Jacob Holland

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"No matter what, I wouldn't change who I am. Not as long I got friends like you guys to make me  proud of myself."

"Called it! What can I say? I'm a very unique individual."

"Farkle's may a bit strange to you, but so am I, so I guess we're both weird. And that's fine with me."

"Life can be a bit scary sometimes, but as long as you're here with me, I know that I'm not alone, Farkle."


Jacob Lynn Holland is the male lead protagonist of Girl Meets World, as well as one of the core characters. He is the 13-year-old son of a hard-working single mother, Taylor Morrison. Jacob is the childhood friend of Riley Matthews and Maya Hart since they were children. This closeness is shown numerously by his usual way of coming over Riley's house through the bay window casually. He is also best friends with Lucas Friar and is the lover of Farkle Minkus.

Being bisexual, Jacob used to agonize about how he would be shunned by his friends but was glad to see that they accepted and supported him when he came out in 3rd grade about his attraction to boys as well. 

Like Maya, he looks up to Cory as a father figure due to not have his father in his life much due to his parents' separation and sees Maya and Riley both like the siblings he always wanted. 

Jacob has had a crush on Farkle since elementary school, which was reciprocated later as Farkle confessed he did too by the mid-half of season 2.

He is portrayed by Levi Miller.


Appears in: Season One, Season Two, Season Three

Full Name: Jacob Lynn Holland

Nicknames: Pretty boy, Angel Cake, Brown Sugar, Sugar (Maya), Little Mathletics (by himself), Cutie, Jakey, Jake (Farkle), Jac, J-boy (Zay), Peter Pan (Joke), Brunette (Smackle), Blue-eyes, Boy Riley, Jay (Lucas), Jaycorn

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: October 14, 2000

Resides in: New York City

Occupation: Student

Age: 13-14 (Season 1), 14-15 (Season 2), 15-16 (Season 3)

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Family: Taylor Morrison (Mother), Brandon Holland (Father), Charlotte Morrison (Aunt), Erin Brown (Maternal Grandmother)

Friends: Riley Matthews (Childhood Friend), Maya Hart (Childhood Friend), Lucas Friar (Best Friend), Zay Babineaux (Good Friend), Isadora Smackle (Good Friend)

Romance: Farkle Minkus (Boyfriend)

Enemies: Cisco, Sheldon, Missy

School: John Quincy Adams Middle School (Season 1-2), Abigail Adams High School (Season 3)

Affiliation: Farkle Nation, Nature Club

First Seen: Girl Meets World│Last Seen: Girl Meets Goodbye

Portrayed by: Levi Miller



Jacob has chestnut brown and sky-blue eyes with fair skin and with an average height for his age. In season 1, he is one of the few shortest in the group, being only taller than Riley and Farkle. However, from season 2 to season 3, he has grown considerably and is more lean and taller, and prefers to wear a variety of clothes, but mostly enjoys to dress in casual and loose-fitting shirts and jeans.

He is often described as "adorable" by some of his classmates due to some of his mannerisms. By season 2-3, Jacob's voice has deepened and his face is developed more maturely.



Jacob is an incredibly kind-hearted and compassionate person, often believing that everyone has some good inside of them, displaying a belief in humanism. He is extremely loyal to his friends and is dislikes conflicts, but will not hesitate in getting into a fight if it means protecting and defending them, as seen in "Girl Meets Flaws". 

He cares about Riley and Maya very much, to the point of often viewing them like sisters. He is also shown to be funny, adorable, and has a tendency to be dramatic with going along with some of Farkle's moments.

While he doesn't display any self-esteem issues sometimes, it's revealed that when he was younger, he went through a lot and in accepting his sexuality, even at a young age before 7th grade. 

This became the case again when being bullied on it later in the series. Jacob is perceptive and a great communicator, being able to read people and their emotions by their actions and even the slightest movement pattern changes in their walk. He also cares about his education as he manages to get good scores and grades in his class, barely struggling in his assignments unless in extreme cases.

Additionally, Jacob can be a bit scatterbrained when he's put into uncomfortable situations, as when left alone with his best friend and long-time crush, Farkle, sometimes on rare occasions, even becoming very nervous, awkward, and quick to panic in things related to him. He cares deeply for other characters, usually putting their feelings and interests above his own, in some instances even at a personal cost.



Jacob is first shown in the first episode with Maya and Riley while sitting in the bay window in Riley's bedroom discussing whether or not the three should sneak out the window to go to the subway. Riley thinks she's ready to walk by her parents, while Maya knows that she's not and asks for his opinion, to which Jacob says that he'll go with the flow of whatever the two choose to do. In the end, they decide to sneak out the window instead, only to be intercepted by Riley's father, Cory.


Jacob Holland/Relationships


Taylor Morrison (Mother/Nurse)

Brandon Holland (Father)

Charlotte Morrison (Aunt)

Erin Brown (Maternal Grandmother)



Riley Matthews (Childhood Friend)

Maya Hart (Childhood Friend)

Farkle Minkus (Boyfriend)

Lucas Friar (Best Friend)

Zay Babineaux (Good Friend)

Isadora Smackle (Good Friend)

Topanga Matthews (Mother Figure)

Cory Matthews (Father Figure)

Auggie Matthews (Friend)



"I plead the fifth."

"Oh, crud."

"Like I say, I knew I was right!"


"Maya, you really need to know how to be a little gentler in your pushes."

"Let the Farkle Time, begin!"

"Thank you, I am Jacob!"- cheering up Farkle.

"Farkle's my best friend too!"

"Farkle is Farkle, that's all there is."

"It's not like I can say, "Hey Farkle, I like you, let's be boyfriend and boyfriend!"

"Life is full of surprises, but sometimes there are good surprises."

"Riley, the world is yours."

"Thank you, we are Farcob!"

"Being around Farkle makes me feel so calm and happy, almost like nothing else matters."

"Okay cowboy, now go find your cowgirl."- Lucas

"I'm proud of who I am, no matter what anyone else tells me."

"If it takes me needing to get into Princeton just to be with Farkle more, then you got it!"

"Woo-hoo, high school here we come!"

"I can't flirt that well, but for some reason, the words just seem to fall out of my mouth."

"I actually enjoy "Farkle Moments."

"I'll join Farkle Nation if that helps."

"Gay, straight, bisexual, it all the same. If you like someone, then you do. You can't try to put a label on your feelings."



~ Jacob is left-handed but can use his right hand for simple writing tasks.

~ He enjoys collecting unique rocks as a hobby. 

~ He is the first character to come out as bisexual, only essentially having a crush on Farkle. Jacob is also Disney Channel (US)'s first bisexual main and first bisexual male character. 

~ It is revealed when Jacob admits he used to have a crush on a girl in first grade before he started to like Farkle throughout the third grade. Since then, he had only felt a minor attraction to guys, which would technically make him ambiguously gay. 

~ Jacob has a bizarre ability to be able to translate anything that Farkle says, no matter the language or action.

~ Like Farkle, his favorite movie is Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.

~ Jacob has mentioned that he's moderately sensitive to the cold.

~ His greatest fear is Farkle hating him and being shunned by his friends.

~ He hopes to adopt one day five kids and two dogs and live in a two-stories house.

~ His favorite color is red.

~ Jacob is shown to be multilingual, being fluent, and capable of speaking English, Japanese, French, and Spanish.

~ He is a member of Farkle Nation, acting as an advisor.

~ He is one of the only few to appear in every episode.

~ He was born on October 14, making him a Libra.

~ He is an only child, as revealed in "Girl Meets World."

~ Jacob has been present for all of the episodes throughout the series.

~ He dislikes ghosts, as he often tenses up at the mention of them.

~ He admits that he always liked how Farkle can be very carefree in his actions during his "Farkle Time."

~ He plans on going to Princeton just to be around Farkle more.

~ Jacob's dream date is going to the movies and holding hands.

~ His animal motif is a brown rabbit, due to the fact that he can jump high in gym class and excels in athletics. He is also revealed to be easily spooked when surprised.

~ His hidden talents include him being able to whistle and drawing, and being able to play any type of video game, no matter the genre.

~ He also has an interest in literature and comes across somewhat as an organizer. 

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