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Howdy my lovelies! So january came to an end and I decided to bring back the "WIP" chapers I kicked out about halfway through last year.

Overall, this is just a gathering of my january work in progresses, so you can see what I've been working on over the month, that you haven't seen yet!
Hope you enjoy ^-^

So, you probably remember the second actual chapter that landed in this book? So... I didn't get to finish it yet. I decided to colour it in greyscale whith some rough shading, to give it some more dimension. Whilst I do indeed like how it is so far going, I am thinking about properly lining the piece (as planned... before I threw that idea outta the window.... >>runs outside and fetches idea again<<). Since... well while I was okay with how it looked at the time, I do indeed with that it were a bit cleaner.

Anyways, starting the project on the o5/o1/2o21, this is how it looks so far:

Cool! Next up is a drawing, that I barely worked on for longer than half an hour so far, but still want to finish. It's a full-body illustration of my OC Redsell, who is heavily based on RedsyDevil as some of you discord-lads know, I like to insert friends and family of mine as characters, hidden in my world, which is also why you probably won't have anything but Redsell's name and appearance as soon as the drawing is finished. (If you wanna know stuff about her... well go read my book guys. It's supposed to be an easter egg, I ain't gonna spoiler that.)

The drawing was started on the o9/o1/2o21, and I left it in my folders, gathering dust ever since I finished the ugly initial sketch >w<

Continueing on something completely different, I decided to completely rework my southern continent. I created the first version of Ikôr'esh in the late months of 2018 and since then only redrew the map to fit my ever developing mapping-style.
I've been playing with the thought for quite some time now and then finally came to the conclusion, that I desperately needed to change the entire structure of the continent. I'll go more in depth and show the old maps in the chapter for the finished map. It's only an emergency solution for now, with the rough clan borders, some important places marked and the coastlines, simply because the geography is extremely important when writing.... and I just started to tackle "Legend" which is why I desperately needed some overview of the situation >w<

Started it on the 17/o1/2o21, this is the progress so far:

The next to images are WIPs of a larger project of mine. It is indeed a secret project, so you probably won't see the final for... oof, another few months probably. Maybe even next year. So I thought that sharing the background (first image) and the clothing design (second image) wouldn't harm anyone ^-^

Okay, so since I am currently writing on Legend, I drew Gruithon, since he's the best friend of Cevrond, and obviously was bound to draw the third member of the trio: Ûndaer.
I won't talk all to much about him, since he'll probably be finished sometime very soon, being my current main project and all that, but I will indeed mention that (even though you can't see them at the moment) he most certainly has the best dreadlocks I drew so far in my life.

So, working on him since the 3o/o1/2o21, here's the colour comp, since I didn't export the lineart-WIP yet ^-^""

Last WIP for the chapter! So, my wonderful friend Sabina asked me if she could kidnap one of my children that identify with the female gender, to maybe help her get out of artists block. Me, being flattered to death and all that, obviously didn't refuse the offer and threw Cefinu (aunt of Ruindîr) in her direction. Now, I only had a really, really old drawing available, so I decided to redesign her clothing A LOT. Only got to do one outfit so far, which is indeed rather casual and comfy... the fancy other stuff will still come along soon, but for now it's just the one ^-^"

... which you're going to see right now, created on the 31/o1/2o21:

So that's what is left from january. Another resolution for my art in 2o21 was, to finish as many WIPs as possible, since I just..... I just have so many unfinished pieces left from the last years, so I decided to not leave a WIP behind this year...

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and understood, that I attempted to not say all too much about the drawings, since I still need things to say about them as soon as they're finished xD

Farewell my friends, and we shall see each other again in february!

>>cuddles you and gives you cookies, blankets, and tea<<

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