─────── ∙ ↤ JULY ↦ ∙ ───────

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July, Helen Hunt Jackson (1886)

Some flowers are withered and some joys have died;
The garden reeks with an East Indian scent
From beds where gillyflowers stand weak and spent;
The white heat pales the skies from side to side;
But in still lakes and rivers, cool, content,
Like starry blooms on a new firmament,
White lilies float and regally abide.
In vain the cruel skies their hot rays shed;
The lily does not feel their brazen glare.
In vain the pallid clouds refuse to share
Their dews; the lily feels no thirst, no dread.
Unharmed she lifts her queenly face and head;
She drinks of living waters and keeps fair.

fun fact: this is my 69th chapter in this book

..... yeah, I am that guy, don't judge.


I'm still baffled.. like.... really baffled. So yeah! Since half of the year is already over, meaning (chronologically) half of this artbook is already done, I though I might aswell have some fun!

So I planned several things for ya.

1. An AMA and Q&A that's gonna run this entire month! Just ask any question you got, in regards to my personal life, my art, my ideas or my projects and I'll do my very best to answer them ^-^
All you gotta do is write a comment in any of the July-chapters and I'll either reply on them live in a stream (if I get my laptop to survive QwQ) or just in the following chapters. So don't be shy and ask whatever you want, I only bite food ^-^

2. A smol contest! Yes, I decided to host a small drawing competition in here. It probably will come along in a whole while and will nearly certainly extend into August as well, so be hyped for that.
Also... who knows, if I like it and you guys want more, maybe I'll continue to host it in a seperate book >w<

3. Since I've been on watty for quite some time now, and experienced quite an amount of art contests that offer critique, but fail to offer "proper" critique to really help the artist and offer solutions to improvement, I also want to maybe start just a thing, that you guys can ask me to critique a piece or several pieces of your work, and I'll be taking your art apart and offer some constructive criticism.
This isn't meant to offend anyone who gives critique or anything, but rather often people often refer to shading techniques and proportions, and neglect things such as priorities in a piece, the light source, compositions, palette or contrasts, so I think I may help some people out here >w<"
Also this isn't just restricted to just this month! Just dm me or comment whenever and I'll try to help you out! I probably will also do this via wattpad chapters, just to help people out, that may be struggling with similar problems, as long as you are okay with that ofc ^-^

oof.... what wall of text! Sry guys >w<
>>gives you a hug for reading all that<<

Either way, I hope you're looking forward to those little ideas, where I try to get you guys more involved in this artbook, since it really is mainly just me shoving drawings in your face, and I think a little community is a lot more fun for everyone!

So yeah....

>>cuddles you again, pats you, wraps you in blanket and gives you cookies and tea<<

On to another month!

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