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Heyho there kiddos!

yeah.... i'm at it again with genshin related stuffs...

btw if any of y'all are playing on the europe server and fancy co-oping at some point, don't be scared to add me there ^-^

UID: 714408162
I'm AR53 atm and have world level 7, sooo.... either i can help ya beat up some bosses or you can save my ass from dying every five minutes... or we do some random shit... idk... i like just hanging out with other people, so if you ever feel lonely whilst playing, i'm usually quite often there for ya uwu

okay... enough about me wanting to co-op with peoples, let's get to the point!
so, since genshin impact is such an amazing game, i decided to go ahead and pick out my favourite NPCs and draw them, how I imagine them to look if they were playable characters with a vision :)

and since that idea was inspired by the character teppei.... i couldn't not start him ^-^

oh.... btw, i won't spoiler anything major story-wise in here. i will say some stuff, so the people who don't play have some context, but i try my best to strike a good balance, so that the folks who haven't finished the inazuma archon-quest yet, can still enjoy the whole thing >w<

anyways... who is teppei?

teppei is this lad right here:

(pic is from the internet, since i can't go back in time and meet him for a first time again QwQ)

basically.... we save his life, we become friends, and he shows us the rebel forces.

rebel forces?

well... basically everyone in this world, who has an insane amount of determination, gets something called a "vision" granted by the gods. these visions give the user the ability, to influence the elements, and they are seen as a huge deal.

now, in inazuma (the country of the electro element) the god of electro decided to seize all the peoples visions, under the vision hunt decree. and... well... the thing is, visions embody a part of the persons soul, strength and memories, so without a vision, the former vision-holder looses a part of themselves.

this is a terrible fate, so a rebellion formed against that decree, plunging the nation into an internal war.

so either way, teppei is our best bud for a while, and.... argh... i love this dude so much. and i find it kinda sad, how he has such a dedication and motivation for the betterment of the world and nation... i was disappointed, that he didn't have a vision.

and that's how i decided to give him a redesign, if he turned out to be a playable character (because all the characters you can play as, have INSANELY BEAUTIFUL designs) and had such a vision ^-^

i mean.... just look at a few of them.... this game is just crazy pretty...

anyways! first of all, i wanted to give him a new outfit..... which kinda ended in this mess....

since the clothing designs are so incredibly detailed, i wanted to go all out, only to realize that i went overboard >w<"

I then abandoned the project for quite some time, before returning to it, with a fresh mind. To start things off, i first took a look at the already existing designs from that region, and the cultural references of the country (which mainly are japanese, especially inspired by samurai).

after getting a good feel for the thing, i then created a new document, and drew a portrait... mainly since i also wanted to take some child npcs i liked, and would need to draw them a bit older.... teppei isn't one of those, but i wanted to plan for future cohesion ^-^

the clothing itself was then pretty straightforward. I figured, that i approached the whole "detailed design" thing the wrong way, and instead just took what i learnt from analyzing the other designs, to create this:

Yep.... took me longer than i thought it would, but in the end, i am hella happy with the result i got ^-^

I decided to give him a fire vision, since it seemed to fit with his theme. The burning desire within his heart, the motivation for betterment, and the unstoppable force he has, when it comes to achieving a goal.... those seemed to be themes he had in common with the other fire-vision holders >w<

i mean... thoma is determined to help the yashiro commission as far as he can, being the best housekeeper ever.
yoimiya has this fascination and motivation for fireworks, since they connect people and beautiful times.
xinyan dreams of bringing rock and roll to everyone, enabling artistic freedom for everybody.
bennett wants to be the best adventurer ever, xiangling wants to create the best and craziest dishes out there, klee likes explosions, diluc wants to protect monstadt, and so on... i think you get the idea...

basically, small people with big dreams and the wild heart to fight for them. since fire is seen as the element of war and passion.

so! hope you guys liked my little rendition of teppei! if you know any other npcs you wanna see me draw, then definetely tell me so!

i already drew timmie, donna is in the plans, same for ruu, lawrence and... that treasure hoarder in dihua marsh, who's scared of that dog....  lemme just...

that dude...

anyways, that's all i got for now! hope you have a nice rest of your day/night and remember to take care of yourselves ^-^

>>cuddles, pats and wraps in blanket, before giving cookies and hot tea<<

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