ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ-ʙᴏʏᴛᴏʙᴇʀ - ᴡᴇᴇᴋ 3 (17/1ᴏ - 21/1ᴏ)

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Good day, my children!

half of the month is done, only another half to go :D

so here we have the drawings for week 3 of pretty-boytober... i basically spent the entire time catching up from those three days i missed, also causing me to just.... not draw anything for "desperate" since i had absolutely no idea what on earth i should draw for that...

anyways let's get started then!


after drawing my boy ballinor/tinion/wiz for "shade" last week, the whole story he's included in has been a bit more on my mind recently. and since the prompt here was "bows" i just... had to draw my boy arrow.

so... arrow is a blind orphan, that ballinor/tinion/wiz and bereniel/tanari/queenie more or less "adopted" into their little family of criminal outcasts. the interesting thing with arrow is though, that whilst he cannot see anything normal, he is indeed able to see magic, which gives him the ability to "see" a lot better than most other people with normal eyes. also makes him a great archer, which is why his name is arrow and i decided to draw him for that prompt ^-^

... as i said above... nothing for day 16, simply because i had no inspiration/motivation or even idea what to draw

and then came "forest"

i was pretty torn for this one... nearly drawing feredir or tirith for this one, but ended up instead with daugonnen. basically i just wanted to give his vitiligo a revamp, since my rendition of it before was quite unrealistic, and i wanted to show my fireforge-baby in the context of his new home in the stonecrush-clan for once :)

so yeah! here's the rare sight of a picture with daugonnen smiling:

i was feeling hella motivated after that forest one, so when the prompt "cold" came along, i just went ham.

i started off with wanting to draw another one of my characters, but while drawing them, inspiration struck and i sorta just went with whatever felt cool in the moment.
I kinda wanted to draw a king, soldier or random dude, impaled by icicles, and ended up combining the three into a piece, that probably belongs to my favourites so far!

(btw... signature on this piece is wrong, i drew the thing on the 19/10 >w<")

after that, "royal" came along... and ngl, i've been excited for this prompt ever since i saw that prompt-list. but when the actual prompt came, i was a bit lost. it wasn't that i didn't have any ideas, it was the exact opposite.

.... i have too many royal ocs...

in the end, i decided to carry on the theme of ballinors story, and drew eldred as the king he became. man... as some of you know, eldred used to be ruindir, before i revamped my fireforge-boy a few times last year, so it was really refreshing to draw my baby with only one eye, tons of freckles, furry clothing and long, ginger hair.

basically i just wanted to get that regal vibe across, whilst also putting a lot of detail into the clothing. i mean... it eldred. so obviously his husband would've had fun and added quite some embroidery on his clothing.

and then... then came the next day that i have been looking forward to, for a whole while: "mechanical"

i mean... royalties and/or cyborgs is more or less the summary of most of my characters, so that really wasn't all that much of a surprise >w<
now, since none of my drawings so far had any more extreme facial experssion, i wanted to give this lad a more extreme vibe.

basically i just went with a cyborg, going into my rock-pose reservoir, somehow piecing sth together, and totally was in the mood for neon-orange.
after blending them all into an aesthetic combination, i ended up with something i actually really really like and probably will include into my OCs:

man. after i finished my cyborg-boy, i still had some time left in the day and felt inspired. so i finally, finally, finally, drew the "beast" boy, thus catching up again after those days i had missed!

i was really really really tempted to draw some genshin impact fanart of razor, itto or zhongli for that one, but instead got distracted and inspired by something completely different.... but don't fret! i promised myself to draw some genshin-fanart sometime this month.

basically i stumbled across some sirens, and then some deep-sea monsters. and since i haven't drawn anything aquatic since mermay, i went with a humanoid underwater beast. since i really liked the idea of sirens and since the challenge is indeed about pretty boys, i tried my very best to create a sea creature, that would theoretically be really pretty, if it weren't for a single, really uncanny element.

so yeah...

here's my pretty boy with creepy teeth :)

and that, my dear children, marks the end of week 3. to be honest i am really excited for the following days, because i finally caught up again and don't need to worry about drawing prompts that i missed beforehand. also, i am hella confident that i will make it through the entire month, now that only 10 days are to go.

so wish me all the best of luck for the future, and i obviously hope that you guys succeed at whatever thing you're trying to achieve right now!

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives some tea<<

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