Becks new girlfriend pt2

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Tired, I stepped into the school. I got strange looks from people who, like me, had arrived half an hour early, and God, I knew I looked like shit. And I felt like it, too. I had slept maybe two hours all weekend.
I had finally done myself a favor and broken up with Beck. He might have seemed a tiny bit shaken, but other than that, it didn't bother him much.
And I was also extremely happy with my decision. I had finally taken this weight off my shoulders. But in exchange, a new problem had come my way.
I had realized that I had fallen head over heels in love with that idiot Jade. And God, how I loathed myself for it. Not that I had threatened to claw her eyes out three days ago if she looked at me again.
But - rightly so. And I will not take back that promise, neither I will apologize. I'll ignore her and half-hate her until I am no longer in love with her.

I unlocked my locker, where a small mirror hung. And sure enough, I winced slightly when I saw my reflection. My huge bags under my eyes especially stood out.

"Holy shit I look like I died," I muttered softly, running my fingertips around my eyes.

"You're right."
When I heard the familiar voice, I tensed up hard. I didn't even dignify her with a glance.
"Fuck off."

"I want to talk to you." she replied firmly, yet gently.

"Didn't he tell you to leave me alone?", I asked annoyed, still without looking at her.

"We both know that was a lie."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Sad when you can't come up with anything but 'fuck off' and 'shut the fuck up' responses." Her patience thread seemed to have snapped, by now she sounded condescending, but an expression of regret immediately settled over her face.

I took a deep breath to push back the pain that was welling up inside me.
A few days ago I didn't give a shit about this girl, and now here I was in this fucking hallway, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Because of her.

"Please just go."
My voice was nothing but a low, hurt whisper. My whole chest ached and I had to hold back my tears.
I really needed more sleep. Without it, I was apparently too overemotional to take insults maturely.
I slammed the locker shut, still not looking at her.

Her hand clasped mine as she tried to stop me from leaving.
"Y/N." Her voice was soft again. "Please let us at least talk. I don't want our friendship to break."

I couldn't help but laugh sarcastically.
"Now all of a sudden we're friends?"

"Let's not have this conversation in the middle of school," she hissed through clenched teeth.

"Well now, you have mood swings. Just like you started having this conversation here. Either we talk here, or we don't talk at all. Deal with it."

"You want to hear it here? Gladly. I have feelings for you, you fucking idiot," she cursed. "And I've realized that I really, really have no interest in Beck anymore. I only have eyes for you. And I know this happens so quickly and unexpectedly, but it hurt so much to see you hurt. Because of me. I'm a stupid piece of shit. I want you and only you."

"You're lying again. "

Jade rolled her eyes in annoyance before pulling me towards her by my wrist, which was still encased in her hand.

"You can be an awful handful, you know that? "

"I'm well aware of that," I replied wearily.

"If you're okay with that, I'm perfectly willing to press my lips so hard on yours right now that you'll never want to kiss anyone else again in your life," she informed me, looking at me with desire.

"It's going to have to be a pretty good kiss for that, though, don't you think?", I asked teasingly. What was wrong with me today - Had I really just forgiven her like that because of a few nice words?

"Yes or no?" She stared impatiently from my eyes to my lips, to all appearances she could barely contain herself.

And I decided to push my fears and trust issues to the side for a moment. Or at least to try.

"Yes, Jade."


"Yes. Kiss me."

That was all I had to say. I felt her slowly and gently press me against my locker and her lips collided hard with mine as promised.

I put my arms around her neck and pulled her to me, only to feel her body press against mine.

Our lips moved in sync with each other, and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the best kiss I'd ever had.

When she pulled away from me, we were both breathing heavily. She looked into my eyes before resting her forehead against mine and closing her eyes.
God, this girl was beautiful.
"So, did it work?" she murmured softly.

"Mm. I definitely don't want to kiss anyone not named Jadelyn West anymore," I whispered back, watching her slowly open her eyes and smile.

An honest smile.

Noticing you countless pairs of eyes on us, I pushed Jade slightly away from me. She turned and gave the crowd a death stare.

"What's there to stare at?" she yelled, to which everyone slowly started moving.

"I'm really putting my reputation on the line for you." she said with a grin once she turned back to me and took my hand to intertwine it with hers.

I remained silent for a moment.
"What about Beck? Are you sure you don't still like him?"
I just had a hard time believing that she had all of a sudden developed feelings for me.

Jade just rolled her eyes again.
"Why would I have kissed you in front of half the school if I still liked Beck? You really are a little slow in here." She gently tapped my forehead, which made me laugh softly.

"So, would you go on a date with me?" asked Jade, looking me in the eye as her hand nearly crushed mine.

"I'd love to. But look me in the eye and promise me you won't take advantage of me."

"I promise I won't take advantage of you. Wait, what would I take advantage of you for?" she asked, confused.

The corners of my mouth twitched upward.
"And let's take it slow, okay? I mean, I thought you hated me until fifteen minutes ago."

"You're right." she said, nodding in agreement.

"But you'd go on a date with me?" she asked hopefully, to which I just grinned and nodded.

"I'd fall into your arms but those dumbasses keep staring."

"It's ok.", I replied and grinned slightly.

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