WWE's New Signee Meets WWE's Resident Naval Officer.

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I followed wrestling with great interest during my days at Annapolis and my tenure in the Navy. After reaching the rank of commander. I resigned my commission(for reasons you can read in the description) and went directly into wrestling and learned on the job. I wrestled for a few indie companies. I was picked up by WWE in mid-2022, and I became the new target of the most ridiculous collection of assholes in the wrestling business. The Bloodline. I came close twice to dethroning Roman Reigns as the Universal WWE Heavyweight Champion. But every time. His cousins would interfere and cost me the match and the Championship. Last time, they took me out of circulation. Permanently, they thought. But don't ever count death out as it will come back to bite you in the ass. Or in their cases. All their asses.

I'm in Tampa to attend Raw tonight as I heard that the new signee from October last year finally got her debut during the Women's Royal Rumble last night.
Needless to say, I've been waiting for her to make her debut.

I woke up in the hotel and stretched before getting out of bed, looked at my phone for messages, and found one from Hunter asking which brand I wanted to be on. I replied that I hadn't decided yet.
He said that I'd be able to at least spend the next few weeks seeing where I fit. I agreed s and just started doing my SEAL-style workout. Fifty pull-ups by grabbing the gripping the top of the doorframe, fifty sit-ups, fifty push-ups, and went out for a ten-mile run.
When I got back, I got a quick shower in, dried off, and after grabbing my arena bag, I headed to a bistro before heading to the arena.

When I arrived, I saw Liv getting her hair and makeup done. "Daniel!" She squealed.
I smiled as she ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Liv. I'm glad to see you're back."
"Thank you, but what are you doing here?" She asked.
"I'm back up for Miss Cargill in case Nia decides to bitch about being eliminated by her this past Saturday night," I replied honestly. "Which we all know she will."
Liv nodded in agreement, "Still, good to see you back."
"Thank you, same to you." I grinned as I hugged her once more before heading to my locker room and she returned to hair and makeup.
I was approaching my locker room when I heard, "You have got to be Daniel." I looked up and saw Jade smiling as she approached me.
"What gave me away?" I asked.
"The way you present yourself." She replied.
"Like a bum right off the street?" I joked making her laugh.
"Of course not." She chuckled. "You presented yourself like someone who served in the military." She explained.
"Very good. I'll take you to dinner if you can guess the branch." I said.
"You don't look muscle-bound, so not the Army or Marines. But you take good care of yourself. So that can only mean the Navy.
I grinned and applauded, "Brava. Come in, I have to change."
She walked in and I let the door close behind us. She sat on a bench near some lockers as I put down my arena and took out the items I would need. And headed to the shower area. "If you don't mind me saying, I've followed your career from MLW to WWE. And I haven't seen anyone with a natural talent for this business than you."
"I could say the same about you. I also followed your career in AEW to here. And I haven't stopped being amazed since. You are probably the only legitimate Glamazon in wrestling right now. You're strong, tough, and extremely beautiful." I grinned as I came out wearing my Army fatigue pants, Air Force shirt, Navy Jacket, and holding my Marine Drill Instructor cover. "If I may be blunt. You were dying in AEW. They weren't using you to your full potential. After you won the TBS Championship. They just used you as a throwaway talent or an enhancement talent. Someone who fills time." She grinned as I sat next to her.
"Thank you for being honest, Dan."
"You're welcome, but you know what I see when I look at you?" She shook her head. "I see a woman who will do great, if not incredible things in this company. I see so much potential here for you in WWE. That's what I see. So let me be the first to say." I held out my hand, "Welcome home." I smiled as she teared up a bit. I pulled a tissue from my inside jacket pocket and handed it to her. "Now, I want to know what you see when you look at me. Don't hold anything back." I grinned as she smiled and giggled.
"I see a man, that's been cheated out of every opportunity, and hasn't been allowed to shine like me to a certain extent. But I think together. We'll do that and much more."She said as I tried to keep myself from tearing up.
"Are you proposing an alliance, with me?" I asked.
"Definitely." She smiled.
"I like it. Let's do it." I replied with a grin.
"Good." I looked at the monitor and saw Nia in the ring as the show started.
"Well, that was expected. Probably..." Before I could say anything else.
'Jade. I know you're here tonight. Come on out and face me. I've got a bone to pick with you.' Nia whined on the monitor.
"I knew it. Let's go see if she'll listen to reason which I doubt. At which point, we take her down a few pegs." I said standing up and presenting my hand as she took it and stood up before we headed to the gorilla.

Once we arrived at the gorilla, 'Epic' Jade's theme started playing over the speakers and she went out first and did her usual poses, but didn't leave the stage making Nia yell at her. Only for 'Step-Up' by Drowning Pool to instantly replace Jade's theme as I walked out with my drill instructor's hat on over my eyes. I looked at Jade, stood at attention, and saluted as she laced her left arm with my right as we headed to the ring. I stepped aside as she ascended the stairs and walked across the apron, I followed suit and held open the ropes for her. She stepped through them and after she was in the ring, I stepped over the ropes and stood next to her.
Nia raised the mic to her mouth, "Really? You brought him with you?" I smiled as I pulled two microphones from my inside jacket pockets and handed one to Jade. "What? You can't come out here by yourself?"
I looked at Nia who had a shit-eating grin, "Will you please, shut, the fuck, up!" I roared which shocked her. "Nobody gives a flying fuck as to what you're problem is? Nor the fact WWE finally has someone stronger, and a damn sight better wrestler than you. You are nothing but a talentless, spineless, wannabe if I ever saw one. Although you do have a talent. Critically injuring opponents, fucking up spots during matches, hmm, what am I forgetting, oh yeah. Bitching to Dwayne when things don't go your way. In fact, that's the sole reason you're even here, isn't it? You whined to Dwayne about every other promotion not giving you a chance so in all essence. You're just an honest-to-God pity rehire. That's pretty much all you are. You didn't scratch and claw your way back to this company. You bitched, moaned, and complained to Cousin Dwayne until you got rehired." Nia was getting angry. "Aww, ladies and gentlemen, blubbering Nia is angry 'cause I'm telling the truth about her ass. Let me be blunt like my drill instructor was during my first year in Annapolis. Grow up!" The crowd cheered loudly as I tried to calm down. "All things considered. I have a ton of respect for Dwayne. But when I look at some waste of space 'wrestler' he practically strong-armed to get back into WWE. That respect diminishes. Every time you open your mouth it falls more and more. At least with Jey Uso. Another of your cousins. Every time he steps into this ring he busts his ass and earns his spot. You, like Roman. You expect everyone and everything to lie down and die. Not me, and most definitely not her." I said as Jade applauded. "You and Roman are part-time wrestlers. Except you are worse, you put no time in the gym, no time in the ring, nothing. So you can't be called a wrestler, can you? Not in our book, and most certainly not to these people who spent hard-earned money on tickets to come see their favorite wrestlers. Which I don't think includes you." She ran at me and I performed a Pop-up German Suplex on her.
"Aww, poor defenseless Nia couldn't handle the truth? Tough. You have the gall to call me out because I eliminated you in less than two minutes. Wow. Such a tragedy. Get over it." Jade said as I stepped behind her as Nia was still clutching her back. "If you're so desperate to get even. How about next week? You against me in a steel cage." She dropped the mic and I held the ropes open for her and slid out of the ring myself.
Nia stared daggers at us as we reached the stage, I held the mic I had to my lips, "Oh, and by the way Nia. Can you relay a message to your cousins Roman, Jimmy, and Solo? If it's not too much of a workout for you? Tell them death's coming to collect. And good luck in your cage match against this Glamazon beside me. You'll most definitely need it." I smiled as Jade blushed.
Then Nia said the one thing that even I knew better than to mention. "I knew it. You can't fight your own battles, what kind of example does that set for your daughter?" I didn't need to look at Jade to know she was angry. Jade stormed the ring and mauled Nia like a wild animal. I slid into the ring as she set Nia up for Jaded. Nia was scared as Jade performed it. I approached Jade, who was still angry but a little calmer. I rubbed her arm and she looked at me. I grinned as I held up a finger, and approached the downed Jax. Bent down and wrapped my arms around her waist and proceeded to perform a Deadlift Jackknife Powerbomb. Which astonished a lot of people in the crowd, even the commentators were speechless. Jade grinned as she hugged me before we made our way to the back.

Cathy Kelly approached us, "Daniel, Jade. Why the extra attacks on Nia?"
"She does the same thing to her opponent's. It's about time she got a taste of what excessive force looks like." I said.
"And next week. We'll see how bad she is when she's locked in a cage with a stronger, tougher, more talented wrestler than she is next week." Jade told her. "Now me and Daniel are going to go and get something to eat." We left Cathy with a look of surprise.

We, or I changed into my clean casuals in the shower area of the locker room. When I emerged from the shower area I smiled as Jade was looking at Twitter on her phone.
"Anything interesting?" I asked.
She looked at me and smiled, "Not much. Bayley, apparently thinks she's the reason why Asuka and Kairi have the Women's Tag Team Championships, and Iyo has the WWE Women's Championship." Jade told me.
"Of course. I should call Stevie Turner and see what she can find to prove that Bailey was waiting for something like her Rumble win and it's not to take the Women's World Heavyweight title from Rhea. It's to take the WWE Women's Championship from Iyo which is what she planned since last year after Iyo 'took' her opportunity in a number one contender's triple threat after she 'tried' to get a rematch for Kota and Iyo for the Women's Tag Team Championships after they lost them to Becky and Lita. But somehow she got a chance to be part of a triple threat to decide a number one contenders match for the Women's Heavyweight Championship." I explained.
"You're sure about this, aren't you?" I nodded.
"She did the same to her best friend during the pandemic. Mercedes Moné. Formerly Sasha Banks. Sasha won a top title. She wanted it. Friendship be damned." I explained further.
"How do you know Stevie?" She asked.
"A few years ago before the pandemic, I was stationed in Europe, and I went and saw an NXT UK show. At a pub after the show. I noticed her fighting with a guy, and when he grabbed her, I put him to sleep with a hard left hook. Long story short. We've been friends ever since." I grinned.
"Bailey will probably say it's not her." Jade pointed out.
"I'm not sure she'll be able to deny it if she's caught on camera." I grinned evilly.
"Okay. I'm going to just act like I didn't that smile and just continue looking at my phone." She chuckled as I packed my gear into my arena bag and picked it up.
"Let's go, J." I said as she stood up and we left the arena bound for a nice restaurant.

We arrived at a nice Italian restaurant where we were seated immediately after we ordered, and the waiter left us alone.
"So, what is the history of 'Colonel Reaper'?" Jade asked.
I grinned as I said, "I was a Navy brat. Always moving and relocating every few years. It got exceptionally harder when dad made Captain. By then I was going to Annapolis, making generations of Boyce's proud. I followed wrestling while in Annapolis for my sanity's sake. Along with comics." Jade grinned as she reached for my right hand with her left. "I served thirteen years and by the time I achieved the rank of commander. Dad was a two-star Admiral and wanted me to make the Navy my life like he did. But I felt like I deserved to be more than just another Boyce wearing a lot of ribbons and medals. I decided to resign my commission after I achieved the rank of commander and went into wrestling, and I've been having a blast ever since."
"Do you still talk to your dad?" She asked.
"No. I'm an embarrassment to him for even leaving the Navy and becoming a wrestler." I replied.
"That's insane. He can't fault you for doing something different." She grinned.
"Agreed. But he's insistent that I don't contact him. Period." I told her.
"His loss. But I think maybe you should eventually try to talk to him." She said as the food and drink arrived.
"If I remember correctly. You have I think an eight to nine-year-old daughter, Bailey."
"Correct. And she's a very big fan of yours." She smiled.
"She has good taste." I joked making her giggle. "But I think she's not the only one, if I may be so bold." Jade blushed. "I think she's a fan of mine, mostly because her mom is."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said averting her eyes by looking elsewhere, pretending that something else got her attention.
"Uh, huh. Then why are you smiling and blushing?" I asked making her swat my arm which made me chuckle.

After we ate, I paid the bill. We headed to the hotel for the night. I escorted her to her room and when we arrived, her hotel room door opened, Bailey ran out and hugged her mom's legs. Jade grinned and giggled as she adjusted the strap of her arena bag, "Hey, sweetie. You know who this is?" Jade asked referring to me.
Bailey looked at me and her jaw went slack, "He's. You're. That's..." She stammered.
I put down my arena bag as I introduced myself, "Former Navy Commander Daniel Boyce, at you're service, Miss Bailey." I bowed making Jade and Bailey grin. Bailey looked at Jade who nodded as Bailey ran up and hugged me as I was crouching. "I hear you're a big fan of mine," I said as I stood up with her in my arms. "That true?"
"Uh-huh." She replied.
"And she's pretty picky about who she's a fan of." Jade pointed out.
"Well, it seems you and your mom have good taste." I said making Bailey smile and Jade giggle. I set her down on her feet, "Well, I better let you girls get to sleep. I'll see you both tomorrow."
"Okay, see you later, Mr Boyce. Goodnight." Bailey said as she went into the room.
"I'll be in a second sweetie." Jade grinned as she looked at me. "You have made her week."
"Well, I always like my fans happy," I replied with a grin. "See you tomorrow, then?" She nodded as I picked up my arena bag. "Alright. Goodnight, J."
"Goodnight, Dan." She grinned as she went into her room. I smiled as I went down the hall to my room.

When I got into my room, I tossed my arena bag near the entrance of the room and got changed for bed. I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

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