Getting to know him

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Sean had told you about his Youtube career and his channel, showing you some videos which made you laugh out Loud.  Yet you didn't treat him like a celebrity or anything. You just taught him like a close friend. Who spilled their drink on you.  Sean was happy. 


Anti told you that he was a demon, and he didn't really scare people as much, just murder them in their sleep.  To which your blood ran cold and breath hitched. But you relaxed once he started laughing and telling you he was joking.  Anti, was pleased.


Chase had told you about his drinking problem and how his wife left him and took the happiest thing in his life away.  His kids.  You comforted him as he sobbed about how he was such an idiot for letting it happen, but he eased up as you began to tell him that it wasn't his fault.  Chase, was relaxed.

Doctor Schneeplestein:

You found out his real name was Henrik of course, and you learned about his hobbies and other interests as well.  You also told him about yourself as well, and if you were allergic to anything. Which was the flower daisy?  Henrik was happy.

Magic Marvin:

Marvin told you some new tricks he was working on and how he was going to perform them on stage. He was very excited to show you some test runs.  But of course, he had to practice a little more as in the end your clothes were set on fire. Brilliant. But Marvin quickly pulled off your shirt and stomped it out.  Marvin was embarrassed.

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