ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴇɴɢᴇ - ᴅᴇꜱɪɢɴ ᴀ ꜰᴀɪʀʏ (15/11 - 16/11)

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Heyho kiddos!

sooooo.... i found this challenge thingy on instagram and had some fun with it ^-^

if you ever scrolled through the reels there, you've probably seen the "design a fairy after you challenge" right?
either way, the instructions were the following:

- skin colour is the colour of your shirt
- eye colour is your favourite colour
- hair colour is the colour of your favourite flower
- big wings if you own a car/have a family car, small wings if not  (got that one wrong tho QwQ)
- add a wand, if you have siblings
- add skin details, if you have long hair

so in the end, this was my colour palette/description of my fairy:

Essentially i ended up having a lot of fun with different colours, as well as the autumn-colour scheme, paired with the dark blue.

Since flowers were mentioned, i also just ran with that theme, adding petals to the hairline, neck and ears, whilst also adding blossoms in several locations.

the hair itself, i decided to braid a bit, with two strands hanging out behind the ears, and a simple bun. the bun was somewhat meant to resemble a flower bud, that hasn't opened yet >w<

the wings turned out to be just small autumn leaves... i decided that he couldn't fly with them, and that they looked like a flower from behind, similar to how the elves in the book series "wings" are described.

When it came to the "wand" i was a bit stuck... i didn't really know what to do, so i avoided that area for as long as possible. in the end, i had a terrible hand-day, and since this was just supposed to be a small and quick drawing, i just avoided the hand, by cutting it off and using the wand as some sort of magical, prosthetic tool.
I could have taken that idea a bit further and better looking, but i had fun and i grew pretty fond of the concept ^-^"

lastly the clothing... i wasn't too sure here, since there was no description about that, but since the design was already so insanely crowded, i just went with a simple cloth, that had a gradient and a light pattern

overall i am really happy with the design and the ideas i got from the restrictions of the challenge... but the drawings itself? not so much.

it isn't bad or anything, its just too much at once... the eye get's lost, details are hidden, tangents without end, lacking contrast, stiff pose, bad lighting..... i  know that i can theoretically do better, which is why this kinda bothers me so much, you know?

either way, i will most certainly draw fairy boy again, even if it's just for the sake of showcasing the design better than in this mess of a piece ^-^""

just in case you're curious of the final reel, it's posted on my instagram:

sadly discord won't upload videos, which is why i cannot show you guys, without uploading it to youtube QwQ

sooooo.... other than that, i hope you guys had a fun little time reading this chapter and maybe even like the drawing better than me >w<

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives hot chocolate<<

remember to take care of yourselves until we read each other next time, drink enough, eat enough chocolate, and remember that you're important and loved ^-^

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