The big question

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Jack looked around the jewelry store, tapping his foot on the ground as he waited for some assistance. He had taken one of your rings from home as he wanted to get the perfect size for the wedding ring. He had to lie and say he was going to visit a game store because you wanted to go with him.

He picked out the perfect ring, yes it cost a lot but it was worth it for you to finally be his and take his last name. He's been waiting years for this, and he was finally ready. He just hopes you say yes, the pressure is killing him. 


Anti hated that he bought this ring, it was teasing and mocking him every second he kept it hidden from you. The voices inside his head driving him crazy as each moment passed. He wanted to marry you, but would you even say yes? Marrying a demon?

He was so lost he asked the others for any tips, he even found himself asking Chase on what to do. He made sure to pay very close mind to his words. Anti found himself staring at the ring, mumbling to himself that'll he'll do it. 


Chase didn't want this, not because he didn't love you. But because he was scared you might leave like Stacy, he knows he should forget about her, continue on.

But he found himself asking the same question inside his head. "Will she leave?"  His voice shaking, his steps tumbling. He would sometimes cry himself to sleep at the thought. He didn't want to lose someone as perfect as you. Not again.

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik was breathing heavily, you had almost found the ring he was going to give to you in his desk. You were looking for your phone clasp and he had said he had it on his desk. Luckily, he stopped you before you could look in his desk.

Henrik swears this was going to kill him if he had to try and keep hiding it. So he was thinking he probably had to ask you soon. He was nervous as hell. But it would finally get off his chest. And maybe, just maybe, you'll say yes. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin was too nervous, he was thinking on how to ask you to marry him. He kept thinking he should do something big, but he knew you liked simple things. But he would LOVE to blow you out of the water.

Why is love hard!?  Marvin then just settled on asking you to marry him on live television. A big show was coming up and it was going to be put on TV so millions of people could tune in. Yeah, he loved that idea. Not too big, and not too simple. The perfect plan!


Jackie held the ring in his hand as his mind rushes around the room like a rabbit running from prey. He was scared, he was vulnerable. He was terrified. No villain could scare him this deep.

The worst villain of all. Rejection.  He didn't feel like dealing with saving the day, he just went home and thought about this whole thing he had gotten himself into. He wanted to ask you, be he was scared. 


Robbie knows that since the world is hell, that you both wouldn't have a wedding in the slightest, but he would still love to ask you to marry him because you mean so much to him. He knows that it's useless, but he wants to see your smile shine through these dark days.

Robbie watched you clean your face from the lake water, his eyes showing sadness and pain from the feeling of never making you happy. But, he wanted to make the most of your days before you and him both perish. Because in this world, there isn't a happy ending. But you two surely can try and make one.

  Jameson Jackson:

Jameson felt his heart fluttering at the thought of you in a wedding dress, he kept seeing a possible future with both of you being happy and maybe even having children. And maybe a few hundred dogs as well.

He knows how much you loved animals.  But, the only thing holding him back was the ring in his hands. The ring was holding his future, and it scared him. That such a simple, little object, is controlling his every move.

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