ᴄʟᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ - ꜰᴇʀᴇᴅɪʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏɴ (18/ᴏ2/2ᴏ21 - 19/ᴏ2/2ᴏ21)

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Would one look at that.... I've been a bit lazy with uploading again.

Either way, school started again, so there's like... barely any new drawings from me. So, I decided to upload the drawing from the title (.... those... outfits for Feredir.... you know? Because... you can... um.... read.... yeee.......), as well as the pages/spreads I've filled in my sketchbook so far in 2o21 ^-^

Let's get to it then, eh?

So. Remember Feredir? My crooked-toothed baby of wholesomeness who is also an absolute badass?
At the moment I have been plotting away in Defiance and plan on writing regularily again, so that I hopefully have the first book finished and ready to edit by the end of the year. Let's see how that'll go >w<""

Either way, in Defiance, Feredir and Maethdess join a rebel-organisation named the "Azure Rebellion." This should be the second stage of Feredir's character development and the height of his corruption-arc.

So farI only have his clothing sorted , for the time that he was a Guard... and I still like the designs, even though I wanna edit them around just a wee bit:

Sooo.... let's talk about some design choices. During this time Feredir was still chilling in the East, meaning that most of his clothing is rather simple and poor-ish, except his work clothes (middle) which he got given by the "government".

Essentially: loose clothing, natural colours with faint greens here and there and his arms always covered to some degree.
So when designing his clothing for the rebellion, I wanted to keep those main features in mind.

I also took the clothing for Esgaron as main references for the overall vibe, you know? Goal was, to make them look coheisive next to each other, whilst also being wildly different in colours and style. And whilst that seemed like an extremely difficult task in the beginning, it turned out a lot easier than I thought and even think that I did a good job ^-^

Here's the clothing for Esgaron again, for easier comparison purposes >w<

So those were my main two references from myself. Obviously I hunted all through Pinterest for further inspiration ^-^"

During the Rebellion, Feredir takes a high position in ranks, so I could go ham on the fancyness of the clothing. I may or may not have overdone it, but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE FANCY.
Most of these outfits are indeed less casual and more fit for battle or whatever.

Outfit one was supposed to be his normal armour, that he wears at war. I essentially wanted to have a mixture between leather and metal armoud, as well as adding some useless features to match Esgarons armour. I mean..... he don't need that many belts. And that cape probably is more of a hinderance than anything else. Again this is supposed to show how he is too high up in ranks to get properly involved in fights and is only out in the field as a mage. Either way, for Feredir here the armour is hella useless, since he fights with magic and created magic shields for everything. Litereally. The dude could go to battle naked and still not be harmed, because >>throws glitter in air<< magic!

>>desperately tries to get glitter out of mouth and hair<<

The second one is supposed to be his formal clothing. Because it's Feredir the clothing is gonna be comfy above everything else, so I made it comfy. It ended up becoming a fancier version of his work-clothes as a guard with a nice poncho-cape thingy that has a huuuge collar ^-^"
I'm not too sure what precisely my thought process was, but I remember that I had one.... which sucks.... remind me to write my chapters again, directly after finishing a drawing QwQ

The last one... I personally found this one the most fun to draw. Simply because I dug out this old drawing I made of him in may last year (even though I wanna throw the drawing out of the window, I still like the metal and leather... but dang... STILE DEVELOPMENT, GUYS!):

I redesigned the clothing to fit the rest and then merged that with the rough silhouette I had in mind for the third outfit. Oh boy this one was FUN.
Main Idea was, to create a more classical rogue-ish outfit for stealth missions. So I went with darker colours, more leather than metal armour, and a scarf-thingy to hide his face ^-^
(I really gotta redraw that old drawing... now that I'm writing the chapter and staring at it...)

But ye... not all that much to say really. As I said, I attempted to keep the more natural colours, whilst adding way more green than before. Silver was addedin addition, because... well because it looks cool.... yeah that's literally the only reason I added silver on top.

I also tried to recycle a lot of colours throughout the drawing, so that we have a more coheisive overall look and worked a lot with patterns, gradients and details, to really set it apart from his plain clothing he wore before.

Here are also the stuff I got done in my sketchbook so far... it's not flashy or pretty. Lately I have been struggling a bit with my sketchbook and feeling overall less inspired for traditional art or random doodles ^-^

Over here I redesigned an old OC of mine on the left and also dug out my watercolours to try some stuff out >w<
And for the sake of it I threw the beginning of a poem that a friend of mine wrote in there too... overall am happy with the singular elements on the left page, but together with the right page and the overall mixture... ugh... one of my least favourite spreads, honestly.

Some doodles I made during class, when the WIFI wasn't good enough to play genshin impact and also be in the teams meeting >w<

... me being bored... and motivated but not really inspired.... so yeeeeee.....

And here we have a page I actually like! Just some god-concepts of mine, whilst also experimenting with more stylised hair-shapes ^-^
If everything goes as I have it in mind now, the one to the left will be the mortal, male form of Huagwy (god of starvation) and the one on the right will be Lydakî (god of good).
Planning on making them digital sometime soon, but that'll need to wait for now >w<

Just as a small note on the side, none of those sketches are finished, nor am I gonna leave the spreads as they are. Those who come from my old artbook know how I like to make everything look aesthetic with boxes so..... those will be added at some point >w<"

Anyways, that was it for now! Hope you enjoyed the outfits as much as I did drawing them, and didn't mind that little section with my sketches >w<

>> cuddles you and gives you blankets, biscuits and tea <<

Wow..... yeah I am indeed writing this goodbye-segment in my break between classes with loud music blasting through my ears, of course I am able to write sentences that are logical and make sense.
Anyways, I've got some announcements to make in the march-chapter, which I'll upload later today, so stay tuned for that ^-^

>> gives up to make some sort of sense, cuddles you again and finally ends the chapter <<

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