───── ∙ ↤ MARCH ↦ ∙ ─────

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March, Helen Hunt Jackson (1886)

Month which the warring ancients strangely styled

The month of war,--as if in their fierce ways

Were any month of peace!--in thy rough days

I find no war in Nature, though the wild

Winds clash and clang, and broken boughs are piled

At feet of writhing trees. The violets raise

Their heads without affright, without amaze,

And sleep through all the din, as sleeps a child.

And he who watches well may well discern

Sweet expectation in each living thing.

Like pregnant mother the sweet earth doth yearn;

In secret joy makes ready for the spring;

And hidden, sacred, in her breast doth bear

Annunciation lilies for the year.


Anyways, here we are again, I think! Sooo... some changes will come along in march and I have some things to say in regards of.... art... who would've thought >w<"

First things first, I decided to change the covers up! I don't know why, but the entire "Jade" thing doesn't really come across in the "old" cover as I wanted it to, so I thought I'd add a bit more of that crystal-theme to the cover. And now that I made the new cover for Jade I wanna make them all match again, sooo... I'll be changing things around again...

Anyways, here's the old one, so you can say your farewells ^-^

And here's the one I'll set up directly after publishing this chapter :D
I thought that the orange in that pic of bron will look nice with the yellow-oranges in the background texture ^-^
It just a lot less plain and I personally think, that it looks more interesting and portrays my art a bit better..... ye...


Next up:  ...


..... shit, i forgot what I wanted to say, gimme a sec...

AH! Yess!!! Next up: is tumblr a dead platform? More or less, yes.... does this here still exist for a few days now? .... More or less, yes.... hehehee......

I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm still testing stuff out, but yeah.... for now I am kinda just uploading my art and the stuff I've written in my Artbook here about those pieces, but I plan on hosting some tutorials, as well as my artblog over there, so if you're interested you're gladly invited to go check it out ^-^

School also started for me again, so sadly I won't have as much time to draw. Instead I usually spend my free time writing or worldbuilding, and I am currently working on this wonderful baby, that hopefully will be published sometime within the next two months. Obviously it won't be completed, but I wanted to have some basic lore already included about the continents and all that.
So, if you were interested in my stories and lore, and are too lazy to actually read the stories, here's the nice alternative ^-

Together with "Storms" I also plan on working a bit more in "Lights" again, since I kinda abandoned that a bit... yeah...

But no worries, I still will dump lore and character informations in my artbook, since that's something I probably couldn't stop, even if I wanted to >w<

(Maybe) last but not least, I also wanted to shove a small little advertisment in here...... am I sorry? No I am not. So over on the _ArtClub_ I am slowly working my way around how I draw things. I started with hair, explaining my sketchy-, rendered- and cell-shading techniques, and will soon expand on clothing, metal, skin, eyes, etc.

So that's that on the one side. On the other side, we're slowly but surely bringing back those monthly drawing prompts and for march we decided to create "marchibi"! So if ya fancy drawing 31 chibis, since lockdown stops you from doing other fun things like... um... outside... people... stuffs... either way, if you fancy drawing some chibis, we'd be excited to see if you used any of our prompts ^-^"

Was that it? I think it was... oh, wait! Not yet!
So... I saw this wonderful thing called "AMA" going around. It stand's short for "ask me anything" and I was wondering if you'd maybe be interested in something like that for either me or any of my OCs ^-^
Essentially I thought about just having an ama-section at the bottom of every OC-chapter, where you could ask like questions directly to the character, and I'd write a reply out of their view... I imagine it to be fun, but if none of you are interested there's no real point, so I just thought I'd ask >w<"

That was it now finally.

Oof, this is probably the longest month-chapter I wrote so far. I hope I didn't bore you too much >w<

>> cuddles you and gives you cookies and tea <<

Farewell, see you lot in march! I hope you're enjoying Jade so far, I most certainly am having a great time, especially since I upload more recently after finishing a piece. It really makes everything a lot more enjoyable, less tedious and all that good stuff.
If you have any feedback/critique/ideas for me, in regards of my art, my structure of the artbook, or the chapter contents, just... go ahead and tell me! I think I'm going along a good road at the moment, but am a bit insecure since the length of my chapters is increasing quite a lot and I don't know what you guys think about that.

... did I just smuggle a last point in there, without noticing? Apparently so... but anyways, here's goodbye from me now properly >w<

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