────── ∙ ↤ MAY ↦ ∙ ──────

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May  -  Helen Hunt Jackson (1886)

O month when they who love must love and wed!
Were one to go to worlds where May is naught,
And seek to tell the memories he had brought
From earth of thee, what were most fitly said?
I know not if the rosy showers shed
From apple-boughs, or if the soft green wrought
In fields, or if the robin's call be fraught
The most with thy delight. Perhaps they read
Thee best who in the ancient time did say
Thou wert the sacred month unto the old:
No blossom blooms upon thy brightest day
So subtly sweet as memories which unfold
In aged hearts which in thy sunshine lie,
To sun themselves once more before they die.

Soo... would one look at that, eh? New Banners and everything, to finally match the cover a bit and switch things up. Especially since I've used the entire "Suilad" and "Navaer" thing since Drops and would still consider myself a fan of tolkiens works, but not as much as I used to be, I wanted to change it to something more original!

So here we have "Meiral!" and "Tsanr!" which are the common greetings and farewells in Elementali (written in Rucina ^-^), typically utilised in western Ikôr'esh, whilst the eastern areas are more known to take gestures, such as nods, waves or snaps as greetings, instead of verbally expressing them.

Other than that.... well, it's may! So I'll be maybe doing some mermaids. I at least plan on doodling some of my OCs as merpeople and will maybe do some of the prompts from the ArtClub's prompt-list, but we'll see how much of that will really happen. Primarily I want to use may as the month to finish my 6. sketchbook, and work down some of my WIPs, rather than starting new projects.

(*remembers that he forgot to publish the mermay prompt lists on the ArtClub account* ........ oh no.... oh noooooo.... i better go do that aahhh)

So yeah! I hope you lot like the new look we got here and are looking forward to some fishy Ruindir and Cevrond pics!

*cuddles you, gives you blankets, biscuits and tea*

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