ᴡɪᴘ - ᴍᴀʀᴄʜ & ᴀᴘʀɪʟ ʟᴇꜰᴛᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ

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So, whilst today is the last day of april and I am heftily procrastinating atm, I decided to go ahead and do the april leftovers!

And since I forgot to do one for march, I thought I'd throw these in here as well ^-^
Sooo... march leftovers that I still haven't finished are in here as well, and then we have my seperation eye, not-pentagram thingy and we have the april leftovers. Sound good? Great! Let's get to it then :D

First of all we have a request for a friend of mine! Well... it's more of a "I forced this drawing on him and now he desperately wants to see it as well" but Ima just call it request >w<"
So he has this wonderful, wonderful DnD character called Teldor and after helping out a bit with the backstory of this super awesome lizardfolk wizard, I couldn't help but draw him.

I then did this clothing and item doodles, since I wasn't all that sure how precisely I wanted him to look now.... lizardfolk are weitd to draw, haha...
Either way, I decided to ignore the entire "normal clothing, and nothing fancy" thing and adeed a lot of fancy things, like crystals and a one-sided cape.

After that was done, it came to drawing the actual drawing........... yeah I sat there for several hours testing out the pose, before deleting everything except this torso  and arm and telling myself that "I'll come back tomorrow" whereas that tomorrow I was talking about never happened....... yeah..... still don't know if he should be sitting down, doing some epic magic stuff or just be standing there...... and it's been a month..........

[started o8/o3/2o21]

Next up we have a more or less abandoned drawing of Feredir and Tirith, since I always start drawings of the two and never finish them..... so yeah..... yet another unfinished twin drawing, haha...

Essentially the two should be chilling there in their early/mid teens and Tirith is boasting about how he's taller than Feredir, since Feredir is slowly but surely ruining his spine through sitting, studying and hiding away all the time >w<

Drew the faces and didn't really like them, since they didn't really fit the age or the characters, which is why I gave up.... but now that I see it, I may come back to it, fix up the faces and actually finish the thing.

[started 17/o3/2o21]

Next up I had this random clothing Idea and I sketched it out, never actually finishing the outfit, but then later on giving it to one of my OCs and sketching it out in my sketchbook ^-^

Still not sure if I really wanna give it to Huagwy, but we'll see what I'll do with it, after it's finished and I maybe added two more to the set.

[started 17/o3/2o21]

Next up we have Silagwend! I also drew her clothing afterwards, which I also uploaded already. But for now I have this portrait, next to the empty space for her halfbody ^-^"
Idk honestly... maybe I'll just go ahead and just add some shading and call this one finally done though.

[started 2o/o3/2o21]

And the last one for march would be this drawing I started of maggi's OC Roth for the "draw your friends OCs" challenge I wanted to do.... kinda forgot about that tbh xD

Either way, I went ahead and did the sketch, got my twins seal of approval, and then started with the lines.... that I never actually finished..... so this thing has been staring at me for over a month begging me to finish it and every time I'm like "Yeah.... but before I wanna do this other thing" >w<""

[started 21/o3/2o21]

And this is where my April WIPs begin!!

First of all we have some redesign buisiness going on. I am indeed quite happy with Bronadan and Ruindir, but the rest of the royal Family needs a bit of a rework since last June, so I decided to start with Ruindirs generation, before going backwards and sorting out the Bronadan generation, and then the Mudarhavan generation.

And since he actually is one of my favourite children, I decided to start with Cuinadan! This dude, in case you forgot:

So... the main idea was to sketch out at least one new outfit for Cuin, Phen and Orthir, and then drawing a halfbody for them, maybe in one larger piece in my oil-paint-ish style with them three and Ruindir in a family portrait or so.

And....... yeah.... didn't rlly get farther than Cuins clothing so far, but here's an outfit of one of my favourite kings ^-^

[started o8/o4/2o21]

Next up we have Charles Parsons! I decided to make him one of the main characters in "Warforged" which is a historical fiction series that follows a family tree through the two world wars! ..... yeah I never really talk about many of my novel ideas outside of the two Mesorian Family-Tree projects and some worldbuilding.......... maybe I should do that more often haha ^-^"
His design was created through a character design challenge over on the ArtClub discord server.... I'll explain more about it as soon as the pic is finished >w<

[started 14/o472o21]

Nearly at the end and only got 12 minutes left before I gotta go to class, so I'd maybe speed up a bit from now on ^-^""

Here we have Arasson. He initially was created for Redsys "Design a character and win nothing" challenges, with the prompts "skull, boots, cape" ..... yeah...... that didn't work out as planned lmao. Essentially I designed him and sketched him out in my sketchbook and then totally missed the deadline. But since I still liked the idea a lot, I still wanted to go ahead and draw him a fullbody digitally :D

[started 15/o4/2o21]

And now, last but not least, that we are so nicely talking and tagging Redsy, here's my WIP for her current dtiys challenge with Sumi and Kiko. I previously had the honour to design them an outfit beforehand, which is why they sorta are one of the more familiar characters of Reds to me... apart the fact obviously that Sumi is totally down my alley when it comes to characters lmao

So I went ahead and had fun with designing a new outfit... idk why, it just tickled my fancy xD

Aaaannnd then I went on to draw this.... sadly didn't get to work a lot more on it, since I had to go back to boarding school and... well setting up my tablet isn't really worth it, you know? But yeah.... kiko is a struggle guys...... DANG they're difficult to draw.

Welp, hope you liked my leftovers... got another chapter planned with some sketchbook spreads but I think that'll still need to wait a bit. Also have some changes in here planned for May, but more about that in the may-chapter.

So... I do gotta go hurry now, so ... cookies n blankets are over there and I bet Mith will give you guys cuddles from me! See ya!

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