Count your blessings

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*Quick author note I sadly found it hard for me to make Izuku none binary so im going to say hes gender fluid he will respond to male pronouns and will wear feminist clothing sorry for the interruption*

* Its 10 almost 11 in the morning *
Izuku p.o.v~
"Yawn" ugh what time is it oh I woke up pretty early for a sunday whatever

I might as well go see who's awake and ask if anyone wants a late breakfast.
Oh I know what ill wear,
I put a tight but cute spaghetti tank top then some high wasted jeans adding a black belt decided to top it off with a gray Shaw and a black bag with Daisy's even though I prefer sunflowers it was still adorable and some nice white Skechers.

As I finish getting dressed I grab my shoes and bring them to the door sitting down to put them on.

As I got my shoes on starting to walk  down the hall humming a song I could not think the name of I arrived in the common room seeing about half the class doing individual things some were cramming homework they didn't do some were watching tv or on there phones. I said good morning to everyone asking if they were hungry they all said yes of course

Short time skip~~
Third person~
As Izuku got to work making a traditional American breakfast coming to a finish he   had pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs with plenty of toppings for the pancakes.
" perfect just got to bring over the pancakes" Izuku said to know one in particular He walked off to the kitchen.
" I feel so spoiled with Izukus cooking " Said Kirishima with an ecstatic smile
" yeah he makes very good food ribbit" said  Asui remembering some of her favorites.

As everyone talked about there favorite they smelled a heavenly smell coming from the kitchen, they watch as Izuku walks into the dining room carrying bowls of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, banana slices, syrup, different types of jam and sugar flour then goes back to grab plates and four prong Forks last but not least he goes to the kitchen and brings out to full plates of pancakes?  a couple were shocked to see and American food.

You see they have American dishes here but a lot of the class has never had the chance to taste some.
" ok hey guys breakfast is ready give me a sec I'll call everyone else down" Izuku walks over to a bell that's just before entering the hall to the dorm rooms.
You see lida being the person he is wanted a way to contact everyone fast ( even though they have phones they might not see it fast enough) so he set up a bell with the codes 1 ring means emergency 2 rings means everyone come here but the most important one 3 rings means food is ready and everyone comes running.

Time skip~~
You see everyone is here and some are eating that includes Izuku, ilda, momo, Bakugou and Yuga.
Everyone else was a little skeptical about it " Mm whats wrong guys why aren't you eating " asked ilda " I just think were all a little hesitant I'm trying this cuz it's a first time for most of us" said Asui with a worried look. Izuku looks up at everyone to finely notice they have truly not eaten yet
Its fine guys if you don't like it but you should at least try it" izuku said in a encouraging tone " how do you know to make pancakes and such midoriya " asked Shoto " oh my mom and me visit my dad and uncle in the summers so I kinda just picked up some recipes haha oh by the way don't worry too much about not liking them Kachan used to be so against eating them until my mom literally had to shove   the piece in his mouth when we were younger" said izuku with a happy tone laughing at the end " but how are you three ok eating them" asked Izuku " oh with my family being heros I've had many chances to try different cultured foods" said ilda with a proud look " My family has hosted many party's for different cultured people so I as well have had the chance try try a variety of food" said Momo with a little syrup on the side of her mouth " my Father is a chef and he loves to bring new recipes home to try" said Yuga sparkling a little more then normal today.

Everyone finally got over them selfs and started to plate some food, everyone cuts there selfs a piece of there pancakes looking at each other closing there eyes and took a bit...

It was silent until they all opened there eyes having hearts " OMYGOSH this is so good I can't believe its taken me this long to try some" said mina starting to chug her food down " your the best midoriya" said Ojiro as he also chugged down his food quickly grabbing more, everyone else either said similar thing or just keep eating.

Izuku looked at his friends as they ate happily he never wanted this to end.

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