Magic Beans or Nah

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Jack's life had always been hard. He lived out in the middle of nowhere in a log cabin, and despite being an adult he still lived with his Ma. They managed a tiny farm that allowed them to scrape by. A sheep named Sam was their only real source of income, as the wool could be sold or used for necessary items. One tragic day, however, Sam stopped growing wool. Jack's mother realized they had no other options left. She sent Jack into town to sell Sam to the butcher; a task Jack dreaded.

"Don't look at me like that." Jack scolded the naked sheep as he led Sam along. "It's your own darn fault for refusing to grow any more. Now you just look stupid." Still, he would miss Sam. It got lonely out here, and any friend- even a sheep- was welcomed.

"Excuse me, young lad." An old man stopped Jack on the road. "What are you doing with that sheep?"

"I'm taking it into market to sell." Jack told him. "But this stupid thing's worth nothin'. I doubt we get enough to last the week."

"Mind if I purchase it, then?" The old man offered. "I'll take good care of it."

"I dunno." Jack was suspicious. "What do you have to offer?" The old man grinned.

"Why, it's your lucky day." He said. "I have here three magic beans." He opened a pouch, revealing three scrawny and downright pathetic beans.

"Uh, sorry." Jack declined. "I don't make shifty deals with strangers in the woods."

The old man frowned. "Just take the beans. I don't even need the sheep."

"I don't want them!"
"Fulfill your destiny!" The old man shouted, throwing the pouch at him.

"AAAAH!" Jack screamed. "Fine!" Jack ran back home with the beans, accidentally leaving Sam behind in his haste.

"Where is the money?" His mother asked once he was through the door. Jack froze.

"Uh..." He held out the pouch of beans and looked sheepish. She took the bag and looked inside.

"What is this?!" She shrieked.

"Magic beans?" Jack answered. She smacked him on the head.

"Fool!" She scolded. "We're going to starve to death for your ignorance!" She tossed the beans out the window.

"We could've at least eaten the beans." Jack muttered after being sent to bed without supper. He slept uneasily as a strange creaking noise kept him up. In the morning, Jack got up to go tend to the garden, only to find the back door was jammed.

"What the heck?" He muttered in confusion. Jack climbed through the window and gasped in surprise. A giant beanstalk had sprouted overnight and was blocking the door. It was leaning into the house and had destroyed the garden. The great stalk reached far up into the clouds and disappeared from view.

"HEY MA!" Jack shouted. "THERE'S SOMETHING WEIRD BACK HERE!" Ma gave no response, as she was probably still sleeping. Jack was always known for being too curious. He wanted to see how far the beanstalk went, but he had a huge fear of heights.

"Alright Jack." He steeled himself. "You got this. You're the Boss." Quickly he began climbing the stalk before he could change his mind. The plant was surprisingly sturdy and easy to climb. In fact, the cool air made it almost pleasant.

"This isn't so bad." Jack said about halfway up, before making the mistake of looking down. "OH JESUS I TAKE IT BACK! FUDGE THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA! WHY THE HELL DID I DO THIS?!"

He scrambled up the rest of the way, too scared to try climbing down backwards by that point.

The beanstalk emerged to land that seemed to be on a cloud, which Jack collapsed onto gratefully. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked around.

"Woah." He said in awe. "Everything is frickin' giant!" It was true. The world looked normal, except the grass came up to his chest and bugs were the size of dogs. He shuddered- those things looked downright creepy.

Jack walked further into the tall grass, before feeling a distant THUMP. He stopped, and the thumping got faster. And louder. The ground was shaking, and Jack barely managed to stay on his feet. The pounding continued as a massive beast approached Jack's location. Jack knew he should run, but his legs were frozen in fear.

The yellow beast slowed to a stop in front of him, and in shock he realized it looked like... a dog.

A dog the size of his house who could easily eat him in one gulp.

Jack stayed as still as possible, fearing the beast's next move and knowing he couldn't outrun it. The impossibly large muzzle came closer to Jack as the dog sniffed him. Jack shut his eyes, waiting for death.

"Come here, Chica!" A loud voice suddenly boomed. Jack opened his eyes in surprise as the dog bounded off, going to greet... a Giant. An actual, red-headed Giant whose hand was the size of Jack. Jack gulped at the sight of this immense being, not realizing there could be something scarier than the dog. Jack took a slow, deep breath.

"NOPE!" He yelled, dashing back the way he came and hoping the Giant hadn't heard. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE-" This stream of refusals and occasional curses was constant as Jack hurried down the beanstalk and away from this nightmare.

"Jack, where were you?" His Ma said angrily when he re-entered the house.

"Giants!" Jack shouted. "In the- beanstalk- dog...." This was the point when Jack realized he sounded crazy. "Come see." He showed his mother the beanstalk, and tried to explain what had happened. Though she was surprised by the stalk, she did not believe his tales of Giants.

"Honestly, Jack." She scolded. "When are you going to grow up?"

"But i'm not making this up!" Jack said.

"Jack, that's enough." Ma said. "Now take these tools to market and see if you can trade back for something actually useful.""Yes, Ma." Jack answered, taking the basket and wondering if anyone in town would believe.    

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