If he ever got sick

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If Jack ever got sick, he would be begging for you to cuddle with him and would drink a lot of water so he would say that he had to go to the bathroom, only to try and cuddle you while you worked.

But, you would push him away and say that he could get you sick and that he needed rest. Soon, you would find him asleep in the bed, holding onto a pillow, thinking it was you  You would gently kiss his forehead, Leaving him to rest. 


Anti wouldn't want to rest or go to bed, saying he was a demon, and he can overpower anything that stood in his way. But you would find him puking his guts out over the toilet a few seconds later.

As you would try and put him to bed he would say he didn't need your pity.  But, then he would ask if you could lay down with him. Wanting to hold you as he tried to get better.  You would say that you told him so as you would cuddle. 


Chase would be a complete mess, he would have a high fever, be throwing up, and he wouldn't want to see you, saying how he could get you sick and he didn't want that.

But you would help him either he wanted it or not.  You would comfort him as he threw up, would kiss his hot forehead when he asked, and never left his side for one minute.  Soon, Chase would be feeling better than ever with your care. 

Doctor Schneeplestein:

Henrik wouldn't need your help when he was sick, he would take care of himself with ease, but sometimes he would love your company, he would also love watching you look over medicine bottles, confused on what to give him.

You would always kiss his head before he went to sleep, and always refill his glass of water. He would love how you would pet his hair as he went to take a nap.  He loved it when he was sick.

Magic Marvin:

Marvin would whine as he wanted to practice his new tricks for his show. But you would always drag him back to bed, forcing him to stay in bed as you watched over him, he was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

But, he would understand that you want the best for him and that you would just want him to be well, god. What did he deserve to get such a wonderful girlfriend?  In the end, he would love you even more.

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