Chapter 25

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Jaggedtail dropped his prey on the painfully small fresh-kill pile, it was getting smaller and smaller every day and hunting was getting harder as leaf-bare raged through the forest. It spared no mercy on the cats of the forest and Jaggedtail felt the cold biting into his skin with every move. The other Clans hadn't had it any easier as in the last gathering it was announced that Goldenstar had been claimed by greencough and the Clan was now led by Ivystar, and Jaggedtail feared that the same would happen to LichenClan's leader.

More cats had gotten sick in the almost full moon since Patchfoot's death, Breezefall, Baderstrike, Ashstream and Twigpaw had all moved into the medicine cat den as well and just a few days ago Mothflame had lost her life to her sickness. Jaggedtail had barely been able to speak to Elmheart, he tried to visit but every time he was shooed away from Sagefeather.

Jaggedtail found it harder and harder to keep going with the constant fear of losing Elmheart, but with the help of Maplepool he somehow found the strength to hunt for his Clanmates.

"Cats of LichenClan!" Sagefeather's call rang out across camp, getting the attention as well as confusing many cats. The medicine cat's long fur was unkempt and her eyes were glazed over with exhaustion. "I'm so saddened to announce the death of Featherheart." Jaggedtail's stomach flipped. Another cat dead. Jaggedtail thought, feeling incredibly sick. How many more will we lose.

"I'm officially declaring a quarantine on the sick cats. I don't want any cat stepping near the medicine cat den." Sagefeather explained. "But I still don't think that's enough. I will be taking the sickest cats with me to the old badger den outside camp. I believe this will be the best way to prevent others from getting sick, as well as allowing the others to recover easier. The only cat allowed to visit these sick cats is Stormsong, who will usually be staying behind with the ones in the medicine cat den."

"Who are you taking?" Fieldfoot spoke up, the tom shook with fear as both his mate and daughter were in the den with sickness.

"Vinetail, Birdstar, Skytail, Bagderstrike and Twigpaw." Field Foot's legs trembled and he sat down, Mousepaw running to his side to comfort his father. Jaggedtail couldn't help but feel grateful that Elmheart would be staying behind, it meant that he wasn't as sick as the others.

"So that means Elmheart, Breezefall and Ashstream are staying behind." Maplepool spoke quietly beside Jaggedtail. "That will be a much easier task for Stormsong." Jaggedtail nodded, Featherheart was Stormsong's mother, Jaggedtail wondered how the young medicine cat was handling the loss. Meanwhile Jumpheart had lost his brother and mate, and his leader was on the brink of death but he still managed to lead his Clan in her absence.

"Please keep hunting for your sick Clanmates." Sagefeather continued. "Let Stormsong and I work, we are doing everything we can to keep them alive. We won't let any cats die without a fight."


Jaggedtail returned from patrol and much to his relief, no other cats had died yet but the camp still felt like it was covered by a thick cloud of grief. The Clan was scared and mourning the loss of three cats but something told Jaggedtail that it wasn't the end. Leaf-bare wasn't even half-way over, and it would take a long time before the snow melted.

Jaggedtail found himself pacing in camp as he thoughts consumed him, he couldn't even imagine life without Elmheart. The tom had been by his side his entire life, he didn't want to lose him.

"Jaggedtail." A strained voice spoke from behind him. Jaggedtail turned his head and saw Stormsong, the medicine cat looking incredibly exhausted, her blue eyes filled completely with grief. "You're worried about Elmheart, aren't you?"

Jaggedtail nodded slowly. "He's my best friend, he's practically my brother."

"If it helps, Elmheart's sickness hasn't developed into greencough. He has whitecough pretty badly but he's a fully grown, strong warrior. He will be able to fight this off, I'm sure of it."

Jaggedtail let out a sigh of relief It really did help, knowing that Elmheart was so strong. "Thank you Stormsong, LichenClan is lucky to have you."

"Maybe." Stormsong's ear twitched. "I'm just getting some prey for the three cats in there. Sagefeather is doing the real work out there." She cast her gaze out towards the badger den behind the camp. "I just hope she can help them." The gray she-cat let out a sigh. "Leaf-bare is so hard." She muttered, but as she walked away Jaggedtail felt that she was no longer talking to him. Even when leaf-bare is over, we will all still have to recover from the loss. Especially the medicine cats.

Jaggedtail stopped his pacing and crossed the camp to find Fawnsky, Sunstorm and Maplepool. When he found them he shared Stormsong's news of Elmheart, they all expressed extreme relief especially Maplepool, once again her gaze filled with something soft and sweet, Jaggedtail wished he could tell what it was. What's going on with Maplepool? He wondered.

"Stormsong!" Sagefeather's cry filled the freezing air. "Stormsong come quick! I need you now!"

Stormsong had been on her way back to the medicine cat den with prey but she dropped it in the middle of camp and broke off in a sprint towards Sagefeather who had already turned back into the forest. No. Jaggedtail knew that it meant someone was dying. LichenClan was now on edge, no words were spoken they just said in a painful, grief-filled silence as they awaited news.

Stormsong and Sagefeather were gone for a long time, LichenClan was forced to return to duties an go on patrols while they waited, but Jaggedtail couldn't leave, he couldn't hunt or focus on anything. He opted out of patrols for the time being, he had to know. He wouldn't leave his camp until Sagefeather and Stormsong returned, Maplepool and Fieldfoot did the same.

At long last, Stormsong returned but Jaggedtail could see the pain across her face as she dragged her paws through the snow. Jumpheart ran to her side. "Stormsong...what happened?"

Stormsong looked at her Clan, fear filling her eyes. "I'm so sorry...Birdstar is dead."

There was a painful silence in the air, no cat really knew what to say. Pretty much every single cat had known Birdstar has leader for their entire lives, Jaggedtail didn't know what to think of her death. She's all so many of us have ever known.

After the long, painful silence Jumpheart finally spoke. "Cats of LichenClan," His voice was dry with grief. "I've known Birdstar my whole life, and I know most of you have as well. She was an amazing leader, she kept the peace and led with loyalty and conviction, she led LichenClan through an era of peace I know that her memory will be preserved for countless moons. The name Birdstar will never be forgotten."

LichenClan held another long moment of silence for their leader. "Tomorrow I will head out to the Moonstone, and I hope that I can even be half the leader that Birdstar was."

"You will do amazing Jumpheart." Hareclaw spoke up. "You've been leading us for this past moon, and I know that all of LichenClan is behind you."

Jaggedtail and the rest of the LichenClan agreed. Despite losing so much, Jumpheart has kept LichenClan productive, he's kept us busy and strong. Who knows what would've happened without him.

"Jumpheart! Jumpheart! Jumpheart!" The cats cheered their next leader and Jumpheart lowered his head, looking incredibly humble. Change is coming to LichenClan, we are entering a new era of leadership and life. What is going to happen, now that Birdstar is gone? Jaggedtail let out a low sigh. Whatever happens, I know that LichenClan will stay strong. We have to.

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