Lets get you cleaned

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That was close if I waited any longer what could have happened " Hey Eri or you ok" I asked looking down all I got was a small head nod guess that's the best I'm going to get until we can talk more. Time to think I cant take her back to the dorms that will be a mess, plus I don't think she'd want to be around by so many people, best place to go then would be home. I look down to see shes lightly trembling Is she cold I take off my jacket putting it over her good she seems to get a little calmer

As I finely get to my apartment I walk up the stairs switching Eri over to my left side grabbing my keys from my pocket and putting it into the door as I open it I look over to Eri and see her looking out from the jacket watching what I'm doing. cute " well Eri this is my place I live at the dorms my school provides but I come here every so often to relax or clean I used to live here with my mother though," I said while putting her on the couch and turning on lights "why don't we get you clean then get some clean bandages and bandaids for your cuts ok," I ask looking over to her, she gives me a shy smile and a head nod

I smile and reach my hand out for her after some hesitation she takes it as we begin to walk down the hallway passing my room on the left then the bathroom also on the left, opening the door I lead her in turning on the tub making sure to add plenty of bubbles then helping her take off the yucky clothes and bandages " what do you think adorable is the water ok not to hot right," I ask as I wash her back with a rag and soap noticing the scars all over her and some thrown around her back i think on her legs as well I feel a heat start to build up in my stomach " nn-oo s-ir its per-ffect " it takes me a min to realize she had responded " haha it's alright and you don't have to call me sir remember my name is Izuku you can call me Izu if you want" I said with a smile dumping some water down her hair using one hand to cover her face " ok" she said looking down " well your all clean let's get you out and dressed

Short Time skip~

After finding her a shirt that doesn't completely drown her and put some bandaids on I took her to the kitchen and started to make her some salmon and black sesame onigiri also some plain onigiri it's easy for the stomach and won't take long to make for this late in the day, wait when did it get so late the school gate closes in 30min I need to call Aizawa

*Phone call*


A- where are you problem child the gate will be closing soon

I- yeah about that something happened and I won't be able to come to school for a little sorry would love to chat more BYEEEEEEEE

*end call*
A- brat

Whew hope he doesn't call back, I look over to Eri she has some rice stuck on the side of her face. cute "well scenes your finished do you mind if we talk about some things" I asked as I walked over and cleaned her face " ok" she said looking at her feet, I grab her hand and lead her to my mothers room so she can lay down while we talk " this is my mothers room but you don't have to worry about her ok "
She give me a confused look but nods her head, I lift her up and help her snuggle up in the smooth comforter and put a soft blanket next to her " well first I'd like to know some stuff about you " I said taking the seat next to her " my na-me is e-ri and I thin-k I'm ei-ther 6 oor 7" she said as she pulled the blanket closer to her face sweet thing doesn't even know how old she is " well Eri can you explain to me what had happened to you for me to find you next to a dumpster in such sad state" I asked trying to keep a comforting atmosphere "I was runni-ng fro-m over-haul I was neever able to learn his real nna-me, he would use m-e for my quuirk" she said showing me the vast array of scars splattered on her arms, I felt an immense heat of anger take over me as the air went hot and stale "s-ir are you ok " hu" its then that I realise that my quirk activated crap I need to get better control of my emotions
" Was that the man who had called out to you" she shook her head up and down slowly showing that she was tired " well lets talk some more tomorrow when you have re-" before I could finish she had already past out laying her head cute.

Time skip~

"AAAAAAAA HELP PLEASE NO I'M SORRY STOP I CANT" I jolted up hearing eri scream off the top of her lungs I hurry
Out of my room down the rest of the hallway quickly opening her door to see her thrashing around screaming and crying in her sleep crap I jump into action and quickly grab her and try to wake her up softly " Eri sweety you need to wake up its just a nightmare nothing can hurt you here your safe Eri listen to me" after some more soothing she finely stops screaming and thrashing around only being left with scared eyes and tears Falling down

I softly stroke her long hair and whisper to her nice things, how do I help her crap crap crap oh I lets try this I slowly get up and go to my mothers closet and grab her acoustic guitar I go back to Eri sitting next to her giving a small side smile


I know you think I got it all figured out
'Cause I walk around like my head's in the clouds
But I'm just a boy with his heart pouring out of his head
I wish that you could see the pain that I've seen
And all of the times I spent being not me

I hope you know that it's not always happy in my head
'Cause I don't know
The perfect road to go down
But I know

I'm trying my best
I'm trying my best to be okay
I'm trying my best but every day it's so hard

And I'm holding my breath
I'm holding my breath 'til I can say
All of the words I wanna say from my heart

If you really wanted I could let you inside
It's been so long and I've got nothing left to hide
Would you believe me if I told you that I've got flaws

Now it's time to let the curtains unfold
And tell all the stories that I didn't want told
I let it out so I unburden my soul I won't stop

'Cause I don't know
The perfect road to go down
But I know

I'm trying my best
I'm trying my best to be okay
I'm trying my best but every day it's so hard

And I'm holding my breath
I'm holding my breath 'til I can say
All of the words I wanna say from my heart

I'm trying my best
I'm trying my best to be okay
I'm trying my best but every day it's so hard

And I'm holding my breath
I'm holding my breath 'til I can say
All of the words I wanna say from my heart

I look over to see her peacefully sleeping like she had never woken up from a nightmare " sleep well " I say turning around walking to the door after putting the guitar away as I'm about to leave I notice one thing

was her horn always that big

'Sorry its taken so long and that its short hope you like it also I wanted to say thank you all for reading my story and getting me over 300 reads❤❤'

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro