." Katherine urged.

"Yea ya right, sorry Ace."

And with that they set off for the sanctuary in Katherine apartment secretly celebrating there victory but mostly swearing never to go back there again.


Sucky ending, sorry guys. Also sorry it took me so long. I'm a slacker. anyway, thanks for requesting ruff1258 anymore would be great!

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