Chapter 4

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(Rose's POV)

We followed Joker through the crowd, he pulled his hood up and covered most of his face, weird.

We stopped not far from the receptionist's counter,"You all go wait near the exit, they're waiting for us there so go ahead", he told us before leaving to the counter.

We all went ahead to the exit. Just like he said they were waiting there,"What's taking them soo long?", I heard Mark ask,"H-hi", I stuttered to make them notice us.

Both turned to us and greeted us back with a smile,"oh hi! You're friends with Jack right?", Mark asked and I nodded,"he told us to wait with you", Shadow explained,"Sure, we don't mind", Mark gestured to the wall they were leaning on and we decided to stand next to them.

"So, how do you know Jack?", Spade asked,"Oh through YouTube duh, don't you all know?", Felix answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. "How about you? Are you all like his siblings or something?", Mark asked us.

I heard Spade and Queen snort, almost burst out laughing,"us? Siblings? That's gotta be a joke, we are kinda more like enemies", Spade answered,"if those two were siblings they probably wouldn't be alive right now", I heard Queen's comment,"is the rivalry that bad?", I heard Felix ask,"Yes, their pranks could kill if they aren't careful.... Jack's ones are usually more deadly", Queen answered with a laugh.

(Mark's POV)

These people seem nice. Though I do want to ask what kind of pranks that were 'deadly' as they call it but decided that I should just let that be.

"So if you all aren't siblings, then what are you?", I asked,"We're just childhood friends, we all lived together since we were children", the blue haired guy answered.

"So what are you? His twin or something?", I asked the one that looked too much like Jack,"The only twin I have is her", he pointed to the girl with pink hair, they're twins? But they don't even look alike! "How is that even possible? You look like Jack!", Felix asked.

He shrugged,"We met when we were on our way to our village when we were children, almost ran over him with a horse", The pink haired told,"Ran over by a horse?", Felix asked while holding back laughter, I bumped his arm with mine, telling him not to laugh.

"Not really, we just didn't have cars and even if we did then we wouldn't have been able to drive it, we were too small", he shrugged.

Just then Jack came back,"alright, let's go.......","we're going to get some linch them we'll go to 'you know where'", I reminded him. "I remember that, never forgotten anything in my life", he said,"Yeah and I can confirm that", the one with dark blue-like hair confirmed.

"Oh yeah, we haven't gotten any of your names yet", I reminded, "oh, almost forgot! Would.... you all introduce yourselves or I just point to each?", Jack asked them.

The one with long blue hair sighed,"The names King", he reached his hand,"Geez Jack, next time, introduce us first before leaving", he sighed as I shook his hand,"Queen", the one with Diamond eyes said, "I just noticed that your eyes have diamond shapes in them", I accidentally said out loud,"Mark, control your mouth! That was rude", Felix scolded me playfully.

I apologized to her but she said it was fine, the others introduced themselves as well before we left to go hunt for our lunch.

(Time skip)

(Queen's POV)

We got to a restaurant, on the way we had to stop at a bakery since I wanted a strawberry cake. I didn't catch the name of the restaurant but it wasn't too fancy.

I ate my cake first, we bought extra treats as well so I gave them to the others. We all ate our food, while that I was looking around at the people around us.

Joker pulled down his hood and the two took off their sunglasses that they were wearing and I can see some people whispering and pointing to our table.

I shrugged it off since we were with famous internet people. While munching on a piece of cake I saw someone approaching our table, it was a girl that had her hair dyed green at the tips, she had glasses and she wasn't too tall. She came to our table and stuttered out a 'hi'.

All of us stopped eating and looked at her, "hi", Mark answered,"I-I want to say hi to all three of you, uh... here!", she was stuttering before handing Felix, who was nearest to her, two badges and a string bracelet

I saw one had a red background and a pink mustache on a drawing of Mark another had Felix with sunglasses posing and the words 'fabulous' on it. The bracelet was green with what looked like blue writings, also weaved to make them, I couldn't read the writings though.

"Thank you so much! This is so nice", Joker said as he wore the bracelet, we just noticed the collection of bracelets he was wearing,"thank you! My friends and I made them though they couldn't come today", she said and said bye before leaving.

"That's a lot of bracelets Jack, funny that I never saw you wearing them", I commented, Joker looked at us as we were looking at his bracelets, I feel like I've seen them before,"I wear them almost everyday, just not when you're around", he answered while pulling his sleeve down.

"He wears them in almost every vid-",before Mark could finish his sentence Joker shushed him,"Mark, they don't know", he said, "wait WHAT?!," Felix almost spit out his food while saying that out loud, which also caught the attention of the other tables.

"Hush up you two, I'll tell you the details later", Joker said before going back to eating,"What is it that we don't know exactly?", I asked,"Just pretend that none of that happened", Joker said and we all decided to drop it.

After a while of spending time to eat, we finally left. The sun was setting and lights started filling the streets.

We were walking back to the hotel,"We'll go there later, be sure bot to be late", Jack said as both of them went ahead, "Joker, where are we going later?", I asked, tired even though we literally did nothing during the day,"You'll might want to come for this one, trust me", he answered,"Let's go, I'll meet you all later, I have to go up to the hotel", he said before leaving to go up the hotel.

We decided to leave him and we went ahead to the airship. "Don't you think it's weird that Joker knows Markiplier and Pewdiepie?", Spade asked,"I know, it was like the real been friends for a long time too!", Rose said to him,"and that girl at the restaurant gave him a bracelet, like she knew him", I decided to say.

"Do you think it's possible that...Joker is, like, famous?" Shadow asked, we all became quiet.

While writing this I was literally listening to Kaito(vocaloid) singing an Undertail song in acapella. I'm bored.

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